Tuesday, November 27, 2018
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the rollout of sports pavilions in the Lucan/Palmerstown area and in particular outline whether the views of local clubs will be taken on board regarding the optimum location of same, in areas such as Griffeen Valley Park, for example.
The pavilion construction programme aims to provide pavilion facilities in public parks; the initial contract commencing with provision at Dodder Valley-Old Bawn Park, and proceeding to pavilions at Griffeen Park and Corkagh Park. A number of tender processes have been carried out to date which failed to result in the successful appointment of a contractor.
A third tender issued this year for the pavilion programme, using the more successful tender model of design-build allied to more traditional construction, and commencing with pavilion provision at Dodder Valley-Old Bawn Park, and proceeding to pavilions at Griffeen Park and Corkagh Park. The tender submission period is now complete and a tender assessment process is underway. Subject to a successful tender process and successful appointment of a contractor it is envisaged the construction programme will proceed along the draft programme outlined below:
Subsequent appointment for the contracts for the second and third pavilions will be dependent on overall performance and adherence to agreed programme on the first pavilion.
In relation to the proposed pavilion at Griffeen Valley Park a Part 8 process has already taken place; however due to the imminent construction of the swimming pool it is likely a new location will need to be considered and, if so, will be subject to a new Part 8 process. This will involve public consultation at which stage the views of local clubs will be taken into consideration. In general, pavilions are provided on a shared basis for a number of clubs at a location that has a number of playing pitches that require facilities. Pavilions are best located in areas with good passive surveillance, with good access to car parking and with access to the pitch facilities it will serve.