Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 23rd November, 2009.
Corporate Services & Libraries
Headed Items
Library News & Events
New Works Corporate Services & Libraries
(No Business.)
Correspondence Corporate Services & Libraries
a)Letter RECEIVED from Citywest Ltd., on 26th November, 2009, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 27th October, 2009, in relation to regular incursions by scrambler and quad bikes on the lands at the rear of Lidl and the side of Ard Mor estate.
b)Letter SENT to the Manager, Dublin Bus, on 27th November, 2009, as a result of a Motion passed at the Tallaght(2) ACM on 23rd November, 2009, in relation to the erection of a Bus Shelter outside the IT in Tallaght village.
Cathaoirleach's Business.
(None Received.)
That this Committee calls on An Post to provide a post office in the Citywest area in light of the obvious need for such a service in this rapidly expanding area.
Headed Items
Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration B. Files requested by members
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
(None Received.)
Development & Parks
"To ask the Manager that the 'No parking on the grass sign' be moved from its current location at the back of the green in Temple Manor and placed at the front,where all drivers would see it?"
"To ask the Manager to reinstate the grass areas on the open space beside Glendown Rd which were prepared for Outdoor Gym equipment which will no longer be provided due to cutbacks?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for the pruning of overgrown trees along Ballycullen Avenue, Firhouse?"
"To ask the Manager to raise the path between Woodlawn Park and Woodlawn Grove which is always flooded after any heavy rain?"
Headed Items
New Works Development & Parks
(No Business.)
Correspondence Development & Parks Department
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
That this Council Committee, conscious of the growing demand for memorials in suitable locations including cemeteries for deceased loved ones, calls on the Manager to investigate the possible installation of suitable memorials including benches,tables, trees etc in a pilot scheme for a Park or Parkland in this Committee Area.
To request the Council in light of its 'Link 2B active' to adopt :
1. A flexibility regarding the provision of football facilities to both Gaelic and 'Soccer' football in the Kingswood / Newlands Cemetery park and in particular the changing of closure times for the park, in consultation with other interested parties including the cemetery managment.
2. In the alternative, the provision of keys to a small number of interested parties to the main gate so as to permit parking up to 9pm on weekdays to facilitate training.
"To ask the Manager if a committment can be given to install a right turn filter arrow on the traffic lights, situated opposite the exit from Castletymon Road, at Balrothery, to facilitate traffic turning right onto the Tallaght Road?"
"To ask the Manager to investigate the parking on Springfield Drive, Templeogue. The house at the end of the cul de sac has been rented out recently and the new tenants are parking in such a manner as to cause great concern amongst the aging population in the area. Having visited the site I would share their concerns. I believe that emergency vehicles would have great difficulty getting in and out of the estate?"
"To ask the Manager to arrange for further inspections to be carried out on the gulleys at Gibbons Cottages (N81), as severe flooding is still taking place despite the extensive works carried out at this location recently, with a view to this ongoing problem being resolved for the benefit of particularly the elderly residents living there?"
Headed Items
“Report on Part 8 of The Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2007, Dangan/Shelton/Muckross/Hillsbrook/Fernhill Traffic Calming Measures.”
Consideration of the Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way at Laneway to the rear of 159-178 Castle Park and between 164-165 and 170-171 Castle Park, Tallaght.
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(None Received.)
(No Business.)
(None Received.)
Cathaoirleach's Business.
(None Received.)
That this Committee calls on the Manager to re-examine the feasability of the provision of a pedestrian crossing in the vicinity of Marlfield mall taking into account previous warnings and the recent accident involving a young man at this location.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to investigate, in consultation with local residents, ways of improving the car parking situation on Marlfield Crescent, Kiltipper.