Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 9th November 2021
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting
To ask the Chief Executive how much Local Property Tax was paid for by the Council for local authority houses in our local electoral area
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests the planning department to evaluate the group of mature oak trees in Dolly's Field, Moyville, Rathfarnham for suitability for a Tree Preservation Order pursuant to Planning & Development Act 2000, s205, on the basis that it is in the interests of amenity & the environment that these trees be preserved.
That this Council refuses to grant derogations until 2am in respect of the Two Oaks development on Scholarstown Road given the proximity of the site to neighbouring estates and the effect on residents
To ask the Council to erect a safety barrier at the rear entrance of Firhouse Community College at Killakee Gardens side of the road
To ask the Chief Executive for an update in relation to the proposed upgrade in public lighting for Rathfarnham Wood
Can the Council please confirm when the lights are going to be transferred to the new poles outside of St Colmcilles Secondary school? At the moment the old existing poles are in the middle of the 'cycling lane'. No dividing line has been put on the path yet but previously the cycle lane was on the right hand side, which is where the old poles now are.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads -
Notice of Items to be taken in Charge in the Wilkins View Estate.
That this committee request repairs of the footpath located near to 1 St. Anthony's Crescent and which continues around to St. Joseph's Road. This footpath is in bad state of repair. The surface is unstable and there a number of holes present. There are a number of residents who use walking frames and walking sticks who live on this road and who are very afraid of navigating the path and fearful of falling.
That the Manager facilitates the installation of two name rocks on the Knocklyon Road. There are a large number of suitable rocks on the site of the Homeville Part 8 which would be ideal. It is suggested one would go at the corner of Knocklyon Road and Firhouse road across from Lansdowne on the Blue Haven side. The other one could go on the Intersection of Ballycullen Rd. and Firhouse Rd., opposite Mortons but on the Delanys pub side.
That this Council gives a commencement date for the installation of the new ramps on Silverwood Drive in Rathfarnham. The procedure to approve the works went to public consultation and the portal closed in or around the 1st December, 2020.
That this area committee requests the Chief Executive to repair an estate sign on a wall outside 4 Aranleigh Gardens, Rathfarnham.
To ask the Chief Executive can he provide revised schedule for the completion of the current phase of the Grange Road Cycle Scheme. The ongoing inconvenience and continuous missed deadlines is a source of frustration to residents and is taking the good out of the project. Please can you explain also in your reply, the nature of delays so that we may learn from this phase and prevent not only further delay to this phase but learn for future phases, of this scheme.
That the Manager removes the graffiti on the M50 foot bridge at Knocklyon the end near the Scout Den gate.
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants - NO BUSINESS
Library News & Events
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Corporate Support
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
To ask the Manager how many requests for Bulbs were made in this LEA under the Bulbs not Bonfire initiative, how many were successful and what precentage this represented of the overall number distributed.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Is there any update as regards CCTV requested in Dodder Valley Park for N81 underpass? ASB continues to be an issue for park users and residents.
That this committee requests immediate action to clean the laneways in the Dublin 12 area that fall under the jurisdiction of SDCC and for this work to be carried out twice annually, as previously agreed. The committee requests a report from management to outline the expected timelines of this work by the end of this year, as well as ongoing quarterly reports to ensure that this work continues and that it stays on target. These laneways must now become a priority of this council's work. While it can be appreciated that cleanings did not take place as a result of the intervention of Covid-19, as restrictions are now lifting, it is matter of urgency that there be a significant improvement in the public realm of these areas. The weeds, rubbish and graffiti is a blight to the local area. There is a wealth of evidence which supports the fact that managed and well cared for areas can help prevent illegal dumping, occurring on an almost daily basis at this point.
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for further information related to the possible provision of teenspaces in the Dublin 12 area, including at the Limekiln end of Tymon Park.
Can the Council please confirm whether or not the bin outside St Colmcilles Secondary School is going to be reinstated. It was taken away when the footpath/bikepath was done recently. The public bin at the entrance to Woodfield is constantly overflowing since the other one was taken away.
Can the Council please provide detail on the Christmas tree recycling programme for the RTFB local electoral areas?
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
Update on Kiltipper Park project including outcome of report on review of sports pitches (As per Part 8) – For noting.
That this Council removes the rotten seating in Rathfarnham Castle Park and replaces it with suitable benches as soon as possible
That this ACM commits the Chief Executive to identify planting areas for the Greenhills area (in particular the Saints roads, in available grass verges and in areas that have been concreted over) by the end of Quarter 1 of 2022 and in collaboration with interested residents in the area & to develop a 5-year tree planting strategy with corresponding funding commitments given by Management.
That the Manager supports Ballyboden St. Endas GAA Clubs' fundraising efforts by allowing access to the depot as part of their Christmas Tree Collection in January.
That this Area Committee, in view of the Rathfarnham Green Flag been received yet again this year, November 2021, I wish to congratulate the Depot and all the Groundsmen in Rathfarnham Castle Park Grounds for their professional work they have carried out this last year and over the many years since the insemination of the Green Flag in Rathfarnham Castle Park grounds. It is wonderful recognition for the park. The groundsmen are very welcomed security within the park and give safety, cleanliness, grass cutting and much needed support which is required ongoing day by day in the area. Thank you for all your years and all the years to come with the Depot beside our much-loved Rathfarnham Castle and Park - we would be lost without you All.