south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 20, 2009


MOTION: Councillor D. Keating

Chapter 7 - Infrastructure

As a separate motion but complimentary motion to that on precluding incinerators in the County, we also submit the critical importance of enhancing our County's recycling and composting efforts and ensuring that South Dublin does not merely export its waste problem. We therefore submit the following policies be included within the Draft County Development Plan being prepared for South Dublin for the period 2010-2016.

·        No contractual obligation over one year will be entered into by SDCC to provide waste to an incinerator - lest it negatively impact our flexibility to move toward more sustainable waste management.

·        That the new County Development plan should include aggressive incremental targets to ensure that within the life of the plan - that we achieve the target that: No waste generated within the County that is recyclable or compostable will be incinerated in any location.

We note in so doing that the waste management plan currently takes precedence over the County Development Plan - but this is an important policy statement and expresses the wishes of the elected representatives of the County about how we will adapt to the said Waste Management Plan and behave in a sustainable way.  We must find the means and the resources to manage our waste in a cost effective and sustainable way, and charge the county with this target.


The Dublin Waste Management Plan sets out an integrated strategy for dealing with the waste generated in the Dublin Region in an ordered, coherent and sustainable fashion.

The Development Plan does not have role to play in determining the contractual obligations that this Council may enter into. The motion is not appropriate to the Development Plan.

Recycling is a corner stone of this strategy with the Regional Waste Management Plan aiming to deliver a recycling rate of 59% by 2013. Recycling rates in 2003 were 26% and considerable progress has been made since then with municipal waste recycling rates of 40% in 2006. The Dublin Local Authorities have continued to put in place the necessary systems to support improved rates of recycling. However, this does obviate the need for thermal treatment or a new landfill for the Dublin Region.

 The Development Plan supports the continued work of the Waste Management Plan which directs the provision of waste infrastructure and policy.

This motion, if passed, would create a situation that would be contrary to the provisions  of the waste management strategy.  It is the waste management strategy that formulates and directs waste management policy and infrastructure in the Dublin region.


That this motion not be adopted.