Headed Items
Minutes of Clondalkin ACM 18th May, 2022
To ask the Chief Executive if he is aware of the childcare crisis in Newcastle and Rathcoole where demand is outweighing supply. What provisions are being made in the granting of planning of new developments in these villages to cater to the childcare needs of families moving into Newcastle and Rathcoole?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into how SDCC will ensure that the old RIC Barracks in Clondalkin will be preserved and not allowed fall into Further decay?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the manager for an update on the proposal to install a 1798 commemorative plaque to be located at Rathcoole House which has been with the commemorations committee for almost two years.
To ask the Chief Executive for a report into a timeframe for Clondalkin Town & Village Improvement Programme? When this may happen and what will be envisaged?
"To ask the Chief Executive when will Aylmer Heath, Newcastle, Co Dublin, be taken in charge by the Council?"
To ask the Chief Executive when will Green Lane Manor, Rathcoole, Co Dublin, be taken in charge by the Council?"
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the process of taking in charge of the Peyton and Green Lane Manor estates in Rathcoole, and the Riverside estate off Watery Lane in Clondalkin?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the taking in charge of the part of Calliaghstown Lane (aka Calliaghstown Upper or Chapel Lane or L6008 ) between the second last and last house? A significant allocation was made recently for the maintenance of the lane but it is not clear if this is to cover all the way to the last house in the cul de sac?
To ask the manager to immediately begin the process of taking in charge the public area outside of Sruleen primary school as indicated from response from the manager at May Clondalkin area committee meeting and to offer a report on the status of St Johns Gate ,Clondalkin.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Public Lighting Progress Report on the LED Energy Efficiency Upgrade Programme
Correspondence(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee supports Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network (CAPS Network) and requests that the roads section looks at where Blue parking spaces can be put in for parents of children with additional needs to make parking easier near community centres, public spaces etc.
Libraries & Arts
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NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence from Minister Helen McEntee, T.D in response to M 74850
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee supports and welcomes the Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network -(CAPS Network) and on their behalf writes to the Minister for Education and Minister for disability to ask for a report into how many special school places are in place in the Clondalkin LEA and how many Additional special school places are also being planned for the LEA? also to ask the report to indicate when these will be delivered to address the shortfall of places needed? Also, to ask How many additional special needs classrooms are planned for the LEA and how many are in place?
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee writes to the Ukrainian ambassador to show our strong solidarity and support for the Ukrainian people and to show our support for Ukrainians coming to live in our area, we support a Peace, democracy and the self-determination of the Ukrainian people to govern their land in peace, justice and equality.
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee congratulates Sinead Kelly, a student at Cólaiste Bride in Clondalkin and a player with Round Tower GAA Club who initiated an appeal for teddy bears that will be donated to Ukrainian refugee children that are staying at local hotels. We commend this great initiative
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence Public event on the River Camac FAS on June 28th in the Civic Offices Clondalkin from 1-8pm
Public Realm
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New Works (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive for an update report on the playspace in Knockmitten that needs upgrading and to ask would he consult with the Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network (CAPS Network) to see how their children's additional needs could be met? To also ask the CE to look at the water features that are no longer working and replace these or reinstate them ?
To ask the Chief Executive to give a report on Repairs to headstones; gate and tablet at Mount St. Joseph Cemetery, and to ask what SDCC will do on the area prior to the event on 19th June?
Correspondence(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee supports the Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network request for a quiet time allocation in our play spaces throughout the county for children with a disability and to ask would he consider seeking out ideas/feedback on this from groups such as the Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network (CAPS Network) etc on how this could be achieved?
That this Area Committee agrees that the palisade fencing around the skate park in Clondalkin Park be removed. As the gate to the skate park is no longer controlled, the fence serves no purpose. Removal of the fence would increase passive surveillance of the skate park and even allow future expansion.
This committee agrees that SDCC put a small dog run within or beside the existing dog run in Corkagh park. This request comes from dog owners of large and small dogs as they believe it would make their experience in the park better for all dog owners and dogs.
This committee agrees that SDCC shall endeavour to maintain the grass in St Cuthberts park to a standard consistent with that expected in all of our public parks and in particular the stretch of park between Cuthberts meadow and Lindisfarne grove. The current situation here is not inviting to those residents who wish to avail of the park for leisurely activity
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive would he liaise with Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network -(CAPS Network) in assisting them with JAM cards and looking at ways of promoting this Important initiative across our LEA?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the repair of the boom in Clondalkin Swimming Pool?
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this committee supports Autism Friendly Communities and requests that SDCC meet with groups such as Clondalkin Autism Parents Support Network (CAPS Network) in charting how Clondalkin area can become an Autism Friendly Community and contact AsIAm to come up with a plan to look at how we can achieve this? and the need to set up a working group to make it happen!
This Area Committee agrees that funding for active Tidy Towns groups in the area be increased significantly out of unallocated portion of the €100,000 that has been budgeted for Tidy Towns groups countywide.
To ask the manager if council can ensure that acceptable boundary treatment is agreed between the new housing at Nangor rd (eircom site) and Tus Nua premises taking into consideration the sensitive nature of the work been undertaken here, and in doing so consult with the manager here.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)