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Confirmation & Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 17th February, 2021
Corporate Support
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"Aontaíonn an coiste áitiúil seo buíochas a chur in iúl do lucht an Chomhairle Contae a chur Seachtain na Gaeilge in eagar agus gabhtar buíochas chomh maith le Muintir Chrónáin agus le hÁras Chrónáin."
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive if there is any policy or approach to lighting in public parks? For example there are no street lights on the footpaths of Knockmitten Park, and some residents of the area state that because of this they will not go for a walk there after 5pm on a winter evening?
"To ask the Chief Executive if CCTV can be installed and No Dumping signage be erected at Meagan's Lane and Mahon's Lane, Saggart, Co.Dublin, which are both well-known litter blackspots?"
"To ask the Chief Executive can Public Realm give an update on who owns this land as per their statement in Motion 10 of the September 2020 meeting?"
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
MOTION: Councillor S. O'Hara
"That this Area Committee request that the strip of land between Fairgreen and Pairc Mhuire, Saggart be taken in charge by the Council, as it is lined with very tall trees that pose a health and safety risk to both estates."
The strip of land containing the trees in question appears to be part of the Fairgreen Estate. This open space is not taken in charge by the council and is not maintained by the Public Realm Section. Public Realm have forwarded a query to the Development Department to establish current ownership of the area in question.
If a privately owned tree or other vegetation is causing an obstruction to a footpath or road, powers exist under Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993 which enable the Roads Authority to deal with the matter. The section allows for the serving of notice on the landowner setting out remedial works to be carried out. Failing action by the landowner, the Roads Authority can arrange to have the necessary works carried out and seek to recoup the cost of the works from the landowner concerned. Queries regarding trees posing a hazard to roads or footpaths should be forwarded to the Roads Maintenance section in Land Use Planning and Transportation Dept.
Queries with regard to taking in charge estates should be forwarded to the Building Control Section in the Land Use Planning and Transportation Dept. who manage and co-ordinate that process under the Planning and Roads Act. Public Realm have forwarded the issues in this motion, both in relation to Taking in Charge and tree safety, to the relevant sections. Once the information regarding current ownership is received from the Development Dept. Public Realm will liaise further with the Building Control Section in this regard.
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Gnó an Chathaoirligh
Cathaoirleach's Business
"This area committee notes the nuisance and danger that has been caused by scrambler bikes moving across the green area between the Westbourne and Lealand estates, and further that bollards between the estates have been vandalized and removed. As such this area committee agrees to build a low wall at the junctions of Westbourne Green and both Lealand Grove and Lealand Close that would prevent scrambler bikes from accessing the Green."
"This Committee calls upon the Chief Executive to have South Dublin County Council address issues of water ingress at the new playground in Corkagh Park. Whilst acknowledging recent heavy rainfall, South Dublin County Council should seek to ascertain if there are design faults that need to be addressed and do so as soon as possible."
"This Committee agrees that the provision of the Astro Pitch in Knockmitten Park in partnership with Knockmitten United FC must proceed and requests that Council management work directly with the club to find a solution to the current funding shortfall on the project. The Committee further agrees that all funding options should be explored including the possibility of making additional funding available in the 2022 budget."
"This Committee agrees that the provision of the Astro Pitch in Knockmitten Park in partnership with Knockmitten United FC must proceed and requests that Council management work directly with the club to find a solution to the current funding shortfall on the project. The Committee further agrees that all funding options should be explored including the possibility of making additional funding available in the 2022 budget."
"That this Committee request that a wall or railings are put up to stop Scramblers and Quads coming into Westbourne, some work already done has helped but there is more needed."
"This Committee agrees that the provision of the Astro Pitch in Knockmitten Park in partnership with Knockmitten United FC must proceed and requests that Council management work directly with the club to find a solution to the current funding shortfall on the project. The Committee further agrees that all funding options should be explored including the possibility of making additional funding available in the 2022."
"This Area Committee notes the fantastic amenity that Corkagh Park is to the area and the important role it has played during the pandemic period. Issues regarding maintenance of the Park have been highlighted by regular park users. To ensure the continued success of the park, this Area Committee calls for an update of a schedule of cleaning, opening hours and parking capacity."
