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Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 28th February 2022.
Corporate Support
"Can the Manager inform the Area Committee as to progress regarding the street renaming for the Brookmount estate, as previuosly requested by the Area Committee?"
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That this committee invites the Childhood Development Initiative to speak on their work, including the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
Performance & Change Management
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"To ask the CEO for an update on the use of the Old Bawn Pavilion at Dodder Valley Park; will he detail contacts with local groups to ensure wide utilisation of the facility and will he make a statement?"
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"That this Committee calls on the Manager to provide a report on the four Derelict Houses in Old St Maelruains Park adjacent to Mountain Park, to include what measures if any have been carried out to deem these long vacant properties 'Officially' Derelict as defined under the Derelict Sites Act and what actions are being taken to deal with same?"
Water & Drainage
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Public Realm
"Following on from the last Tallaght Area Committee meeting can we get an update on outcomes of meeting between Garda & SDCC regarding Sean Walsh Park?"
"Will the Manager outline to this Area Committee the scope of the Park Ranger service in parks in the Tallaght area. Will the manager detail the number of visits by Park Rangers on a daily basis, including weekends, to each designated Park in the Tallaght and if there are any plans to put a permanent service in each designated Park?"
"To ask the Manager for a date for installation of the goal posts that was agreed in November 2021 by this Area Committee? Item Number: 72561 Councillor L. Dunne Tallaght Area Committee 22nd November 2021 Tallaght Area Committee Meeting Motions 11/10/2021 This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install goal posts on the green space between De Selby Cresent & De Selby Park?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for all necessary works to be carried out to reclaim the footpath from the overgrown grass that leads from Whitebrook Estate to Cookstown Rd/Outer Ring Rd to ensure residents particularly elderly ones and those with buggies can use this essential link to the bus stop and other amenities?"
"Please see attached images of the green area between Homelawn, and The View Millbrook Lawns in Tallaght. Previous initiatives to have this used for allotments were unsuccessful as there was not a local group willing to take ongoing control of the project. The area also contains services and access is required. However the area is in a bad state of disrepair. There is evidence here of use by scramblers and other vehicles. The area is clearly underutilised as an access link between the local estates and, potentially, to Dodder Valley Park. Would management consider this area as suitable for some work, such as a path, to encourage increased positive use such as active travel, and/or ecological improvement such as suitable planting or pollinators? It seems basic steps here would make a considerable difference in the short term?"
"To ask the CEO to report on actions taken and proposed in respect of anti social behavior and crime in Sean Walsh Park; will he appreciate the need to have the Park safe for the community and in reporting will he also update members on plans for new developments in Sean Walsh Park and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the chief executive about a confirmation for the planting of trees at Fortunestown Way (Tallaght Leisure to Lidl) and when it is scheduled to happen?"
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"That this Area Committee calls on the Manager to give details of hedge cutting and ground clearance works, recently carried out in Tymon Park. Will he inform this Committee if there are any plans to prepare for a running track or cross country route on the cleared ground and if he will comment on the level of damage that was caused by heavy machinery to the grassed areas beside the pathways in the Park, as recorded by photographs from members of the public?"
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to provide an update and detailed timeframe for the upgrading of Killinarden Park with a particular emphasis on the commencement dates for securing the boundary to the Park taking into account the ongoing and unacceptable incursions into the Park by unauthorised vehicles that regularly result in Croí Ró Naoifa's playing pitches being destroyed and left unplayable as well as the danger being caused to the general public and park users".
"To ask the manager how many people are currently on the housing list from Tallaght Area broken down by 0- 5 years 6-10 years and 10+?"
To ask the Manager for a timeline for the Part 8 proposal for the site adjoining Brookfield Enterprise Centre and Rossfield shop? When does he foresee this going out for Public Consultation?
"To ask the Manager what is the current turn around for voids in Tallaght Area?"
"How many council property's in the Tallaght area are boarded up/not in use?"
"What is the councils protocol when a family have to leave a property for circumstances out of their control eg vandalism, fear, violence?"
