Monday, April 23, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor M. Duff
"In light of the article in the Tallaght Echo on the 5th of April, regarding the services to homeless individuals using the Focus Ireland facility in Tallaght Village being diverted to Community Drug Projects, in particular JADD, and the strain which these referrals impose on such Projects, without the money following the person, could the Chief Executive make a report regarding this situation, if Focus has explained their position to the Council, is this Council providing funding to Focus to supply this service to individual homeless persons, if there are better alternatives, such as the Peter McVerry Trust Hostel, rather than imposing a financial burden on these Projects?"
Focus Ireland is funded by the DRHE to provide a prevention service for families who rent privately and are about to become homeless. They engage with families and landlords to see if it is possible to extend the tenancy in their existing address or if it is possible to acquire another letting through the use of HAP. They also assist homeless families in sourcing emergency accommodation. They are not funded to provide a drop in service.
However they do provide a very limited drop in service for singles when possible but as they have very limited facilities this normally only takes the form of tea and some light refreshments. It is not possible to provide any other services from this site due to it location, size and layout as well as opposition of the adjoining residents and businesses.
The Council has been endeavouring to provide a drop in service for single homeless persons in the Tallaght area for some time and have met with a number of property owners with a view to obtaining a facility from which to provide same. To date this has not proven possible but we continue to seek such a facility
As no drop in facility is in existence occasionally some homeless persons do make their way to the Community Drug Projects seeking support and assistance. It is our understanding that the JADD project has a very low level of single men who attend there from time to time. From our experience a number of these are not homeless.
The Council in recognition of the need for single homeless persons to avail of washing facilities and to meet and deal without reach workers and others professionals have entered into an agreement with CARP to provide such a drop in service on a weekly basis. This service is working well and we do not feel there is a need to replicate it in the Tallaght area.