Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of June 2023 ACM
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive for an update and projected completion date for the Grand Canal extension to Hazelhatch.
This Committee asks the CE to report on how many or percentage of Small to Medium Enterprises in the Lucan area, and to include Adamstown as a separate report.
To ask the CE if the Council are aware of what types of businesses are taking up the units in the Crossings. To advise if any local businesses have sought these units, or if it's mainly chain stores/franchises etc.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That the Chief Executive writes to the Chief Executive of Fingal County Council to invite her to engage in a meaningful dialogue to bring the Silver Bridge into use, given the excellent conservation work that has been undertaken on that structure.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the introduction of additional opening hours in libraries in Palmerstown, Lucan and North Clondalkin.
To compliment the Library Staff for the wonderful range of services provided in the Palmerstown Digital Hub and to enquire when the opening hours can be extended for this vital community service?
To ask the CE what was the publics reaction to the newly installed 3D printer in Lucan library, to ask what costs were involved and if this will be rolled out in other areas?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
Correspondence from May 2023 LPNC ACM - item 78924 & 79187
Replies received from HSE Primary Care Team in relation to Emergency Department and GP appointments & An Garda Síochána in relation to red lights at The Oval
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Manager when the installation of a roof on Waterstown House will take place, given funding has been allocated for same and in June 2023 work was being progressed to secure a contractor?
To ask the Manager to please provide a thorough clean up on the laneway and roadsides outside Glenvale Estate in Lucan which has become somewhat overgrown and unkempt?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update regarding the agreement for removal of cut grass from paths/footpaths in North Clondalkin?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update (in tabular form) on the implementation of the 2023-2025 Tree Maintenance Programme for Lucan, Palmerstown and North Clondalkin, detailing estates where works have been completed, where works are underway and when works are due to be completed where they have not commenced yet, and to identify those estates where tree maintenance works have not taken place in the past 20 years.
Can Esker FC be given an update re surfacing of the car park and assurances as per agreement that they will be included for electric gates.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
That this committee requests that the CE introduces outdoor chess/checkers tables into either Griffeen or new parks in Adamstown or both. See sample photos attached. Chess pieces can be held in local coffee dock /shops and location should be considered as to whether in shaded area, sunshine area, or both.
That this Committee supports and calls on the Manager to agree to schedule playground resurfacing and upgrades to the existing playground in Castlegate Park in Adamstown.
That the Chief Executive urgently replaces the surface of the playground at Castlegate Park and allocates funding in the upcoming budget for a proper upgrade of this area given that it has been many years since previous improvement works were carried out.
That the Chief Executive would bring the footpath on the Moy Glas side of Griffeen Avenue (between Lucan East Educate Together and the bottle banks opposite Elm) back into public use by addressing the large amount of overgrowth on the footpath.
To ask the Manager responsible for a report on the maintenance of the laneways in Palmerstown and to include in the report what action has been taken in relation to Japanese Knotweed on some of these lanes (as previously reported by this Councillor) and to make a statement.
To ask the CEO to give an update on the funding ring fenced in the Budget for 2023 for the building of a columbarium in Esker Cemetery and when he expects works to take place
This Committee requests that the CE provides details on how both departments work to ensure that all pathways/cycle lanes are maintain and kept free of overgrown hedges as it's evident the upkeep of these areas are not sufficient to ensure proper use of our path/cycle lanes. Also, it is asked that a detailed maintenance programme is prepared for a yearly upkeep of the footpath/cycle lanes. To look at removing the wildlife act restrictions from the day-to-day maintenance of the hedges etc as this is often cited in members rep replies. Please find attached one of number of members rep I've sent in. I am inundated with requests to cut back hedges/trees. We have one department promoting walking, cycling, public transport etc as part of the active travel policy and another department responsible for hedge trimming.
To ask the manager to give an undertaking to explore the possibility of including Palmerstown as a part of the countywide All-Weather Pitch Strategy.
That the Council clarifies its policy on the clearing of footpaths and cycleways blocked by vegetation and explains why it appears to have done nothing for months in areas such as Lucan with the public realm access routes being blocked off to walkers, cyclists, buggies and wheelchairs for weeks on end, forcing cyclists/pedestrians into each others' paths or onto verges or roads, because, notwithstanding the moratorium on some clearances due to the nesting season, there are circumstances which allow action on public safety grounds and documented evidence shows that some areas reported in July had not been done by mid September.
To ask the Manager to outline what supports South Dublin County Council have offered to date, to assist the staff and volunteers of the Clondalkin Equine Club, in helping to keep the facility in operation, since difficulties were first highlighted and that threatened to bring about the possible closure of the club?
This Committee requests the CE to make arrangements in removing the bottle bank from Moy Glas given the continued/constant illegal dumping at this location. See attached recent dumping.
This Committee asks the CE for a report of community cleanups to date in the Lucan area?
To ask the CEO for an update regarding Airlie Park and the need for schools in Adamstown to gain access to pitches during school hours.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This Committee requests the CE to make arrangements in removing the bottle bank from Moy Glas given the continued/constant illegal dumping at this location. See attached recent dumping.
This Committee requests the CE to carry out an air pollution study in the Lucan, Palmerstown North Clondalkin areas. To also ask if an air pollution study has ever been carried out and to make a statement on the matter?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report from the Vacant Homes officers to the number of homes identified as vacant in Lucan, Palmerstown and North Clondalkin and the actions being taken to bring them back into use.
To ask the Manager when can local councillors expect to see the final development design published in relation the proposed 6 unit age-friendly development in Sarsfield Park, Lucan?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the proposed right size apartments on the Old Lucan Road Palmerstown and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask CE for a break down of the housing types/residence such as private, renting, affordability schemes, AHB, council etc in the Adamstown Housing?
