south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 20, 2009


MOTION: Councillor T. McDermott

That while it is recognised that the Dublin Mountains Partnership is a welcome initiative regarding the public owned land in the Dublin Mountains, and is progressing an innovative strategic plan for these lands which represent only a small proportion of the upland part of the county, the prime natural asset of the county, this Council directs the Manager to incorporate into the draft development plan strategic recreational management policies and objectives for the balance of the Dublin Mountains area, that compliment, support, and are consistent with the strategic plan of the Dublin Mountains Partnership for the publicly owned lands, and that the draft plan clearly demonstrate a comprehensive and strategic approach to the development and management of all legitimate recreational activities across the entire upland area, arising not only from within this county but also from the entire metropolitan region, consistent with sustainable development, maintaining biodiversity preserving critical environmental areas, and the protection of the amenities of the area, and the interests of other stakeholders in the area.


The current plan includes policies and objectives in relation to recreation in the Dublin Mountains; these include;

Policy LHA 24 Trails, Hiking and Walking Routes of the current County Development Plan states that “it is the policy of the Council to promote the development of regional and local networks of hiking and walking routes and way-marked trails”

It is stated that “Implementation of this policy could involve the development of special interest features such as cultural walks, and long distance hiking trails taking advantage of the Dublin Mountains (e.g. the walk from Saggart to the Dublin Mountains, The Dublin Way, etc.). The Council will co-operate with other relevant agencies, both public and private, and local landowners as appropriate.”

It is an objective of the Council to secure the following improvements in relation to amenity facilities in the County:

It is intended that the Council will continue to co-operate with organisations such as the Dublin Mountain Partnership to maintain the amenity of the Dublin Mountains area.

Manager’s Recommendation:

It is recommended that the Draft County Development plan will include policies that support the work of the Dublin Mountains Partnership including its recreational management policies.