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Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 20th December, 2021.
That this Area Committee calls on the Manager to replace the flexible, yellow and black plastic traffic island signage, as mounted on the traffic island at the junction of Tymon North Park and Tymon North Road, with a robust metal poles and metal signage mounted on top of the poles. The flexible signage has been vandalised and thrown away by some local youths and their visiting friends from outside the area, from the day the signs were first installed, leaving the island devoid of signage, which is a danger to road users at night and had to be replaced on several occasions. These traffic islands were installed following a very serious traffic accident in the area and have a Road Safety function that cannot be allowed to be continually destroyed.
To ask the CEO if he has given any further consideration to the need for further Traffic Calming measures, as raised at previous meetings in respect of Maplewood Road; will he appreciate the concern of local residents regarding the matter and will he make a statement?
To ask the CEO to update the Committee in respect of the School Street Project and will he confirm any plans to include additional schools in Tallaght?
To ask the chief executive regarding the installation of a ramp at Corbally Avenue. A petition with over 50 signatures for a ramp was submitted last year to the Council and residents are not happy with other measures that involve narrowing the road to decrease speeding. I would like to inquire how much longer this process may take.
To ask the chief executive if Corbally Estate could be taken in charge by the Council (as per the request of many residents) and how long this procedure will take. Currently, the Council is only in charge of Corbally Lawn.
Headed Items
2022 Road Maintenance Works Programme.
Castletymon District Centre Public Consultation Update.
LED Programme Update for Tallaght ACM
Tallaght to Knocklyon Active Travel Route.
Correspondence (No Business)
That a dropped kerb is installed at (Address Withheld), Kingswood Heights for the easier movement of the residents using the accessible parking space at this address.
This Area Committee supports the inclusion of St Dominic's National School (Mountain Park/ Dominics Road) in any upcoming School Street Programme. This can be viewed as building on traffic control measures in the area and an addition to the Avonbeg active travel scheme/ shared cycle & pedestrian track.
This Area Committee calls on management to investigate the traffic sequencing at the Old Bawn Rd/ N81 junction and add a safe pedestrian crossing. This would link Watergate Park to the Avonbeg active travel scheme and local schools, shops and community facilities, and also to the Dodder Greenway via Whitestown Stream. The traffic light sequencing already includes a time to cross safely but there are no lights indicating this or guiding people to cross this busy junction safely. Cllr Kieran Mahon.
Headed Items
Economic Development
Would the Manager inform this Area Committee as to progress, if any in discussions with the Board of Management of Scoil Aonghusa Senior, Castle Park, and or the St Laurence O'Toole Trust, regarding Scoil Aonghusa Senior leasing from South Dublin County Council on a temporary basis, a portion of land at Bancroft Park immediately adjacent to the school rear boundary, without interfering with any future plans for Bancroft Park. This lease is to facilitate the use of a natural playground for the school, retaining the trees already in place and and erecting a new temporary boundary fence, while school numbers are at a maximum and additional classrooms are now required, at the cost of using some of the internal yard space, which functions as the children's playground.
Would the Manager give this Area Committee an update on the Lease held by DCC on Mountain Park which was due to expire at the end of 2021. Has any provision been out in place for South Dublin County Council to take over the lease and what role does South Dublin County Partnership have in managing the facility? Will additional tenants, such as Tallaght Cancer Support Group, be given an opportunity of being offered a long term lease, along with the existing tenants who already use the facility?
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Libraries & Arts
To ask the CEO to now confirm the schedule being followed to provide a new Public Library for Citywest in Citywest and will he make a full statement in respect of the matter? Charlie O'Connor
To ask the CEO if plans are being made to return the Civic Theatre to normal activities when practical in respect of the Covid restrictions and will he make a statement?
Headed Items
Library News & Events
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
The motion below was passed at the September 2021 Tallaght Area Committee. Can the Council confirm that correspondence, on behalf of the elected Councillors for Tallaght, has been sent by SDCC to the relevant parties informing them of the motion and whether or not a response has been received in the 4 months since the motion was passed? Tallaght Councillors regard these as serious issues and reiterate the requests made in the motion for a "clear outline of what additional funding and personnel are to be provided to local drug service providers to deal with these issues and how that funding is to be allocated to front line service providers?" We request that, if necessary, SDCC restate this request by writing to the relevant parties. Many thanks Cllr Kieran Mahon. COMHAIRLE CONTAE ÁTHA CLIATH THEAS SOUTH DUBLIN COUNTY COUNCIL South Dublin County Council Crest MEETING OF TALLAGHT AREA COMMITTEE Monday, September 27, 2021 MOTION NO. 2 MOTION: Councillor K. Mahon "Recent survey work has seen the issue of crack cocaine use in the Tallaght area publicised in national media. Despite the sensationalism by sections of national media and accepting the issue is in no way limited to Tallaght we regard this as a useful mapping exercise, a reflection of knowledge and experience of workers within our communities and an issue that cannot be allowed to spiral any further. This Area Committee will write to the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, Minister of State for Drugs Policy Frank Feighan, and other relevant departments requesting a clear outline of what additional funding and personnel are to be provided to local drug service providers to deal with these issues and how that funding is to be allocated to front line service providers? If agreed a draft letter can be circulated among Councillors". REPORT:If the motion is agreed, a letter will be issued to the Ministers for their attention and when a reply is received, the Committee will be notified accordingly.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the CEO to make further contact with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government asking what progress is being made in respect of legislation which would allow the holding of the long delayed Plebiscite to change the name of Brookmount, Tallaght, as previously agreed by his Committee.