Headed Items
Quarterly Housing Report
Quarterly Report on Anti Social Behaviour
Balgaddy Housing Quarterly Update
Correspondence (No Business)
That the Manager explore suitably safe, eco-friendly and durable planter boxes for the green space area in Balgaddy, to replace the unsustainable 'tin-like' material used in this regard as part of last year's 'Better Block' community initiative - furthermore this committee now agrees to upscale and broaden this as a project involving local residents of the community.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
Lucan Pool Hoist
Correspondence (No Business)
Following previous agreed motions this committee seeks support to introduce community gardens into the Adamstown area. The current fire station site is up for amendment and locals have requested that if it's requested that this land be available to the community for garden projects.
To ask the Chief Executive if he will reinstate the earlier line marking at the entrance to Foxborough Hall that restricts one vehicle width parking either side of the junction as the measures put in place following my raising of this matter in 2021 have now been removed following the resurfacing and repainting of this area and residents now find it again dangerous to try and exit from this location as the view to the road is often completely blocked by parked cars and especially by vans (as per documents attached); and if a statement can be made on the matter.
To ask the Chief Executive to install a number of "ducks crossing" at suitable locations in Lucan village, before the breeding season, including at new requested pedestrian crossing areas, given the large number of relatively tame ducks living in this area historically, and the safety issues facing ducks crossing with ducklings every year, especially in light of a number of reported incidences of ducks being killed by drivers locally, who then carelessly drove away, and also a recent incident abroad where a man lost his life helping ducks to cross the road. There is precedent in other Councils in Ireland and such signs are widespread in the UK?
To ask the Manager to explain why the kerbside at the junction of Glenmaroon Road and Glenmaroon Park has not yet been dished following a mistake which raised the kerbside in 2020. The following reps were made by Cllr Alan Hayes and can be viewed by the Manager as evidence that this work is long overdue and is preventing many from crossing at this point. 01/12/20: Rep 1597557 14/06/21: Rep 1649536 09/02/22: Rep 1707240.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on issues raised previously regarding anti social behaviour and commitments around additional lighting at the lane beside the ESB substation on Oakcourt Avenue in Palmerstown?
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a progress update of the 2023 Roads, Footpaths and Cycle Tracks Programme for Lucan, Palmerstown & North Clondalkin (including areas where direct labour crews were committed (eg the 'ramp road' in Ronanstown) outlining where works have been completed, where works are underway and when works are due to be completed which have not been started yet.
To ask the Chief Executive how many fines have been issued for breach of the 7.5T restriction on Kennelsfort Road January to July this year.
To ask the CEO to examine the paths and road from 38 to 78 St. Finian's Avenue where there are Council age friendly houses, and cul-de sacs, to see if it might be feasible to improve the surfaces of the road/footpath, to make them more age friendly and assessible for wheelchair users or those with rollators etc., for e.g. with shared surfaces or lowered kerbs, and to make a statement on the matter.
Headed Items
Kishogue Station – S 38 works at Kishogue Station and resulting proposed new Special Speed Limit on R136
New Works (No Business)
Declaration of Public Roads, Taking In Charge of a Housing Estate Under Section 180 of the Planning & Development Act 2000
ADDRESS: Palmville Close, Lucan, Co. Dublin.
Dodsboro District Centre Enhancement Scheme
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
To call on the Manager to examine branches blocking traffic lights and road signage around the Lucan Area.
That the CEO provide an update on Council plans to repair the wall on the Old Rectory side of the R109 (see map and photo attached). This was damaged as a result of a road traffic collision in October 2022. What steps will the Council take to repair this wall, have investigations been carried out and an assessment of safety and the works needed in terms of the type of wall, and if he will give a statement on the matter.
That the manager now extends the yellow junction box in line with the path on either side at the entrance to Sarsfield Park, Lucan (continuously highlighted by residents) and raised on 20/10/21 and subsequently agreed at Traffic Management meeting in Nov 2022 (Members Rep ID - 1679354).
This Committee request the CE to support the Lucan Festival by way of switching on the Christmas tree lights in Lucan Village. It's appreciated that a recent discussion took place on this matter, however given new members have joined the Lucan Festival committee and some we're unaware of this situation they are looking to get help on this for the year 2023 until they have time to prepare a plan around the provision of Christmas lights.
That SDCC urgently reinstate the dished kerbside at the western corner of the junction of Glenmaroon Road and Glenmaroon Park following works in the area in 2020 that removed the dished kerb and instead created a high step preventing many people from crossing at this location. The following reps were made by Cllr Alan Hayes and can be viewed by the Manager as evidence that this work is long overdue. 01/12/20: Rep 1597557 14/06/21: Rep 1649536 09/02/22: Rep 1707240.
Can the Yellow Boxes at a} junction of Whitethorn/Cloverhill Rd; b) Palmerstown Manor/Kennelsfort Road; c) Palmerstown Court/Kennelsfort Road and Oak Court/Kennelsfort Road be restored.
That the Chief Executive, mindful of the sterling efforts of Lucan Tidy Towns and conscious of the focus of the Tidy Towns work on the Lucan village area, consults with Lucan Tidy Towns during the detailed design phase of the Lucan village works.
To see an update from the Manager on the Lucan Village Green upgrade.
Council policy in placing ramps states that they have to be placed kerb to kerb under public lighting, therefore this committee agrees to cut back the tree outside 7 Greenfort Avenue, that is blocking the public lighting (see photo attached) and further agrees to place a ramp at this location as requested by residents.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)