Headed Items
Confirm and re-affirmation of minutes of meeting
Economic Development
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This area committee notes with disappointment that despite motions being passed that the bins along the Greenway of the Grand Canal in Clondalkin would be emptied more often than once a week, this has not yet been implemented. This committee agrees that the matter should be addressed post haste.
that this committee agrees that SDCC should agree to a request from Clondalkin Tus Nua for the provision of additional land adjacent to the current facility at Nangor Rd to facilitate the expansion and consolidation of their current services on a single site.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief executive for a Detailed report that gives on an update on 2 public art projects at Woodford and Ninth Lock / New Nangor Rd.?
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Committee requests SDCC libraries meet with Rathcoole artist Leo Clancy with the aim to display his art and in particular his art to highlight the Ukranian War
Corporate Support
To ask the manager to ascertain who is responsible for the verge adjacent to hoarding along Nangor rd from Ninth Lock Rd up to Mill Park, and for those responsible to maintain this for access to pedestrians here as the growth of shrubs are a danger to both pedestrians and passing traffic.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee condemns the aggressive design of the railings which have been erected on the boundary of the newly constructed Clondalkin Lodge Nursing Home on Convent Road in Clondalkin and agrees to write to the owner asking for a more welcoming design.
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed report that provides an update on how SDCC will prevent further deterioration of Protected Structure Mount St. Joseph cemetery. Headstones due to be repaired in 2023.When will new signage be selected and erected.? And will Clondalkin Tidy Towns be consulted on same?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
That this Area Committee request that the manager prunes the trees at cappaghmore on the green around the houses.
That the manager install lights at the back of boomers pub - dirty needles have been found, men urinating, drinking in broad day light, amongst other asb issues at woodford green at the back of Boomers Pub
This committee agrees to improve the Rose Garden at Rathcoole Park which has been neglected.
This committee agrees to outline to residents its role with respect to windfall crab apple and crab pears that cover footpaths and roads in the autumn and can thus cause a nuisance.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Delivery Report
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the manager what community facilities are to be provided to facilitate community based activities within the area of Corkagh Grange and the wider Kilcarberry Grange area and to outline a time frame for the construction of any premises to be provided?
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This committee agrees to install sports equipment 'Box Up' lending facilities in both Corkagh Park and Rathcoole Park such as are being installed in DLR. More information here : https://www.fm104.ie/news/fm104-news/sporting-equipment-will-be-available-free-of-charge-in-dublin-parks/
To ask the Chief executive For an update on the traffic survey and plan for Saggart, Newcastle and Rathcoole that was included in the County Development plan?
To ask the manager for a report on discussions and deliberations with TII regarding the possible changes to the lane changes and approaches at the junction of N7/Boot Rd/Newlands Cross and to indicate if and when councillors have engage in the process here.
To ask the manager if it is legal to park an RV on a public road?
To ask the Chief Executive if the Active Travel School Programme for Clondalkin will continue with Scoil Talbot which was the second choice agreed by members after Gaelscoil Chluain Dolcáin?
To ask the Chief Executive what the impediment to banning trucks from Newcastle Village is?
Headed Items
"Kishogue Station – S 38 works at Kishogue Station and resulting proposed new Special Speed Limit on R136”
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Bawnogue Shopping Centre Carpark – Proposed TIC
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee requests that a costing report is brought to this committee for a Footpath to Millbrook Nursing Home in Saggart that was included in County Development plan and request this is included in the upcoming budget by the Chief Executive
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee requests that funding is included in the upcoming SDCC budget for a pedestrian crossing at peamount road ( a pedestrian crossing on the Peamount Road as you enter Newcastle. Somewhere between the Glebe and the T junction at Annie Mays.) the Senior Executive Engineer has indicated a signal controlled crossing will be installed in this area once funding and resources allow.
That this committee ask the Chief Executive to investigate the walkway at the back of Grangeview Clondalkin which is used by locals to gain access to footpath, to bus stop, canal walk, main road and to access Grangecastle Business Park. It's not a proper walkway and has become a littering black spot for household rubbish. Could a pathway be established here? Cllr Ken Egan
That this Area Committee request a pedestrian crossing on the Peamount Road as you enter Newcastle. Somewhere between the Glebe and the T junction at Annie Mays.
That this Area Committee agrees that following a request from St Patricks Residents Association, SDCC should install more appropriate measures to counteract the use of scrambler motorbikes at the juncture of St Patricks and Oakwood Est.
That this Area Committee calls on the council for a progress report from the Manager on the completion of Peyton Estate in Rathcoole and clarification on whether or not it is due to be taken in charge by SDCC.
That this Area Committee calls on the council to create and implement a Traffic Management Plan to deal with the increased level of traffic on Stoney Hill Road, Rathcoole Hill Road Coolmine, Kilteel Road, Redcap and the surrounding area.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on Planning Enforcement Case *details provided*?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Local area committee acknowledges the public anger at planning decisions made by SDCC and An Bord Pleanála in relation to our historic cultural and heritage Village , examples being of Clondalkin Convent Nursing home , the wall at Floraville Cottage , the removal of a major part of the wall on the boot road etc and while noting that councillors have no role in these decisions , we ask the SDCC planners to liase with Councillors who where democratically elected to represent there constituent's We ask for a comment report to be brought to this committee for Discussion
this area committee agrees that SDCC should insist that the old stone wall that indicates the boundary line of the old Naas Rd (now Green Isle Road) should be reinstated and repaired as part of any development on the site here.
That this Area Committee agrees to the potential inclusion of a 10 Pin Bowing Ally in the large Clonburris development.