Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of minutes of meeting 15th November 2023
To ask the manager if he can confirm that the proposed community centre facility envisaged in the Kilcarberry Grange/Corkagh Grange area will be a shared community space serving the whole community.
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Response to M80429 October 23 ACM
That this Area Committee requests that South Dublin County Council give a progress report on the old swimming pool beside Clondalkin Leisure centre and bring it to area meeting for disscussion.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the housing development between Ashwood and the canal in relation to access for the residents of Ashwood and alpine who use the canal slipway that is now blocked off?
To ask the Chief Executive if there is any role for SDCC in addressing the anti social behaviour that has been leading to the curtailment of the #13 bus route through Bawnogue recently?
To ask the Chief Executive how tenants of social housing benefit from electricity generating solar panels that are installed on their homes?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Delivery Report
Quarterly Report on Anti-Social Behaviour
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee Requests SDCC to work and liase with contractors on Council housing sites to ensure regular road cleaning and removal of dangerous stones/nails from the roads around the site and also to provide contact details for each site and contact for Council Liason person
That this Area Committee requests an update report for discussion on progress made in the provision of a Homeless Hostel-service in the Clondalkin area for discussion by this area committee
This committee agrees that SDCC should examine the extent and cause of water pooling in gardens of tenants of Corkagh Grange and offer a solution to the problem that exists here.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive for a status update on the N7 Pedestrian Footbridge at Tay Lane Rathcoole, Co Dublin.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a timeline for the commencement of work on refreshing the road markings on Slade Road. It has been agreed by the Traffic Team that this work needs to be done.
Headed Items
Section 38 Report on traffic calming for R136 Grange Castle Road at Kishoge
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Response to M80504 October 23 ACM
That the manager tackle the issue of cars parking in Forest Hills, Rathcoole. It is impeding the need for potential ambulances to get in and out of the estate at the turn in, just opposite Rathcoole Boys FC.
That this committee agrees that SDCC should immediately replace traffic calming ramps on Willow Ave as repairs carried out here have failed to address the dangerous nature of the existing damaged ramps. (we ask if there is a design or material failure occurring here).
That this committee agrees that the road directional sign which has been lying on the ground in Laurel Park, Clondalkin for months, will be repaired post haste.
This committee agrees that a number of Sheffield Stand bicycle and scooter racks will be installed beside the pathways along the Camac River and Mill Pond in Clondalkin Park to allow those playing and watching Gaelic Games and soccer there to park.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the manager if consideration has been given to a possible location for the siting of an Arts and Crafts/ Innovation centre to be situated in the central Clondalkin area?
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee agree to investigate the possibility of establishing a small Civic Theatre in Clondalkin in or around the Civic offices?
Economic Development
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests that South Dublin County Council investigate the usage of the Civic Office in Clondalkin as a performance / Art display venue for the Clondalkin area as the customer service desks are now closed. We ask the report to include what services are now based in the main area of the Civic Office in Clondalkin.
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister for Justice and the Repatriation Division of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service to review the latest Deportation order on Kenneth Mtetwa and Simangele Sibindi as a matter of urgency. They play an active part in the Clondalkin Community, their involvement includes Clondalkin Tidy Towns where besides regular clean ups, Mr Mtetwa is also on the Clondalkin Tidy Towns Committee and he is also the Chairperson of the Clondalkin Global Garden, they both would be a loss to our Community. We commit to writing to the Minister of Justice and the Repatriation Division of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service.
That this Area Committee congratulates Mary Dardis on becoming President of the Clondalkin Round Tower GAA - we acknowledge this Huge achievement also as the first ever Female President.
This committee agrees to write to the minister for the Department of Children, Equality, Disability and Youth to outline the shortage of youth and community services on the ground in the south west Clondalkin area and calls for a substantial investment programme be introduced to fill the gap in services here.
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive For an update on the replacement of a tree at St Brigids Well, when is this likely to happen and what type of tree is proposed? Also to ask that the local Lá Fhéile Bríde Committe would be invited to the tree planting due to the importance of the site.
To ask the manager if he can offer a timeline for the beginning of construction of the All-weather Astro pitch planned for Knockmitten.
To ask the Chief Executive if he will consider setting up a dedicated email address for the public to report graffiti such as graffiti@sdublincoco.ie ?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
That this committee requests the footpath leading from Michael Collins to Clonburris National School are prioritised for repair.
To ask the Chief Executive Could the CEO of SDCC arrange for the cleanup of the stagnant and dirty water at St Brigid's Well, Boot Road, Clondalkin, as a matter of urgency and to ensure that the work would be completed before 1st February 2024, the feast day of St Brigid.
this committee agrees that SDCC should bring forward plans to improve the aesthetics of the park area at Castle park (Watery Lane/Woodford Walk) and to create a more accessible and inviting amenity for the area.
To ask the manager if SDCC can ascertain if the SUDS system installed at Corkagh Grange is operating as per design.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Response to M80743 November 23 ACM
This committee agrees that the Allium flower beds installed over recent years in parks e.g. in Knockmitten look fantastic when in bloom and request the manager report on if there are plans to create more?