That this Area Committee call on the Manager to write to Superintendent and Inspector of Tallaght Garda Station to thank them for their successful interventions on Christmas Day 2021 to prevent a repeat of the mass gatherings of Scramblers as witnessed on Christmas Day 2020, on St Aongus Green. Credit must also go to to staff from the Council’s Public Realm Team for their willingness to meet with residents in order to address the Scrambler problems in the area.
That this Area Commitee, recognising this will be an informal and non-binding process, commits to undergoing a democratic process whereby the members of this commitee agree on a chair for Tallaght Area Committee for nomination at next year's AGM.
To ask the CEO to write to Norma Foley TD, Minister for Education & Skills, asking for an update on any plans for further development of schools in the Tallaght Citywest area.
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
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Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the manager to confirm if consideration has been given for additional lighting in Sean Walsh Park to help aleviate the antisocial behaviour making the area much more visible.
Given the amount of groundworks and preparatiions carried out for the Stepping Stones Forests Projects across our schools and given the huge amount of students, teachers, parents and other volunteers involved with the Project, would the Manager indicate if South Dublin County Council will step in to help John Litter Mug Kibred see out the final phase of planting the trees and offer to administer the finances for the Project, due to the breakdown in relations between Tallaght Community Council and John, which effectively blocks him from being involved the the final phase.
To ask the CEO if he has had any recent contact in respect of the Tennis Courts at Kingswood Heights which were the subject of previous business at our meetings and will he make a statement?
To ask the CEO if Public Realm are now working on plans to implement the decisions made, within their remit, in respect of the Tallaght Central 300K Have Your Say; will he give details in respect of each project confirming the schedule being proposed and will he make a statement?
Headed Items
Draft Public Realm Improvement Works Programme 2022.
Correspondence(No Business)
To ask the manager for an update of the status of the application for sports capital funding to refurbish the tennis courts in dodder valley park as they was plans in 2020 to resurface them, if the funding application isnt or hasnt been successful can we discuss when this amenity will be upgraded?
Tallaght Area Committee welcomes the commitment of €650,000 in the 2022 Budget to works at Jobstown Stream. We would like to formally acknowledge the role of volunteers in Dodder Action and Jobstown Stream Action Group for their efforts in progressing this issue. We look forward to the work commencing in the near future and we request that the council engage in some public consultation with local people regarding the project to assist with community engagement and a sense of ownership. Many thanks Cllr Kieran Mahon Cllr Leah Whelan
To ask the manager has the Old Bawn Pavillion begun to take bookings for use of facilities and if yes which clubs are availing of this amenity
To ask the manager what is the process for grafitti removal if residents want graffitti graffiti removed but if part of an aged community may not be able to undertake a community clean up and remove themseles. Who carries out graffitti removal
Headed Items
The Tallaght Area Committee supports the right of the majority to a clean environment. The Area Committee believes that the provision of Bin Collection Services, as a key aspect of the wider question of waste management and environmental protection, is best provided as a not-for-profit public service. We believe it to be clearly evidenced that the privatisation of bin collection and waste management services has been an abject failure. This is evidenced by • The extent of dumping in public areas and waterways and associated expenditure by the local authority. • the complete failure of the criminalisation approach of those involved in illegal dumping be it by commercial entities or private individuals to substantially alter the problem. This Area Committee supports the "Polluter Pays" principle and clearly identifies the many corporations and large businesses that produce and profit from the waste absorbed by wider society and the environment as the primary polluter. We request an initial report on the expenditure element that would be involved by the council in providing 1) weekly, and 2) fortnightly, house to house residential bin collections across the electoral wards of Tallaght Central and South Tallaght. We request that this initial report provide information on what options are potentially open to the Council regarding direct or indirect provision of these services and employment. We note that: a) The existing privatisation of bin services has created a market and that reversing this commodification presents challenges to Councillors in developing a workable approach b) South Dublin County Council has through the District Heating System essentially entered the energy provision market.
To ask the manager how many void houses broken down by bedroom size is there currently in Tallaght Area.
To ask the CEO to confirm further actions he is taking in respect of issues raised with him by the Fettercairn Estate Management Committee and will he present an updated report?
Headed Items
Anti-Social Quarterly Statistics Q4 2021
Procurement Quarterly Report Q4 2021.
Proposed Part 8 Rossfield, Tallaght.
To ask the CEO to update the Area Committee on his plans to provide the long promised Community Centre for Citywest; will he outline contacts he has made and confirm sites being considered and will he make a statement?
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No business)
New Works (No Business)