Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting Monday 26th March 2018
"To ask the Chief Executive to present a report, within the remit of the Director of Planning Services, responding to recently expressed concerns by residents of Colbert's Fort on the Belgard Road in respect of the Amazon development at the old Jacob's site, will he detail action being taken in respect of the matter and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive for a break down of what works that will be carried out in the estates where infills are being built, additionally, to ask for a timeframe for such works?"
"To ask the Chief Executive when lighting upgrades might take place in the Maelruans Estate?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to present an update on actions being taken in respect of the parking issues relating to the Luas stop at Kingswood Heights; will he appreciate the concern of the local community in respect of the issue and will he outline the position?"
Headed Items
Traffic Section Works Programme 2018
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to resurface Fortunestown Road, where damage and potholes have occurred from the period of bad snow. Additionally, to resurface any additional roads that may need to be resurfaced in the Tallaght South Area."
"That this Committee asks that the Chief Executive put double yellow lines at
Top of road is 13A Corbally Avenue. On the bend is 2 Corbally Drive and at 31 Corbally Drive
people are parking in the areas above causing restricted view for cars coming and going to estate."
"That this Committee asks the Chief Executive to install pedestrian lights at Sacred Heart FC at Killinarden for crossing.
The nearest lights is as far back at community centre.
This will assist children and families using the Sacred Heart Club and the new houses that are built recently."
Libraries & Arts
"In view of the recent presentation by the Chief Fire Officer and the question raised about the museum, that this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to issue an invitation to the Heritage Officer in DFB to bring a display of historical items from the DFB Museum, whenever practical, to the County Library to celebrate the 300 years of the Fire Service?"
Headed Items
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
"Can I be furnished with information as to what role the rail Procurement Agency played in establishing the Luas Tram link to City west. From the Fettercairn Stop to the junction of Cheeverstown Road there is a strip of land that is lying derelict for a long number of years. Whose responsibility is it to have this land properly landscaped to the satisfaction of the Fettercairn Residents? Is it the Council or is it the Rail Procurement Agency albeit Luas. This green strip is an eyesore. What ancillaries or utilities are beneath this land, has an infill been ruled out? What plans if any are there for this land, and also the waste land that runs along the Cheeverstown Road behind Kilmartin Estate?
"Whose responsibility is it to landscape the wasteland that runs along the Luas Line at the rear of the Fettercairn Estate. Are the Rail Procurement Agency in any way duty bound to landscape this to the satisfaction of the Council before Luas signed off on this?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to confirm actions he is taking to attract new employment opportunities to Tallaght detailing contacts he has made with government, state agencies and local organisations in the matter; will he appreciate the importance of the issue and will he make a statement."
"That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive for a report on the sod turning ceremony at Tallaght Stadium on 22nd March last which was attended by the Mayor and asks why members of the Tallaght Area Committee were not invited to what was clearly a significant event celebrating a major Council spend which was strongly supported by members of the TAC and will he make a statement."
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would write to Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Education and Skills, if his Department has any plans for new school building projects in the Tallaght region?
"To ask the Chief Executive if he would write to Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health and to HSE Management asking for an explanation regarding reports that the development of the new Renal Unit at Tallaght Hospital has been delayed and seeking assurances in the matter?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to write to Shrule St Patrick's day committee and Mayo County Council to inform them of our disgust and outrage of the float that was used during St Patrick's day celebrations that generalised Tallaght by referring to the population as thugs. We also wish to inform them that we believe that the acting out of the events, glorified criminality, that the majority of Tallaght condones. We are also are asking for a written apology."
"That this Area Committee wishes to express its solidarity with the Palestinians and the unarmed peaceful protesters who were shot at, with some being murdered by the IDF. We call on the Chief Executive to write to the Minister for Foreign Affairs & the Taoiseach to immediately expel the Israeli Ambassador from Ireland, for Israels crimes against the Palestinian people and to express to the Israeli's that these actions are unacceptable under International Law and to end its military onslaught."
Public Realm
"Could the Chief Executive please note that the green space behind the old Castletymon Library and the green spaces at St Aongus Park and Tymon North Park are now litter black spots, and would the Chief Executive please make a report as to why these areas are not on a regular litter picking schedule?"
"Following on from motions passed at the February Tallaght Area Committee regarding extending the fence in Killinarden Park to prevent joyriders from entering, what is the expected time frame of the works?"
"To ask the Chief Executive what action he proposes to deal with the serious issue of Scramblers operating in Dodder Valley Park to the serious distress of residents of Old Bawn and the wider area; will he appreciate the need for immediate action and make a statement?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if he is processing requests from residents of The Drive, Millbrook Lawns, for Tree planting in their area and will he particularly note that residents are anxious that Tree replacements be provided at No.4, 10 and 16; will he give assurances in the matter and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
"Owing to the significant number of anti social incidents involving scramblers and quads on the green space in Tymon North, bounded by St Aongus Green, Park, Road and Tymon North Road, that this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install a boundary fence around this green, in consultation with the residents regarding it's design, in an effort to reduce this type of activity."
Headed Items
Litter Management - Quarterly Report
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to have the offensive posters that states "Licence to Kill" with an image of foetus below the wording to be immediately removed from the poles in the County."
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive to present an update on issues relating to the Brookfield Youth and Community Centre noting the anxiety of the local community that all services previously available at the Centre now be restored; will he give assurances and make a statement?"
Headed Items
Deputation Meetings
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Committee notes with concern the closing of the multi-cultural Centre at St Dominic’s. Calls on the Chief Executive to work with the partnership and the Department of Justice to try and secure funding to re-open this centre which provides a very important service to the Community."
"In light of the article in the Tallaght Echo on the 5th of April, regarding the services to homeless individuals using the Focus Ireland facility in Tallaght Village being diverted to Community Drug Projects, in particular JADD, and the strain which these referrals impose on such Projects, without the money following the person, could the Chief Executive make a report regarding this situation, if Focus has explained their position to the Council, is this Council providing funding to Focus to supply this service to individual homeless persons, if there are better alternatives, such as the Peter McVerry Trust Hostel, rather than imposing a financial burden on these Projects?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to confirm what arrangements are in place in respect of proposed allocations of new housing accommodation units becoming available in Tallaght West; will he present an update in the matter and also confirm the schedule being followed?"
Headed Items
Housing Procurement Report
Anti-Social Quarterly Statistics 2018
Housing Allocations Report
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)