Monday, April 20, 2009
MOTION: Councillor D. Keating
Chapter 7 - Infrastructure
That South Dublin County Council, in conforming to the Dublin Waste Management plan which calls for one incinerator situated at Poolbeg, must also be cognisant of An Bord Pleanála's decision in relation to the Rathcoole Incinerator which in rejecting it stated:
"Having regard to the approval granted under section 175 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, for the facility at Poolbeg, it is considered that the additional facility as proposed would be in conflict with the integrated approach to waste management for the Dublin region as set out in the said Waste Management Plan and would therefore be contrary to the development plan of the area and to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area"
We submit if the SDCC Country Development plan for 2010-2016 stated that it precluded the provision of incinerators, including incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production, in the 2010-2016 County Development Plan, that this would provide a clarification of the situation and the County's position. It would make it less likely for incinerator companies to ask for planning permission and therefore spare the Council and community groups the massive expense in time, effort, resources and money in addressing inappropriate proposals. This decision would also reflect the unity of feeling among all community and political groups and would be good for South County Dublin, and a most welcome move.
Therefore in brief, we submit that the manager take the following direction from the elected members in relation to the preparation of the next draft development plan for the county so that is states
"No further incinerators or thermal treatment or thermal energy solutions dependent on the burning or combustion of waste be situated in this County and that such facilities such as incinerators with waste recovery and/or energy production be specifically precluded in the County within the 2010-2016 County Development Plan."
In so doing we are particularly mindful of the spiraling increase in job losses throughout the country, the massive cost to the economy of the recent pork dioxin scare and the importance of protecting jobs in our indigenous equine and Agri-food sectors, which are critical employment and revenue sources now, and critical growth areas for our future.
The Waste Management Plan for the Dublin Region is the considered common regional strategy for the four Dublin Local Authorities in dealing with their waste in an ordered, coherent and sustainable fashion. South Dublin County Council has co-operated with and participated in the preparation of the Dublin Waste Management Plan for the collection, treatment, handling and disposal of wastes.
The South Dublin County Development Plan is subsidiary with regard to policies concerning waste in this County. The Dublin Waste Management Plan sets out specific and detailed policies and the Development Plan supports these in accordance with Section 10 (2) (b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000.
The importance of a common integrated approach to dealing with Dublin’s waste was highlighted in the recent An Bord Pleannála decision to refuse permission for a waste to energy facility at Behan’s Quarry Rathcoole. In this decision a fundamental determinant was the objectives of the Dublin Regional Waste Management Strategy.
This motion, if passed, would create a situation that would be contrary to the provisions of the Dublin Waste Management Strategy. It is the Waste Management Strategy that formulates and directs waste management policy and infrastructure in the Dublin Region.
That this motion not be passed.