Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 26th June 2018
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the latest situation in relation to the issues delaying the resurfacing of the Lucan Harriers track and to outline whether the club will be able to use this again in the near future, especially with the welcome grant provision for the fencing being provided?"
"To ask the Chief Executive if the tree at the back of 1 Earlsfort Road could be pruned back as it's blocking light and is hanging over the wall of the residents home?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to give an update on the Public Realm Improvement Programme 2018 that was given to this committee in January. This report will give an update on all work that has been carried out so far and a start and finish date for work that has not been completed yet."
"To ask the Chief Executive, to consider introducing an additional apiary to the Lucan area should the existing apiary in Mill Lane Palmerstown remain successful. An apiary could be installed along the river Liffey and discussed as part of the plans for tourism and economic development projects and initiatives pertaining to the Liffey Valley?”
reply to be amended
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Playground at Waterstown: Public Participatory Budget Update.
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee requests that the Chief Executive arranges a site meeting with the residents of Glenvale Estate to see what work under current budgets, can be done by cutting back bushes and trees on the Lucan-Newlands Road. There had been anti-social behaviour in the area and by cleaning up the trees and scrubs this may help with the issues.
That this Area Committee requests that the Chief Executive carries out an audit of the suitability and size of the street trees in Hermitage Estate and to bring a report back to this Committee.
Further to motions I raised last year in relation to the ongoing issues identified along the embankment between Moyglas and Castle Riada estates, and following on from an onsite meeting I arranged in April with residents on both sides; A number of issues were made known to all with anti-social behaviour and criminal activity being the main concern as well as the recent burning of hedges, trees etc;
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive provide members with an update on works carried out to date and advise on future proposals and options available to the residents in the area.
This Committee would like to thank the Council management for their commitment and efforts to date, for the works carried out along the lane, cleansing of the path, scraping back the overgrown debris amongst others, also thanks for Dublin Fire Brigade in their assistance to date regarding the number of calls made to them.
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive report on what actions have been taken to speed up the delay in tree pruning, planting and removals built up over the last number of years in our electoral area, to outline whether a significantly increased budget request will be made this year and to agree to ramp up estates where trees are blocking street lights such as in Foxford, Lucan, liasing with the transportation section to schedule in repairs to kerbs damaged by tree roots; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
That this Area Committee request the removal of the hedging between Earlsfort Park, Rochfort Park and Coldhurst as requested by the residents. Anti social behaviour and drug taking is a regular occurrence at this hedging and the residents feel the removal will inhibit this behaviour.
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on when the stumps will be removed from roads in the Lucan Palmerstown area, especially Culmore Road and Palmerstown Ave. These streets have had a huge number of trees removed recently and to give a form commitment that replacement trees will be planted on these roads during the next planting season.
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on the upgrade work on the steps outside the health centre on Dispensary Lane in the village. Why has no work been done over the summer and the area been left unsafe with cones and barriers left on site?
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report into the situation of the house (address provided), which South Dublin County Council has been involved with in the past and which is again returning to an even worse state and is the focal point for a lot of anti-social activity and a source of REAL intimidation to local residents?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Quarterly report - Litter Management Plan
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on the burning smell around the area of the Kishoge Train Station and Adamstown link road. How many complaints have the Council received from residents in the area so far? What have the Council done so far to stop this happening in the future?
That this Area Committee asks the Chief Executive to update the members on the findings in relation to the ‘Solar Bins’ which are been piloted in the County and if there are plans to implement them in other areas? Would the Chief Executive consider the Lucan/Palmerstown area for these bins?
That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive reports comprehensively on the scandalous situation whereby multiple perpetrators have been able to continue burning domestic and commercial waste and wire for scrap metal at multiple locations in Lucan including at the 12th Lock and off the Adamstown link road, apparently with impunity, over a period of weeks; and furthermore to clarify whether the delay in acting on this issue which has been a huge concern (especially to parents) is down to a lack of action on one or more agencies included in the "multi-agency approach" referred to by the Council in response to my queries, due to a lack of resources, or down to a loophole in the law which needs to be changed.
That this Area Committee, further to motions I’ve raised in relation to the ‘bottle bank’ placed on Griffeen Road (at entrance to embankment) request that the ‘bottle bank’ be removed/relocated. This request comes on foot of requests from the many residents living in close proximity to the ‘bottle bank’ and also on foot of email/photos received regarding the ongoing issues experienced at this ‘bottle bank’.
