South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, November 27, 2018


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell

That this Area Committee requests an update on the outstanding items on the Lucan Area "€300K Have your Say" pilot and to include an up to date presentation on the building of the Playground in Waterstown Park.


The following report can be given on all outstanding €300k Have Your Say projects for the Lucan Electoral Area.

Project  November 2018 Update 
 Playground in Waterstown Park, Palmerstown  Contractors are currently on site with an anticipated opening for the public in January 2019.
 Multi-Games Wall in Lucan  Following a number of unsuccessful tender processes, the 4th tender has been returned and is currently under assessment.
 Restoration of King John's Bridge, Griffeen Park Since the engagement of a Consultant Conservation Engineer, who is working with the Council's Architectural Conservation Officer, the Council have engaged the assistance of Trinity College Dublin's Botany Department to deal with the existing sycamore roots, which are the principal obstacle to allowing a straightforward repair of the bridge structure to date.  There are concerns that the removal of the roots will completely undermine the structure of the arch. The conservation engineer and Architectural Conservation Officer are continuing to liaise with Public Realm staff and a specification for treatment of the sycamore roots was agreed and therefore commenced on the 28th June with another treatment completed at the end of October 2018  and another completed early November.     A Laser scan of the bridge has also now been completed. Following this, survey drawings have been prepared by the conservation engineer based on the details provided by the laser scan. Particular areas requiring further investigation have been identified.  Once some minor investigative works have been carried out by the conservation engineer, a specification and method statement for conservation repair/structural works will be drafted for agreement, which will form a work programme for early 2019. A final report from the Consultant Conservation Engineer is due for completion in December which will include recommendations for the works required. Works are being funding under the 300K project initiative and Architectural Conservation Budget. The Council's Architectural Conservation Officer is also available to give a presentation on this work at a future Lucan Area Committee if requested.
 Access to Church and Graveyard at Mill Lane, Palmerstown  The Council have thus far been unsuccessful in agreeing a programme of works with the private land owner that would allow for this works. They have concerns regarding past incidents of anti-social behaviour that they feel may reoccur if works went ahead. The Council are still negotiating a compromise solution to this. If none can be found, the project and its allocated funding will be brought back to the Participatory Budgeting Steering Group in early 2019 for a decision on reallocation. The difficulties faced by this project has already informed the 2018 Have Your Say process and future iterations.
 Feasibility Study for the restoration of Silver Bridge, Palmerstown  This project is currently with Fingal County Council Architects unit and has been delayed owing to the drafter of the original feasibility study now being unavailable to carry out the update as intended due to a change of employment. Fingal are to put the work out to tender and provide updates on the outcome of this process to South Dublin County Council.

Regarding the Waterstown playground, the work now being carried out remains the same as the presentation given to the Area Committee at the September meeting with some additional accessibility features being installed.