Agenda - 22nd November 2021 Tallaght Area Committee Meeting

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22/11/2021 15:00
Virtual Meeting
Standing Orders:

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Housing Administration

Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 18th October 2021.

Public Realm


Qu (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Leo Magee

To ask the manager for an update on the status of items which were on the Public Realm 2021 Programme of Works for Tallaght, which ones have been completed and which are outstanding and what is the expected timeline for completion.

Qu (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Leo Magee

''To ask the manager to date, how much has halloween cost in relation to repairing damage caused.''

Qu (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Leo Magee

''Following on from a meeting with 5th year LCA students from Kingswood Community College, who have assisted local residents in a Clean Up in the area, they noted that there are no litter bins between the local shops and the College. They are requesting that some bins be installed in this area. Can the Manager please make a report to this Committee about any proposed actions on this issue?''

Qu (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Leo Magee

''To ask the CEO for a full report on the Council's endeavors to deal with the challenges of the recent Bonfire season; will he particularly report on work done on Halloween Sunday and since and detail contacts made with community groups and may we have a full statement?''

Qu (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Mahon
Leo Magee

''To ask the manager whether Glyphosate has been used on hedgerows by the Council in the last months and particularly whether it has been used on the hedgerows along the Avonbeg Road? Additionally can s/he please comment on the matter of glyphosate use by SDCC?''

Headed Items

H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Public Realm
Maire Ni Dhomhnaill

Tree Maintenance Programme.

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Public Realm
Maire Ni Dhomhnaill

Tree Planting Programme. 



Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. Dunne
Leo Magee

This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install goal posts on the green space between De Selby Cresent & De Selby Park.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Mahon
Leo Magee

The basketball court in Dodder Valley has seen increased use over the last year. Tallaght Area Committee requests that new stanchions, backboards and hoops be installed. Cllr Kieran Mahon.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Leo Magee

Could the Manager confirm that the over grown land at the end of the cul de sac of St Aongus Grove, outside the fence of Tymon North Community Nursing Home, is in Council ownership? If it is will the Manager commit to clearing and levelling this piece of land to allow the local residents to create a pollinator garden on the site.



Qu (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Sharon Conroy

''To ask the CEO to seek a report from the Chief Fire Officer that Tallaght Fire Station has the capability and capacity to deal with fires in high rise apartment blocks; will he also ask for the provision of an Aerial Platform at Tallaght Fire Station and seek assurances on the whole issue?'' 

Headed Items



Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Sharon Conroy

In light of the recent fire in the Glashouse Apartments and the fact that several people had to be rescued or lead to safety from the high rise complex, and given the number of high rise buildings already built or planned for Tallaght and the surrounding area, that this Area Committee writes to the Chief Fire Officer of Dublin Fire Brigade requesting that he ensures that an Aerial Platform is deployed on a permanent basis to Tallaght Fire Station.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Holohan
Sharon Conroy

In light of the recent fire at the glass house the Tallaght area committee seek a detailed plan on how DFB would deal with this situation in Current and scheduled 9 story apartments blocks.

Water & Drainage

Headed Items




Qu (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Duff
Brenda Pierce

''Would the Manager make a report to this Area Committee regarding the up to date position of the Older Persons Part Eights in the Tallaght and give a completion date on works that have already commenced in Springfield and Whitestown Way and the proposed commencement date for Brady's Field. Could he also detail the next steps for any other Older Person projects which are already agreed?''

Qu (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Brenda Pierce

''To ask the CEO to detail actions being taken to ensure that progress is made towards the completion of the building programme at Fernwood Green and Maplewood Heights in Springfield; will he confirm when he now expects these Age Friendly Homes to be occupied and also detail work being done to identify those who will occupy these homes and will he make a statement?'' 

Headed Items




Qu (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Jennifer Moroney Ward

''To ask the CEO to present a detailed report on plans to provide a Community Centre in Citywest; will he confirm recent contacts he has had in the matter; will he give assurances to the local community and make a statement?''

Headed Items

H-I (9)
Submitted by:
Housing Administration
Eddie Conroy

Part 8 for construction of All-weather Sports Pitch to side of Belgard Community Centre.




Qu (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor K. Mahon
John Hegarty

''Can management update on the provision of traffic lights at Kiltipper Way Tallaght? Representations have been made from a blind individual to have the lights there commissioned and put into use. As I recall this was discussed in recent months and a positive outcome was indicated at the time.''

Qu (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
John Hegarty

''To ask the CEO if he would now confirm when the long promised "Welcome to Tallaght" signs proposals will be presented to this committee and will he appreciate the clear need to progress this process and provide the necessary signage at each entry point into Tallaght and will he make a statement?'' 

Headed Items

H-I (11)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Tony O Grady

Winter Maintenance Plan.

H-I (12)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Gary Walsh

Avonbeg Cycle Scheme.




Qu (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Eoin Burke

''To ask the CEO what Enforcement files are currently under investigation in respect of Tallaght Village; will he give details and make a statement?'' 

Headed Items


Economic Development


Qu (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Laura Leonard

''To ask the CEO if he plans any further meetings with the management of Shamrock Rovers FC in respect of plans for the new Stand at Tallaght Stadium and will he also confirm if consideration is being given to providing a Trophy Room and will he make a statement?'' 

Headed Items



Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Laura Leonard

Tallaght Cancer Society no longer have a permanent facility to carry out the much needed support that they give to cancer patients in the community. There is the portacabins where the irish school (@ Mountain Park) was once located which would be an ideal location, can this be investigated as i am aware the lease may be due to expire in December and would like to see this long standing community support have a longterm facility.

Libraries & Arts


Qu (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Liz Corry

''To ask the CEO,noting a motion passed by the Tallaght Area Committee on the subject, will he now confirm that he is reconsidering the question of the location of a Library for Citywest and will he appreciate the strong view of the local community that the Council should honour the commitment the community believe was made in the LAP, to site the Library in Citywest and will he make a statement?''

Headed Items

H-I (17)
Submitted by:
Libraries & Arts
Libraries & Arts

Library News & Events


Corporate Support


Qu (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Cristina Hurson

''To ask the CEO to confirm the number of voters included on the new Draft Voting Register for Tallaght Central and Tallaght South?''

Headed Items



Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Elaine Leech

That this Tallaght Area Committee congratulates Shamrock Rovers Football Club on retaining the Airtricity League Title and applauds all involved in our Council in the development of Tallaght Municipal Stadium which is now recognised as "a perfect Stadium" with a great Pitch which is to the credit of our public realm staff. 

Performance & Change Management

Headed Items
