Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of Tuesday 10th June 2008
"To ask the Manager to give a report on the ongoing delays of the handing over to the management committee of Edenbrook Manor Ballyboden from the developer Clayworth and what powers can the Council use to remedy the situation?"
"To ask the Manager for a report on the new/current planning application (Curved Space) at the Burmah Garage Wellington Lane – referencing previous planning applications and stating current position (total development) with reference to same?"
Headed Items
Planning Files A. Large applications under consideration B. Files requested by members
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No business)
Headed Items
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No business)
"That this Committee once again endeavour’s to have the old shopping centre site (McHugh’s) Greenhills which was once a great facility and asset in this neighbourhood has now for the past number of years constituted an eyesore and a nuisance for the people of Greenhills. That the Manager come forward in this report with a proposal(s) to have this site utilized as a facility/shopping /residential ? for the neighbourhood. Taking into consideration that an answer I had to a motion on this subject two years ago agreed that a CPO could be instigated on said site. SDCC cannot allow such sites to remain ‘eyesores/nusiance’ in the community. This site must not continuously be used as a ‘storage’ facility and this storage operation currently on site should require change of use in planning."
Corporate Services
Headed Items
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No business)
"To ask the Manager to include Templeville Drive on the list for traffic calming as this road is being used as a rat-run by motorists?"
"To ask the Manager to install repeater speed signs on the Lr. Dodder Road?"
"To ask the Manager to outline the recommendations in the local traffic study undertaken at the junction of Whitehall Road and Whitehall Road West and to say when these recommendations will be put in place?"
"To ask the Manager to provide Children at Play Signs at both ends of St Conleths Road. These signs are urgently needed to prevent further acidents involving childern on the road?"
"To ask the Manager to ensure that urgent repairs are carried out to the junction of Templeville Drive and Cypress Grove due to sinkage of the road on the left hand side of Templeville Drive?"
"To ask the Manager could the footpath renewal works along the end of Marian Road and Butterfield Avenue be extended to the footpaths outside houses 154 and 156 Butterfield Avenue as there are only two houses, this would complete the area?"
"To ask the Manager to give an update on the proposed Knocklyon Road re-alignment?"
"To ask the Manager to ensure that the footpath that the Council removed from outside Orwell Park Shops three years ago (as it did not realign with path opposite) is addressed and that the works that the Parks Dept are proposing on the new perimiter pathways be carried out in conjunction with the Roads Department?"
"To ask the Manager to report on the progress – re the provision of the new carpark at Templeogue Village i.e. to the rear of Morgue with access from Templeogue Village and parking in the Village generally?"
"To ask the Manager whether the following commitments to the residents of the Moyville Lawn will be completed as promised:
- The completion of the the road at the top of Moyville Lawn
- Repair to road edge adjacent to ESB pole
- Replacement of the pathway behind the ESB pole
- Addition of yellow lines to secure the dangerous parking on both sides at entrance to Moyille Lawn
- Activation of the traffic lights near CostCutters to repair the grave danger and alleviate the difficulty of residents attempting to enter and exit Moyville Lawn
- Replacement or repair of a Capstone and footpaths damaged by Clonmel Enterprises
- Repair of the cracks in the road due to increased traffic
- Development of the open space to the side of No. 1 Moyville Lawn, which is currently in deplorable condition (the residents wish to have the Name Stone moved forward and to be consulted on the types of trees planted)
- Planting of the promised and committed trees. (Residents report that numerous calls to the Parks department have been ineffective)?"
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(No business)
(No business)
(No business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
(No business)
"That the Manager provide double yellow lines at the entrances to Fortfield Park and Fortfield Drive to improve safety at these locations."
"That the Manager erect Children At Play signs at Willington Lawn as a warning to motorists to slow down."
"That the Manager relocate the disfunctional and inoperable pedestrian crossing on Taylor's Lane to a location that can be conventially used by the local community. (Pedestrian crossing closest to Whitechurch Road)."
"That this committee agrees that it is well past time to replace the unsightly bollards at the junction of Glendoher and Taylors Lane, as has been requested by me on several occasions over the last few years and to replace them with attractive alternatives that also prevent speeding motorcyclists causing a nuisance; to implement alternative bollards that force cyclists to dismount at this location."
"That this Committee agrees that the Consultants report/recommendations for the Whitechurch Road be put out to public consultation without delay (b) to ascertain if a pedestrian crossing or lollipop person could be provided prior to this consultation i.e. immediately to enable school going children to cross safely."
"That the Manager take steps to immediately make safe the laneway between Butterfield Park and Pinewood Park."
"That the Manager liaises with Dublin Bus to request the company to provide Bus Shelter seats at the Bus Shelters on Firhouse Road."
"That the Manager carry out a review of the traffic lights sequence at the junction of Templeville Rd and Springfield. The pedestrian sequence is currently too short to enable a safe crossing of the road."
"That this committee discusses (with the aid of a report on my many many previous request(s) to have Templeogue Village footpath area fully paved/upgraded – the footpaths there are dangerous and the whole village has been allowed to deteriorate – (due to the ownership of the footpaths by Traders who are ‘officially’ responsible for the upkeep & repair). Surely SDCC and the Traders have a duty of care to the people who use the village/shops daily to ensure they do so safely – a lady tripped there again recently. This neglect cannot be allowed to continue. SDCC have surmounted the taking in charge issue in other areas of this county. I am recommending that the taking in charge issue no longer hold the village to ransom and that Templeogue village be afforded the same care and attention afforded to other villages in the SDCC area- and to state in this report what action will be taken."