Wednesday, June 15, 2022
QUESTION: Councillor S. O'Hara
To ask the Chief Executive if he is aware of the childcare crisis in Newcastle and Rathcoole where demand is outweighing supply. What provisions are being made in the granting of planning of new developments in these villages to cater to the childcare needs of families moving into Newcastle and Rathcoole?
The Chief Executive acknowledges the content of the question and the view that there are childcare issues in Newcastle and Rathcoole.
The assessment of planning applications is carried out in the context of relevant Local Area Plans, the current Development Plan and relevant Guidelines.
The South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2016-2022 outlines that Section 3.10.0 of Chapter 3 Community Infrastructure and Section 11.3.11 of Chapter 11 Implementation address the issue of Early Childhood Care and Education and the assessment of same. The formulation of the Plan (2016-2022) had regard to the recommendations and requirements of the Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2001).
In relation to Childcare, the Development Plan objectives state
C8 Objective 1: To support and facilitate the provision of childcare infrastructure at suitable locations such as town, village, district and local centres, adjacent to school sites and in employment areas.
C8 Objective 2: To require childcare infrastructure to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans or approved Planning Schemes.
C8 Objective 3: To support the provision of small scale childcare facilities in residential areas subject to appropriate safeguards to protect the amenities of the area, having regard to noise pollution and traffic management
C8 Objective 4: To support the provision of childcare facilities in community buildings, such as community centres and schools.
In the context of C8 Objective 2, Newcastle has an active Local Area Plan, however, this plan does not have a phasing requirement in relation to childcare provision. Rathcoole does not have an active Local Area Plan.
Overall, the planning policy in the current Development Plan 2016-2022 has a positive approach to childcare provision. In addition, childcare facilities are open for consideration or permitted in principle in all the land use zones of the County, subject to criteria.