Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of minutes of meeting 17th January 2024
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS - Access Improvement and Minor Refurbishment Works at Clondalkin Library.
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests SDCC Libraries work with a group of survivors to put a display on that can move Library to Library that educates , informs and remebers Survivors of Church and State Institutions especially Mother & Mother Institutions , Magadalene Laundry & Industrial Schools
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on Motion 1 from the September 2023 ACM regarding increasing the frequency of the emptying of the bins along the Grand Canal Greenway?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
To ask the Chief Executive for a timeline for the installation and implementation of the items voted in for Saggart in their recent 300K Have You Say?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee agrees to thank the organising committee of Clondalkin's Lá Fheile Bríde festival which took place from the 1st-5th February and also acknowledges the significant funding the event received from SDCC.
This committee congratulates Clondalkin native Graham Coughlan who is manager of English League 2 side, Newport County, on their recent run in the FA Cup which included a high profile match against Manchester United FC.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area committee agrees that the Council should introduce further signage and litter bins along the footpath leading from Monastery Road along Monastery Gate Villas through Knockmitten Park. There is a dearth of bins along here and unfortunately people are disposing of dog fouling bags along the line of bushes instead.
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive would he carry out an urgent assessment of trees at Oak Downs following storm damage by Storm Isha?
To ask the Chief Executive if footpaths can be re-configured and extended at the entrance to the school at Dunawley Ave. There is an issue of car parking forcing students etc to walk on muck etc here.
To ask the Chief executive for an update on development of St Cuthberts Park including a start date for works to take place.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Provision of reflection/mobility benches in Clondalkin
Correspondence(No Business)
That the manager install a pathway on the green at oak downs connecting to pinewoods. So many people cut accross to get to the school and shops and it's a muck fest
That this committee agrees that SDCC should consider installation of metal railings to separate the rear of Greenpark shops and the adjoining green (unfortunately some unscrupulous and lazy drivers have taken to driving across the green as a result of heavy traffic during school collection times).
That this Area Committee agrees that the footpath and car park of Castle Crescent Shops in Clondalkin which is TIC, should be included in the daily street sweeping and litter picking route.
That this Area Committee agrees that the trees of the Nangor Crescent housing estate off the Old Nangor Road in Clondalkin will be pruned asap given the frustration their state is causing residents in this small estate of <15 houses.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the items agreed for funding under the Community Recognition Fund across the Clondalkin LEA?
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive how many homes were allocated by SDCC across the LEA in 2023?
To ask the Chief Executive what the average wait time on the SDCC waiting list the households that were allocated homes across the LEA in 2023 was?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive to explain how planning enforcement decided the newly buily wall at Floraville Lodge meets the subject to the subject to the conditions set out set by Board Order АВР-309497-21 number 13 (The existing stone wal running along the northern boundary of the site adjacent to Monastery Road shall be retained as part the development with the exception of the proposed pedestrian entrance along the site) ? frontage.)
To ask the Chief Executive, in relation to the Rathcoole Woodlands, to show them where the protected habitats are in terms of location and area and say where the protected habitat 91EO alluvial Woodland starts and finishes in Rathcoole and the council to set out and demonstrate what measures the Council have in place for the protection of the protected habitats and what management plans are in place for events such as the recent orienteering event that utilised , protected areas and re-wilded areas and what criteria were applied to ensure protection of the protected habitats was in place before giving approval.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
2nd Public Consultation – Clondalkin pre-draft LAP
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests an update from the Executive on the examination of the location of the Public Carpark for Rathcoole Park, the route for construction traffic access to the Department of Education site adjacent to the Rathcoole Woodlands, and whether the opportunity exists to combine the location of the public carpark with the route for vehicular access to the Department of Education site"
That this Area Committee requests that SDCC actions a preliminary conservation plan regarding Clondalkin's built heritage ie the old walls of Clondalkin, before the final conservation plan becomes part of the LAP. The people of Clondalkin can't afford to lose any more of our heritage and demand immediate action.
That this Area Committee asks the Council in relation to the Rathcoole Woodlands, to show them where the protected habitats are in terms of location and area and say where the protected habitat 91EO alluvial Woodland starts and finishes in Rathcoole and the council to set out and demonstrate what measures the Council have in place for the protection of the protected habitats and what management plans are in place for events such as the recent orienteering event that utilised , protected areas and re-wilded areas and what criteria were applied to ensure protection of the protected habitats was in place before giving approval.
That this Area Committee requests an update on plans to provide a public car park for users of Rathcoole / Saggart People's Park
That this Area Committee asks that the manager outlines what this pole is. Is planning permission required. And how many have been erected in this LEA? correspondance from sdcc noted below . Image attached also for your convenience.
I believe a staff member previously replied to the below but in case it was missed, I believe it's a telecommunications pole and is not related to SDCC traffic.
Please could I ask you for the exact location of the below pole along Fonthill Road (is it easily identifiable from the Clondalkin Primary Health Centre)? Thanks
To ask the Chief Executive when he will apply to TII for funds to carry out the traffic survey-plan for Rathcoole , Newcastle and Saggart as per and to comply with the objective in the County Development plan?
To ask the Chief Executive, to install additional traffic calming at Foresthills approx 100yds from entrance to Football grounds and prior to bend. Unfortunately, traffic speeds out from the grounds and further from estate towards bend. local residents are extremely concerned here.
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Bawnogue Shopping Centre Car Park
Kishoge Special Speed Limit
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests SDCC address the driveway access to (address supplied), lowering kerb and cementing grass verge and to also indicate cost to house owner for this.
That this Area Committee request an update on cycle lanes outside scoil aine rathcoole and also on greenogue road to rathcoole?
That this Area Committee asks the Council to do an emergency assessment of footpaths / roads at Cherrywood Grove, Drive , Lawns , Cresent and Villas Roads and to carry out any emergency work while detailing a long term plan to fully repair.
That this Area Committee agrees to ask the manager, to organise a working group meeting for SDCC, Councillors, TII and Gardai to discuss proposals for changes in the road configuration and junction at N7 and Booth Road as soon as possible and practical.
this committee agrees that SDCC should put in train a process to take in charge the public area outside of Sacred Heart School Sruleen (this covers the area from Greenpark Shops as far as junction with St Johns Park East [but should exclude St Johns Gate] ).