South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, September 25, 2018


MOTION: Councillor R. Nolan

That this Area Committee request the removal of the hedging between Earlsfort Park, Rochfort Park and Coldhurst as requested by the residents. Anti social behaviour and drug taking is a regular occurrence at this hedging and the residents feel the removal will inhibit this behaviour. 


It is the policy of the Council to protect and promote the conservation of biodiversity outside of designated areas and to ensure that species and habitats are adequately protected. HCL15 Objective 3 in the Heritage, Conservation and Landscapes section of the County Development Plan 2016-2022 states as follows “to protect existing trees, hedgerows, and woodlands which are of amenity or biodiversity value and/or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management in accordance with Living with Trees: South Dublin County Council’s Tree Management Policy 2015-2020.”

The hedge in question extends over a distance of approximately 115 meters. The composition of the hedge is typical of a field boundary hedge which existed prior to housing development in the area and would have been retained under planning permission at the time. The hedge has numerous gaps along its length where sections of it have died off resulting in individual disconnected dominant species and short sections of full hedge. There was one location along the hedge line where evidence of antisocial activities was present in the form of empty beer bottles and remnants of a fire. The frames of two front car seats and a kids go cart were amongst the fire ashes and it is likely that the presence of plastic and foam in the seats provided enough fuel to set light to the tree under which it was lit. The other significant observation to note from the site inspection was that the empty beer bottles were in a location which is being used for the dumping of garden green waste. The problem with dumping green waste is that it gives the impression of neglect which can lead to further antisocial activities as is evident in this instance.

In light of the Councils Policy and the isolated location of anti-social activity and dumping, there are no current proposals to remove the hedgerow. It is proposed to undertake a clean-up of the hedge which due to the nature of the material dumped will require the use of mechanical aids. Residents also have a part to play in maintaining the hedge and should be encouraged to refrain from dumping garden green waste.

Where residents are experiencing anti-social activities they are advised to report such incidents to the Gardaí who have the powers to enforce the law under the various Criminal Justice and Public Order Acts.