Headed Items
Minutes of Meeting held on the 27th June
Economic Development
"To ask the CEO to present an update on the progress of plans for the development of the proposed Tallaght Heritage Centre at Civic Headquarters; may we have details of consultations in the matter and may we have a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm actions being taken to improve the whole image of Cookstown Industrial Estate to allow job creation initiatives to progress and may we have a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
The discussion around a Heritage Centre in Tallaght brought renewed focus to the old ESSO site in Tallaght Village. While not suitable for that project Council still regard this as a strategically important site and one which should be in public ownership and control. Council calls on management to investigate further the purchasing of this site, the options open to fund such a purchase and to report back to Council or OP&F regarding same.
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the manager how many car parking issues (complaints) have been received in Tallaght via Customer Care and Members Reps?"
"To ask the CEO to refer to the announcement of the Tallaght Central "Have Your Say" and to now confirm actions being taken on each of the projects and may we have a detailed statement?"
"To ask the CEO to present an update on the works being undertaken on the 2023/2024 voting register for Tallaght Central and Tallaght South; will he confirm if any discussions have taken place in respect of how the voting registers are developed and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
"Can the manager please have the shores on the road inspected at Glas Beag Killinarden as some of them Have been damaged and this is causing a health and safety issue?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"In view of the fact that some Public Realm crews are now using strimmers, could the Manager arrange for the following areas to be cleared of overgrowth along stub walls and around utility boxes, lampposts, trees and verges. The stub wall along Avonmore Road, the inside of the stub wall at Firhouse Road West around Aylesbury Park, the utility boxes, railings on Heatherview Road and around the trees and lampposts on Church Grove?"
"After the countless motions that were agreed by this area committee and after a commitment was given by the Manager that goal posts would be installed during the summer in Deselby estate. Can the Manager explain why this did not happen?"
"Can the manager have the wooden fence removed at Killinarden Way opposite Sacred Heart school as the fence is rotten and falling apart?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
Following on from a report in the Echo newspaper of the 4th of August regarding the IBAL report and overflowing litter bins, this Area Committee calls on the Manager to ensure that the Public Realm area around the County Library, Rua Red, the LUAS terminus and the Civic theatre is cleaned daily, all litter bins emptied and that any broken flower boxes in this area are repaired and replanted.
"Earlier in the year we had incidences of Anti Social behaviour in Sean Walshe Park as the evenings is getting darker I can the of sensitive lighting within the park be examined and options that don't impact natural habitats be explored?"
"This area committee calls on the Chief executive to cut back the bushes in front of Killinarden Estate that are being used for drug taking and other anti-social behavior and is causing real issues for the residents?"
"That this council agrees to the installation of additional benches and bins in Watergate Park?"
"That consideration is given to the installation of a Teen Space in Watergate Park?"
"To ask the CEO to report on actions to improve the facilities at Tallaght Fire Station and will he give assurances that all necessary equipment is being provided to deal with all emergencies especially in relation to the challange of high rise buildings and may we have a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the manager how many council houses were surrendered back to SDCC in Tallaght Central and Tallaght South due to antisocial behaviour etc For 2018 / 2019 / 2020 /2021 / 2022 ytd Can surrender by family members due to death of person on tenancy be omitted?"
"To ask the Manager what is the delay of vacant house turn around. I note a considerable amount of houses in the Tallaght area that are well over a year empty. Considering the shortage of housing, this raises concerns that so many are lying idle?"
"How many houses are derelict in mcullium housing Estate?"
"To ask the CEO to update members on works which have commenced on the Housing Development at Brady's Field on Old Bawn Road Tallaght including confirmation of the schedule being followed and in reporting will he detail actions in respect of concerns and proposals made by the community and Tymon Bawn Football Club and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm actions he is now taking in respect of the Cluid Housing projects at Fernwood Green and Maplewood Heights in Springfield Estate; will he appreciate the deep concern of the local community and the disappointment of those who hoped to be accommodated in the developments; will he give full details of his options and make a statement?"
"Can the manager report on how many vacant house in the Tallaght area and report on what is the turn around on having house ready for family to live in?"
Headed Items
Anti-Social Quarterly Statistics 2022
Housing Supply Quarterly Report 2022
Housing Allocations Quarterly Report 2022
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls on the Manager to ensure that maintenance requests for repairs of heating boilers, in Older Persons homes in Tallaght, are carried out within a 48 hour period of the request and that in cases where a replacement boiler is required, that this work be carried out within three working days and to request that staff inform the customers of the Contractors contact details to enable them to track repair progress?"
"This TAC calls on a representative from Oaklee housing to come before the council and answer questions in relation to the closure of the block of apartments under there management in mac ulliam?"
"To ask the council if Ann update can be provided on where we currently are in relation to a new community centre facility in Citywest?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the manager to name the housing estates in Tallaght are in the process of being taken in charge by SDCC?"
"That the Manager makes a report to this Area Committee regarding the upgrade of Castletymon Shopping Centre and confirm if all the business owners have agreed to participate fully in the Project? Will the Manager also gave an indication of a completion date for the entire upgrade, include any public artworks involved as part of the Project?"
"To ask the CEO will he now confirm when the long promised "Welcome to Tallaght" signs at all the entry points to our County Town; will he detail progress being made and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO if he has given any further consideration to the concerns of local residents in respect of speeding on Maplewood Road; will he detail responses to previous proposals made by residents and make a statement?"
"Can the manager consider parking bays along the whitestown way road to allow for parking for events at Tallaght stadium as cars are being parked on grass verges along the road when matches are on?"
Headed Items
Castletymon Road Active Travel Scheme
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls for the removal of the ESB Substation box, located at the junction of St Aongus Road and Tymon North Park and to relocate the services underground or to a location away from the residential area, to remediate the impact of the adverse visual impact and removing an anti-social blackspot?"
"This Area committee calls on the Chief Executive to liaise with all relevant Developers/Property management companies for the purpose of dealing with the parking issue in Citywest due to lack of parking in apartment blocks. Residents from the apartments in front of Edenbrook are parking cars on pavements, in front of houses, at junctions of the road blocking the road access for the Edenbrook residents. This is creating a dangerous situation on the corner junctions of the estate where oncoming vehicles have very limited space in most situations. Cars are being parked in the pathway/junctions and in front of the houses, obstructing the vehicle movements for residents, wheelchair access as well as blocking the visibility of oncoming vehicles for children playing in the estate. This issue was foreseen and is becoming a safety concern. A detailed plan needs to be implemented and action taken before an accident happens?"
Can management update on the current direction from Government regarding Strategic Housing Development applications? Numerous large scale SHD's continue to be presented at Area Committee Meetings despite the indications from Government that this form of planning application was to cease. Regards and thanks Cllr Kieran Mahon
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)