Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 23rd October 2018
"To ask the Chief Executive to include Meadow View Grove in the next available programme for footpath repairs noting the current poor condition of the footpaths in the estate?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if as part of the upgraded R120 project, if a house formally fronting the old road is now on a private cul de sac which is not a problem in itself, however, the road of the cul de sac is extremely narrow, thus preventing any large vehicular gaining access to the said house. Can this be remedied without delay please?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the "School Bus Study", and to advise if stakeholders NTA / TII have expressed their views on the proposals?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Winter Maintenance Plan 2018-2019
Proposed Permeability Schemes
Proposed extinguishment of the Public Right-of-Way in the laneway to the rear of No. 276 Arthur Griffith Park, Lucan, County Dublin.
Cathaoirleach's Business
"To ask the Chief Executive for an updated report on the village improvement scheme in Lucan village and for the weir. What is the timeframe for this work to take place?"
That this Area Committee, noting the response to item 58945 at the June area committee meeting can the manager please investigate the viability of replacing the telephone boxes in Lucan village with a public fountain.
That this Area Committee agree to put signage in and around Lucan village advertising the Liffey Valley lands and Lucan Demesne. This signage would highlight the lands to visitors and those people not familiar with the area.
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for the information relating to the HGV restriction on Kennelsfort Road and the Oval/Wheatfield Road Cell requested, when this Councillor made a presentation at the September Lucan LAC and if An Garda Siochana have forwarded the information requested from them at the same meeting?
That this Area Committee, further to motions and questions (57954) passed in previous meetings this committee requests the Chief Executive to provide plans and costings in relation improvements at both roundabouts (Esker Road/Griffeen Road) with a view to including them in future road programmes 2019.
"To ask the Chief Executive how South Dublin County Council plan on addressing the issue of electric cars in planning permission going forward? With planning pushing for parking to be outside peoples curtilage (or communal etc) where are people expected to charge these cars given the to push to get people driving them?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
Corporate Support
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive provide an update on the "Have Your Say €300k" projects for Lucan and Palmerstown voted in last year, with an outlined deadline of September 2018, explains the delays, provides up to date timescales; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
That this Area Committee requests that South Dublin County Council write to the NRA and to Google asking that all PALMERSTOWN signage and references be corrected. Both bodies insist on indicating there is such a destination in Dublin 20 (or Dublin 22) as Palmerston.
It is five years since the people of Palmerstown Village voted in Plebiscite to have the correct name used in all official signs, maps and documentation.
Can you please forward a copy of the relevant documentation to both bodies and have them immediately amend their records and all public signage? The last time I enquired the NRA stated that they would do so in 2019. Can they now supply a firm date?
That this Area Committee requests an update on the outstanding items on the Lucan Area "€300K Have your Say" pilot and to include an up to date presentation on the building of the Playground in Waterstown Park.
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Dublin Urban Rivers LIFE - report
That this Area Committee acknowledges the response received from Irish Water. While Irish Water are not legally obliged to provide a leaflet drop to residents as requested, for the Lucan area, and notes that any changes made are communicated via Councillors and their websites etc, it must be noted that not everyone has access to online media. For this reason this committee ask Irish Water to reconsider this request.
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive to carry out an audit of the suitability and size of the trees in Ash Park Estate and to bring a report back to this Committee?"
"After more reports on vandalism over the Summer in Griffeen Valley Playground can the Chief Executive give a report on the number of cases of vandalism in the playground, and a report on how this compares to other playgrounds in the county?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the current status of the construction of a new running track at Lucan Harriers grounds?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if it is intended to complete the construction of fencing between Bewley Estate and Mount Bellew between the green at Bewley and the outer ring road?
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Tree Planting Programme - Winter 2018/Spring 2019
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for an updated on the recent site meeting that took place with the residents in Glenvale and for this report to include what work is planned to be done and the timeframe for the work to be completed.
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the rollout of sports pavilions in the Lucan/Palmerstown area and in particular outline whether the views of local clubs will be taken on board regarding the optimum location of same, in areas such as Griffeen Valley Park, for example.
That this Area Committee call on the Chief Executive to provide an update on The Frame Football Pitch repairs following damage from Storm Ali.
That this Area Committee agree to take out the bottle banks on Griffeen Road just up from Moyglass. There is constantly glass on the footpath which has injured some dogs paws that were being walked. All sorts of rubbish is being dumped there, there was even a chair there this week.
That this Area Committee note that the residents at (addresses supplied not for publication) have requested again that the trees outside their homes be removed without delay. If not removed, the Council may be faced with a bill for damages to wall, piers, gardens and driveways. I have inspected the locations and I can verify that the Trees must be removed.
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive examine the possibility of resurfacing the damage pathways within the Griffeen Park. The park is constantly used by many groups including running clubs.
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive provide a detailed list of all the bins maintained by the Council in the Lucan and Palmerstown Areas by location, outlining the frequency of collection that each is supposed to have, explaining how some outliers can go months without collection, stuffed with litter, to indicate whether any new bins will be provided or existing ones collected more frequently following the most recent budgetary process; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
That this Area Committee, following appeals from the tidy towns in Lucan for more litter bins, agree to link in with them on this issue and any other issue they feel will help them with the great work they do.
"To ask the Chief Executive if they have had reports of fly tipping in the Griffeen Park at the back of Arthur Griffith Park in the vicinity of 182 Arthur Griffith Park and the kissing gates? Can this be confirmed? if not can it be checked out and provision made to take the rubbish away?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to note that the area on Balgaddy Road where the Rosse Court development ends before Divine Mercy is an absolute disgrace. There was a gated entrance to Rosse Court that was blocked up years ago and hedging was planted in front of it. This has been used as a dumping ground ever since. Large amounts of rubbish were set on fire there about a month ago. Now the hedging and the rubbish have spilled out all over the footpath creating a hazard for the children & parents attending the school. I am particularly concerned about a child in a motorised wheelchair who has to negotiate this every day & is forced out onto the grass & muck because of the mess. Can the council do something about this please?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive if the current programme of creating art on electricity sub stations and other infrastructure could be extended to smaller items located certain areas such as litter bins.
"To ask the Chief Executive to outline the precise number of Traveller group housing and halting sites currently in the Lucan Electoral area? The assessed need for the next 20 years in South Dublin and in this area? The locations identified to cater for these future needs and to indicate what formal consultation, if any, will take place with Traveller families and representative bodies to ensure these locations are secure and can be maintained in good order?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Allocations - quarterly report
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive to report on the proposed Housing Part VIII that is planned for Balgaddy.
That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive provide an update on the provision of social housing in the Lucan Area. How many are currently in the pipe line by developer/estate, the schedule for them becoming available/come on stream and if they will all be advertised in the CBL.
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive advise on the plans for Independent Living in the Adamstown area. To include the projected number of units and what the demand is for Independent Living. To advise if AHB are involved in Independent Living accommodation.
"To ask the Chief Executive for update on Lucan Swimming Pool and expected start date of works?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a final timeframe for the construction of the Lucan Swimming Pool, as per the report due this month and to provide a guarantee that there will be no further significant delays, given that the pool is now going to be opened almost two years later than originally planned in the updated funding commitment secured by Councilllors and assisted by additional monies from central government?
That this Area Committee seeks update on the Swimming Pool for Lucan including progress and advise that timelines have not been altered.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputation Meetings (No Business)