South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 25, 2018


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell

That this Area Committee ask the Chef Executive for a report on the current and project implementation status of the Lucan Area "€300K Have your Day" and that a discussion take place on the matter.



The Council can provide the following quarterly report on projects supported and funded through the participatory budgeting initiative in the Lucan Electoral Area in 2017.


Quarterly Report - September 2018

Project: Playground in Waterstown Park, Palmerstown   

Tender has been issued, evaluated and contract has been awarded. Works to commence October 15th.

Project: Planting of native apple trees, Lucan electoral area

To celebrate the launch of National Tree Week 2018, an apple tree was planted by the Mayor and the children from Scoil Aine Naofa, in Vesey Park, Lucan at 11am on Wednesday March 21st. 75 Apple trees have been planted as community orchards in the following locations: Lucan Demense, Griffeen Valley Park, Willsbrook Park, Vesey Park and Waterstown Park.

This project is now complete.

Project: Free Library Book Banks in Public Places – Lucan Electoral Area

South Dublin Libraries have purchased the required books to be used for the 300k Have Your Say initiative and they have been delivered to LIFE Centre, Esker Hill, Lucan (Lucan Institute of Further Education), Ballyowen Community Centre and Palmerstown Community Centre.

This project is now complete.

Project: Christmas Lights in Lucan Village

The Christmas lights were officially turned on on Sunday, December 3rd 2017.

This project is now complete.

Project: Feasibility Study for the Restoration of Silver Bridge, Palmerstown

This project is being developed in conjunction with Fingal County Council. Currently, the Fingal Architects' Department are updating a cost report to define and estimate the costs to complete basic works on the site, including cleaning, painting and improved protection and will revert to South Dublin County Council when complete.

This report is currently overdue and clarification on delivery has been sought from Fingal CoCo.

Project: Restoration of King John’s Bridge Griffeen Park

A Consulting Conservation Engineer has been formally engaged as part of the project team.  Since then, the conservation engineer has liaised with Trinity College Botany Department with regard to advice and treatment of the large sycamore tree roots that are penetrating the bridge structure. After agreeing on the type of treatment, further discussions took place with the Council's Architectural Conservation Officer and Senior Executive Parks Superintendent from Public Realm.  Root treatment was carried out at beginning of July and another treatment was completed during August. 

It is too early to fully assess the effectiveness of the treatment but there are signs of decay.  A laser scan/survey of the bridge structure is due to take place.  Once the laser scan is complete, detailed elevation drawings will be provided by the conservation engineer in order to specify the conservation, stabilisation and repair works required to the structure, for agreement with the Council's Architectural Conservation Officer

Project: Access to Church and Graveyard at Mill Lane, Palmerstown

The Council's Senior Engineer met with site owners on September 5th. They are agreeable to some works taking place but will not grant permission for the main barrier/turnstile to the land to be removed due to past instances of anti-social behaviour involving scramblers. This would remain a barrier to access for anyone with a pram, wheelchair etc.

The Senior Engineer is liaising with the submitters of the project to relay information and see if they are happy with works to path to be carried out without barrier withdrawn. If so, the Council will return to site owners to get full agreement and work will commence.

Project: Multi-Games Wall, Lucan

Two tenders have been issued with no contractor bidding for the work. The third tender has been modified with extra work included to make it more attractive to potential bidders. This has been issued as of Sept 5th.