"To ask the Chief Executive would he consider a bottle bank/s that would serve the estates of Millrace, Crossforge and Drury Mills up behind bin shed and in the plot of land owned by Nevilles which is currently fenced off. Also, to look at City West car park at the top, St Mary's GAA and the new community centre in Saggart and to give a report to members on progress?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
"To ask the Chief Executive is there any plans for electric car charger's stations in Saggart Willage? and what plans are there for electric car chargers in Clondalkin, Newcastle, Brittas and Rathcoole?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee on behalf of Clondalkin Tidy Towns asks that South Dublin County Council make contact with ESB Networks re cleaning and erecting a gate rather than the fencing that's already in place at the Clondalkin ESB substation and that the Council issue a new Memorandum of Understanding to the network provider to asks that clean ups are done regularly at this site."
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide in tabular form a list of all social housing projects currently in the pipeline for the Clondalkin LEA including the dates the planning was approved, contractor appointed, development on site or expected to be on site, and date development completed or estimated to be completed?"
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on location of lands for the Deansrath Child and Family Centre and an update on the Council's work with the Centre on this important facility?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report into Homelessness in the Clondalkin area how many are registered as Homeless and how many are in temporary accommodation?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive how and why the astro pitches and courts at Clondalkin community centre have been allowed to fall into such a state of disrepair as to deem them unusable and if there is a maintenance crew available to management of the centre for their upkeep. To further outline what measures can be taken to address the apparent vandalism that has taken place during the period of closure of the facility here?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on works taken to address uneven pavements on Fonthill Road and St. John's Estate, Clondalkin?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report into what can be done to ensure the St Brigid Pilgrimage Way is signposted and preserved for future generations from Woodford to Knockmeenagh Lane and to ask that wildflowers are planted along the ancient way and to ask would he sent the reply to SIAC who own this stretch of land?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Gnó an Chathaoirligh
Cathaoirleach's Business
"This Area Committee calls on Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), the owners of the land on which the Red Cow Luas Depot is built, to create a pedestrian and cycle route from the depot to Ballymount Park, which is just to the south of the depot and owned by South Dublin County Council. The motivation for such a route is to allow access to pedestrians and cyclists from Clondalkin who otherwise have to go as far as the road entrance to Newlands Cemetery to access the park."
"That the Chief Executive repair the entrance to Monastery Gate. The entrance is quite narrow. Large vehicles are going up onto the kerbing, and turning the grass to mud. it may require pavement, concrete or alternative solution."
"That this Committee supports Newcastle Community Centre to locate their kiosk (phone box) to house a community defibrillator outside the centre. We ask that South Dublin County Council work with Newcastle Community Centre to get this matter resolved urgently so this important life saving equipment can go in place. (Planning)"
"That the Chief Executive give an update of the road works and the state the roads will be left in after works... specifically Nangor Road, Neilstown Bridge, Fonthill Road, Monastery and Woodford roundabout."
"That this Committee supports Newcastle Tidy Towns call for "Welcome" to Newcastle signage on Hazelhatch Road entrance and Atgoe Road and request that a liaison person works with Newcastle Tidy Towns to make these happen."
"To ask the Chief Excecutive for an update on the RIC Barracks Old Nangor Road. (For over 7 years no 'improvement' and state of interior unknown) Will South Dublin County Council CPO building? What will be done to move this on?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Gnó an Chathaoirligh
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee notes that the Community Meeting Space in the Orchard Lodge Apartment Block, for which planning permission was granted seventeen years ago (SD03A/0271), has still not passed into management of South Dublin County Council.
This Area Committee calls on the Council to pursue all avenues possible with the owners of the Orchard Lodge apartment block, Kelland Homes, to resolve and expedite this matter”.
"This Area Committee agrees to progress the leasing of the community facility in Orchard Lodge with all haste and expediency as a matter of urgency."
Libraries & Arts
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New Works (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Art Grants (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)