"To ask the Manager, to arrange for the removal of the approximately 15 extremely large Trees in the rear Garden (Council Owned - Details supplied) to be removed as agreed when inspected a number of years ago. This is a matter of serious Health and safety to this property and surrounding properties in particular ( Details supplied) where large cracks throughout their wall from the Trees roots have resulted in capping stones falling off causing an obvious risk to both properties and Families. This is my third time raising this at this Committee and I respectfully ask that the appropriate works are carried out without delay before more damage is caused or someone is seriously hurt as a result of lack of action from the Council?"
Can the manager report how many people are currently on the housing list with SDCC also the current waiting time to be housed?
"Can the manager report on the current numbers of homeless families living in hotels in the tallaght area?"
Headed Items
"To ask the CEO to present an update on plans for the long promised Community Centre at Citywest?"
"To ask the CEO if he can report on any progress in dealing with the situation at the Jobstown Swimming Pool;will he confirm any contacts he has had with pool users in the matter and will he make a statement?"
"Can the manager repot on what financial support the council is offering to community centers with the cost of electricity and gas on the increase. Can the manger report if emergency funds can be made available to assist With the current increase?"
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"This Area Committee calls on the Manager to provide details of the Councils participation in Community Centres in the Tallaght Area. Will the Manager outline if there is Council representation on the Boards of all the Centres in Tallaght and given recent retirements, are there enough designated Community Officers to cover assignments to each Community Centre in Tallaght. Will the Manager comment on what proposals are in place to assist Community Centre Boards with Governance training and recruitment of new Board members?"
"Can the Manager give make a report to this Area Committee outlining the timeline for works on the Public Lighting in St Aongus, Tymon and Tymonville Estates to upgraded to LED?"
"Following on from continued vandalism and removal by anti social elements of the directional plastic batons, located on the traffic island at the Junction of Tymon North Park/Road, would the Manager agree to considering the erection of a metal pole with directional arrow signage on top, to prevent the repeated cost of replacement of the plastic batons?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for the dishing of the footpath at entrance to 155 St Maelruains Park (Details supplied) as this property was the only one not dished when crews were carrying out these works in 2020 and its entrance is identical to all of the others on the Road?"
"Can the Council update on any plans for upcoming work on the Seskin View and Avonmore Roads? This question flows from requests to the NTA for the provision of proper bus shelters for public transport users. The NTA indicated that there are plans for works in the area?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm plans to deal with concerns regarding traffic management issues at St Mark's Community School; will he detail proposals in that regard and make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to refer to decisions made last year in respect of Traffic Bye Laws and to examine the situation at Cookstown Way where the provision of meter parking six days a week, opposite the Luas line, has resulted in less vehicles availing of the spaces and seeking (free) parking in Springfield and other estates; will he appreciate the difficulties this has created and make a statement?"
"To ask the chief executive about the possibility for the installation of ramps at De Selby Court and De Selby Lawns where there have been multiple complaints of speeding cars approaching from the main roundabout in the estate. This has been a regular complaint from residents in the estate for the past year?"
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Could a full public realm and design review be carried out in Main Street, Main RD, Old & New Greenhills, Old Blessington Road, High Street and the Old Bawn Road in Tallaght Village to assess Potential Visual & Layout improvements to the public realm to create a clear, high quality designed area for the traditional village. Street furniture audit - there are multiple and clashing street lights, bins and bollards accross the village area and it detracts from the village identity
"That this Committee calls on the Manager to arrange for the inspection of the footpath from the Bus stop on the N81 immediately prior to the turn in towards the entrance to Killinarden Estate with a view to the removal of the thorn bushes protruding through the railings of Whitestown Business park forcing people towards large and deep puddles when wet and further into the mucky edges of the grass verge. That this inspection further result in the widening and resurfacing of this footpath particularly for struggling elderly residents and those with prams and buggies"
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Economic Development
"To ask the CEO to confirm when work will now commence on the new Stand at Tallaght Stadium and will he present an update in the matter?"
"Can the manger report on vacant land beside killinarden enterprise park of what plans council have for this land?"
"That the chief executive outlines what rules exist for the placement of ads for gambling on the grounds of Tallaght Stadium, both inside and outside?"
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Libraries & Arts
"To ask the CEO to present an update on plans for a Library in Citywest; will he detail contacts he has had in the matter and will he make a statement?"
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Library News & Events