Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of December
This committee calls on the manager to provide a comprehensive report on the Lucan Village Enhancement bundle of projects, including outlining the remaining tasks and their respective target completion dates.
To ask the Manager what plans or mechanisms are in place to collaborate with Kildare County Council and Fingal County Council on the planning of greenways / walking routes / trails in Lucan Demesne, given that the county borders the two administrative areas.
To ask the Manager to provide a report on whether there has been any further consideration regarding the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Collinstown road between North Clondalkin library and Rowlagh shops.
To ask the manager to provide the most update to date details on Lucan Luas and when we can expect works to begin in regarding to introducing the Luas to the LEA.
To ask the Manager if they can consider utilising any of the laneways in Palmerstown as part of the Active Travel and safe routes to school, as was part of the initial proposal presented to the Palmerstown primary schools.
To ask the Manager if additional yellow gritting bunkers can be made available at Palmerstown Manor estate and Woodfarm Acres estate in Palmerstown.
To ask for an update regarding the works being carried out at layby between the Old Lucan Road (R835) and St. Joseph's College Lucan, and shown in the attached photo and the intentions of the Council regarding taking in charge.
To ask for before and after photos in relation to the works at the Dodsboro shops and for an update on the works that were done
Headed Items
2025 Draft Roadworks Programme
Safe School Zones Programme
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
Hall Well Estate, Adamstown - Report on Submissions from the Public Consultation
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
Ballyowen Square, Lucan - Report on Submissions from the Public Consultation
Section 38 - Post Consultation Report on the Proposed Safety Works at N4 Junction 4 Footpath - Cycleway
Section 38 - Post Consultation Report on the Proposed Safety Works L1018 and KEW park merge to N4
New Works (No Business)
(i) Item 85376 Response From NTA (December 2024 LPNC) Ref 60 Bus route
(ii) Item 85382 Response From NTA (December 2024 LPNC) Ref Stop 3368
(iii) Item 84833 Response From TII (November 2024 LPNC) Ref M50 Signage
Cathaoirleach's Business
This motion calls for the necessary changes to the bus lane along Newcastle Road, a matter that has been raised multiple times on ACM and TMM agendas. While the importance of an 'active travel policy' in designing streets, roads, parks, and other infrastructure is acknowledged, it must also be recognised that this specific location has been identified as problematic. When a policy does not address or resolve the daily challenges faced by residents and road users, adjustments must be made to meet practical needs. In light of these concerns, we request the removal of the bus lane from the park entrance to the junction. This request has been supported by extensive discussions, including numerous emails to senior management and phone calls addressing the issue. The road markings in this area are over 15 years old, the bus stop has low usage, and the reduced bus service further diminishes the need for the bus lane. We urge that this motion be acted upon to improve safety and functionality for all road users.
To call on the Manager to review & remove the invasive growth on exterior of Lucan Bridge's (R109) masonry; the longest single-span masonry bridge in Ireland.
This committee calls on the manager to consider identifying a location within the LPNC area for the trial phase of the Quiet Streets Program, for example where the selection criteria would include roads in estates who experience significant through traffic.
To request that the Chief Executive prioritises the following areas in the 2025 footpath programme, given the critical need for repair and the associated health and safety risks: (Address provided): The footpaths in this area have been reported as severely damaged, posing significant risks to pedestrians, particularly vulnerable residents. (Address provided): Similar concerns have been raised regarding the deteriorated state of footpaths in this location, presenting hazards to public safety.
This committee requests that the Chief Executive writes to the NTA to expedite the repair of the broken light at the bus stop on Old Esker Lane, opposite Griffeen Nursing Home. It is noted that this bus shelter was previously damaged, and a repair request was made at the time. This motion further asks the NTA to provide a breakdown of how many times the light at this location has been reported as broken and the potential reasons for these recurring is-sues. The purpose of emphasising the importance of functioning lights, particularly at bus shelters, is to ensure public safety. It is noted with concern that an assault was reported in this area some time ago, underscoring the need for adequate lighting to prevent such incidents and enhance safety for all residents. Will forward bus shelter no asap
To call on the Manager to produce a report on the current status of Protected Structures in the Lucan / Palmerstown / North Clondalkin LEA that are owned by builder-developers.
To ask for an update about Cooldrinagh House (formerly known as Beckett's) in relation to its conservation and protection as a protected structure
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
This committee requests that the Chief Executive provide members with an update on the HSE Primary Healthcare Centre in Adamstown. Additionally, we ask if local councillors could be accommodated with a tour of the building, which would be beneficial in our efforts to promote this new service. In the meantime, could details such as the services to be provided and the staff or organisations operating within the centre also be shared?
Economic Development
To ask the Manager for an update on the Silver Bridge, to include the planned joint feasibility study with Fingal County Council and if this feasibility study can include a pedestrian connection to Chapelizod via the Mill Lane Park.
To ask for an update in relation to the laneway at the rere of houses in Arthur Griffith Park (address provided). Can it be arranged for houses to purchase the laneways contiguous with their properties? Who should the residents contact about this?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This committee calls on the manager to report on the status of the public consultation planned for Lucan House and whether an outline plan may be shared at this stage.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Manager to provide a report on all activities available for adults at all libraries in the LEA.
