Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 13th January 2009
"To ask the to Manager to ensure the laneways around St.Finbars Close are cleaned as these laneways have had a big rise in night-time dumping in recent weeks?"
"To ask the Manager for a full report on the bring bank at Grange Road taking into consideration all the representations made to council on this issue over the last number of years (a) to state what was the result of the negotiations with the OPW re location of this bank into park (b) noting there is another bring bank in close proximity to this one to report on relocation. (c) I want informed previously that an underground bank would be considered ? could I have an update on this (d) the upkeep/cleansing/upgrade of the site is totally unsatisfactory - the site is covered in broken glass and surface of area a mess (e) noise level is unbearable in adjacent residences.(f) report re provision of CCTV on this site?"
Headed Items
Report on Bottlebank on the Grange Road/Sarah Curran Avenue
Report on Litter Management Plan 2008-2011
Draft Regional Air Quality Management Plan
Draft Climate Change Strategy
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That the Manager remove the grafitti from the turn between Aranleigh Gardens and Aranleigh Court and to address the grafitti and also to address the grafitti on the large ESB box which is completely covered."
"That the Manager outline what work is required to rectify the ongoing problems with sewage experienced by houses in Shelton Drive."
"That this Committee discusses serious concerns re illegal dumping in the Dublin Mountains, and in particular in the Killakee area . That a full report on illegal dumping be made available - outlining how many illegal dumps have been dealt with/ discovered in the last two years, and outline the steps undertaken to eliminate this."
"That the Manager investigate the illegal dumping in the Kilakee Park area of the mountains and specifically with regard to toxic waste potential and possibility of water contamination."
"That the Manager provide a update on the Green bin change over programme in light of a number of complaints that bins have not been collected on the listed days. Can he also outline if it is Council policy to fine Greyhound for litter caused as a result of their failure to collect bins on the right day."
"That this Committee discusses the problem of litter emanating from Shops in the Rathfarnham area and that ALL the shopping centres/local shops/ one of business in the Rathfarnham area be contacted outlining to them their responsibility in having the area adjacent and outside of their premises cleaned up and maintained (b) that an inspection rota be implemented for the shops with a report on same at least three times a year (c) that follow up fines for non-compliance be issued and nos. of same reported to this committee on a bi-annual basis."
"To ask the Manager for an update on the items as agreed re new housing boundary at Grangebrook/Whitechurch?"
Headed Items
Report on housing construction programme
Report on Quarterly Statistics for Anti Social Behaviour
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"That this Committee discusses the affordable housing provision going forward – taking into consideration some units are on offer for sale for less than the affordable rate in some developments; to outline how SDCC proposes to attract uptake on affordable housing."
"To ask the Manager to confirm that the tender process for Templeogue House, due to be carried out in January of this year, is on course and that the works to Templeogue House will be carried out over the next 14 months as outlined in reply to previous questions?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on the Ballyroan Community Centre and Parish Centre Projects?"
Headed Items
Application for Grants - None
Library News Events
(No Business)
(No Business)
(No Business)
"To ask the Manager to ensure that the tree (*details supplied) is pruned as part of the current tree pruning programme?"
"To ask the Manager to have the over hanging trees at the rere of house 93 Ballyroan road trimmed back to stop leaves falling into the garden?
"To ask the Manager when will work commence on the provision of the new wall at Whitecliffe open space -i.e. along Whitechurch Road as agreed. Money has been provided for this work in the 2008 budget?"
"To ask the Manager to provide 4 trees - (requested for the first time 10 years ago) at houses along Firhouse Road address 45 Woodbrook Park and neighbouring houses. This is a main road and cars continuously drive up on the green verge there messing it up - if trees were there it would help in preventing this also. I would appreciate if they could be planted shortly – as the request has been made for such a long time?"
"To ask the Manager when will work restart on the Willington Roundabout?"
Headed Items
Arboricultural Programme 2008-2009
National Tree Week 2009
(No Business)
"That the Manager report to this committee on the discussions it has had with Knocklyon Football club."
"That this Committee discusses the Willbrook Lawn open space area with the aid of a full report on the matter outlining the DATE that this open space will be made available for the residents use. As per e-mail submitted by the Residents Association are not prepared to wait any longer in order to have this space made available to them; and that the work on same proceed immediately."
"That the Manager provide an update on the proposed works which are being carried out on the Orwell roundabout."
"That the Manager outline how Parks are cleaned of dumped items. In particular how some items which are not removed on a first clean seem to remain for many years with no effort to remove them."