Monday, April 23, 2018
QUESTION: Councillor Emma Hendrick
"Following on from motions passed at the February Tallaght Area Committee regarding extending the fence in Killinarden Park to prevent joyriders from entering, what is the expected time frame of the works?"
The response to the motion on the February ACM agenda relating to this matter stated the following - While much of the boundary of Killinarden Park is fenced off with a 1.2m high fence on top of a low wall, in some areas this is not the case and in other areas the fencing has been vandalised. This matter is currently being examined to identify those vandalised areas so that the necessary repairs can be carried out. Where there is no fencing currently in place it is proposed that these areas will be addressed and that fencing will be installed on top of the low boundary wall. The extent of new boundary fencing which is required is such that the installation of new fencing will have to be carried out in a number of stages, and in this regard areas which are currently high priority will need to be identified and addressed first.
Similar requests have been received in relation to other parks and open space areas where joyriding is occuring and similar action has been requested to be taken to curtail this anti-social activity. Some of the areas where boundary fencing has been requested in addition to Killinarden Park are Butler McGee Park, Jobstown Park, Dodder Valley Park, Tymon Park (at the Basketball Arena), Bancroft Park, Glenshane Green and open spaces at the rear of Castletymon Library. This list continues to grow and the potential cost of both honouring commitments already given as well as responding positively to new requests received is also growing and has the potential to escalate to a level where the current provision in the capital budget cannot meet what is required.
Arrangements are currently being made to tender for a range of possible fencing and other options including wall construction which can be used in different locations according to what is required. Each location needs to be examined to determine the exact extent of boundary fencing required, and both these factors will in turn determine the likely cost of implementing a solution at each location. This will all then need to be considered within the context of the current budget provision.
With regard to Killenarden Park specifically, it is intended that the areas where boundary fencing has been vandalised will be repaired in the coming weeks. As stated previously it is intended that high priority areas will be identified and prioritised for installation of additional fencing or boundary wall.