Email received from resident:
“Hi Leona,
Please find attached photos graphs for the past few Sunday mornings, over the past 3 weeks. You can see that rubbish is being rear of bottle bank, from beds, to paints to general house hold rubbish. Also, late in the evenings you can witness many cars pulling up late at night (9:30 - 12 midnight), after dark. It is being used as a meeting point to deal drugs. I can't imagine that there would be much opposition to remove bottle bank completely. It would not cost the council to remove bottle bank completely, as i'm sure its an expensive exercise cleaning up the area every Monday morning. Let me know if you wish to discuss further,”
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
OPW Flood Risk Management Plan for the Liffey and Dublin Bay
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive to write to Irish Water requesting a report on the variance between hard water & soft water, to include what percentage of hard water and soft is been supplied to the Lucan area. Also, to advise what complaints Irish Water have received directly from the public and what were the most common complaints. To ask Irish Water to comment on the possibility of carrying out a leaflet drop in the Lucan area, although they are not legally obliged to carry out this function, could Irish Water agree to this considering the amount of issues, concerns and complaints received via local representatives and members of the public.
"To ask the Chief Executive how many social housing units have been delivered so far in Adamstown, how many are currently in the pipe line and to confirm that the units are dispersed throughout the development in accordance with Council policy and not clustered?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Quarterly report - Anti-social behaviour
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Lucan swimming pool. How much progress has been made on this since the last area committee?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the swimming pool for Lucan including commencement date?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputation Meetings (No Business)
Lucan swimming pool - update
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee congratulate the Lucan Festival Committee on the success of this years festival.
That this Area Committee, on behalf of the 142nd Esker Troop in Lucan, find a permanent home for this scout group.
They are facing multiple issues constantly. Their main issues are not being able to store equipment, hold events for our youth members, and at present they can only secure a venue for no more than a one year rental contract. They are a growing troop of 30 Beavers scouts aged 6 to 9. 32 Cub scouts aged 9 to 12. 24 Scouts aged 12 -15. 15 Venture scouts aged 15 -17 and 5 Rover scouts aged 18 plus as well as 16 Scout leaders. They also have a huge waiting list which is as good as closed due to our above issues .
They would greatly appreciate any help that you could give to us in sourcing a more permanent venue or ideally a site where we could build our own Den.
"To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed update on the taking-in-charge of The Paddocks?"
"To ask the Chief Executive, following a motion I had passed for a school warden for St Andrews School Lucan, if an update be provided whether one will be appointed?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to give a report on what plans the Council have had for the Esker between Moy Glas & Castleriada in the past and may have in the future. This report will include all past plans and the reason's they did not go ahead. This report will also include what plans the Council may have in the future for the Esker?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Proposed initiation of procedure to extinguish public right of way.
Rear of 276 Arthur Griffith Park, Lucan, County Dublin.
Notice of Road Traffic (Periodic Special Speed Limit) Amendment Bye-Law 2018 (R.S.L. 1 of 2018) Report on Public Consultation
"That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive install road traffic signage on the back roads from Beech park to Lucan Road."
Residents in the Moy Glas and Castle Riada estates have made requests to have the embankment area between the two estates brought back into discussions regarding upgrading and improving the area for the residents in both of these estates.
Therefore this committee requests the Chief Executive to examine the possibility of a permeability design for this location.
Thanks committee also takes this opportunity to thank all those involved for the works that have been carried out in the area to date and for addressing the issues raised over last number of months.
That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive provide a report for discussion by this committee on the failure to apply the 3.5T restriction on the housing estate between the Oval and Kennelsfort Road as already agreed by this committee. This report should include if he is satisfied that the current 7.5T limit on Kennelsfort Road meets the needs of the residents and if it meets the health and safety requirements and permeability guidelines for a road of this type given its width, cycle tracks, number of junctions and pedestrians given that it is a main route for almost 2000 children attending local primary and secondary schools.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
SDZ Quarterly report - Adamstown
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on the strategic housing development on the Vincent Byrne site in Palmerstown. Now the a new website www.palmerstownshd.ie has gone live, what is the time line for this planning application and what is this Councils view on the plan?
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Corporate Support
Cor 10 (i) Email to Dept Education & Skills - re St Andrews School
Cor 10 (ii) Reply from Dept Education & Skills - re St Andrews School
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
"300K - Have your say" report/update
That this Area Committee ask the Chef Executive for a report on the current and project implementation status of the Lucan Area "€300K Have your Day" and that a discussion take place on the matter.
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)