Headed Items
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That as part of Bealtaine 2025 the Council would consider chess beginners workshops in the Libraries in Lucan and North Clondalkin
Corporate Support
To ask the Manager of the feasibility of, and support for, the installation of a proposed defibrillator in the area of Beech Park Green, given its high recreational use by sports clubs, schools and the public. This locations is also surrounded by the estates of Cherbury, Lucan Heights, Esker Lawns, Beech Grove, Beech Park and Chalet Gardens. This was requested by a resident.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
(i) Item 85067 Response From DDTLEB (November 2024 LPNC ACM).
(ii) Item 85066 Response from the HSE (November 2024 LPNC ACM).
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the manager how the Community Insurance Initiative will work operationally? i.e. the recent announcement which enables Local Authorities to obtain free insurance for Tidy Towns groups through a partnership with Irish Public Bodies (IPB) Insurance, and how the local tidy towns groups in the LPNC LEA may access this support?
To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed report on noise pollution along the M50 in Palmerstown, including in the estates of Palmerstown Manor and Woodfarm Acres?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This committee call on the council to provide biodegradable dog soiling bags at the various dog parks in the LEA.
Water & Drainage
To ask the manager on a full report on any homes in the LEA effected by water shortages during the cold snap in early January.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the manager to provide an update in tabular format of the estates/locations in LPNC LEA listed in the 2023/2025 tree maintenance program and a status report of the 2025 plan including where estates/locations are completed, in progress, scheduled, and where scheduled indicate the date scheduled?
To ask the Manager for a progress update on the resurfacing of the GAA pitch in Glenaulin Park and the already agreed sports capital grant application to be made for new drainage pipes on the soccer pitches in Glenaulin Park.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the repair works being carried out on the GAA pitch in Griffeen Park, including details on the progress of the works, the success of measures to address surface and flood issues, and the expected timelines for the pitch to be back in use.
To ask the Chief Executive to update members on the meeting held with Lucan Harriers, particularly in the context of the motion passed requesting that the Griffeen Sports Hub (clubhouse building) be included in the next Capital Programme works and that the examination of an upgrade commence.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the proposed works programme for 2025 within the Public Realm section, detailing what projects and initiatives are included.
That an update be provided to the Area Committee about the following matters relating to Esker Cemetery - the proposed columbarium, whether there is any capacity for additional grave plots, digitalisation of graves and calls for a tap in the old esker cemetery (see attached)
Headed Items
Draft Improvement Works Programme 2025
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
This Committee calls for the consideration of installing outdoor exercise equipment in Quarryvale Park in addition to the recent and ongoing improvements to the park. There is currently no exercise equipment in any of the parks in the North Clondalkin area.
That South Dublin County Council fulfil their commitment, as soon as practicable in 2025, to install a roof on Waterstown House.
To ask for a headed item in relation to tree maintenance and tree planting that updates members of the Area Committee Meeting
To ask the manager what is the typical duration between the final inspection of completed Housing Adaptation grant works and the subsequent release of funds to the grantee?
To ask the manager the manager what are the top five reasons Housing Adaptation Grant application forms are returned to applicants in the LPNC LEA and the number of applications returned by reason?
To ask the manager what responsibility the council have for mortgage to rent schemes. What is the role of Hone for life and what are the responsibility of tenants i.e. when maintenance issue arises. Can I ask the manager to give a statement on the matter.
To ask the Manager if home adaptation grants for grab rails, stairlift, walk-in shower of 100% can be sanctioned by SDCC in cases where a private home owner has zero savings and only State OAP pension income.
To ask the Chief Executive how many private rented, HAP and Environmental Health inspections were carried out on apartments in (address provided), in 2024 and how many improvement and enforcement notices were issued to the landlord following those inspections?
To ask the Chief Executive to report on any correspondence sent to developers/contractors regarding the Sarsfields Park Age-Friendly residential units, as there are reports of the provided email address bouncing back. Additionally, it has been noted that the estate's open green space has been taken over as a construction site. This item seeks clarification on whether the closure of this open space was included in previous plans, and if residents and councillors were adequately notified of this development.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That the Chief Executive take action to ensure that all housing maintenance requests in Balgaddy that are assigned to a contractor are completed within 4 weeks of the issue being logged.
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
To seek an update on the motion passed in 2024 regarding the exploration of possibilities for additional youth space in the Lucan/Adamstown area, specifically by investigating access to one of the units at The Crossings, Adamstown. This motion requests clarification on whether progress has been made and, if so, asks that details of any developments or plans be provided.
This committee agrees that the Council set up a task force to deal with the ongoing criminal, intimidation and anti-social issues in Quarryvale. This task force should include but not inclusive to, elected reps, gardai, youth workers, estate management, environment and local residents .
This committee calls on the manager to report on the status of the Lucan Pool project, including outlining the remaining tasks, and an update on the pricing model.