Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of minutes of meeting 20th November 2024
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive when the Eircom Site Social Housing on Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin will be allocated?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee, following the unnecessary clear felling of a newly planted forest on the grounds of Coláiste Chillian, Nangor Road, Clondalkin, by the builder contracted to construct a new primary school there, agrees that SDCC will take this into consideration when awarding any new contracts to for the construction of social housing, given that the builder, (Name Supplied), is also one of the main builder of social housing for SDCC in the area.
To ask the Chief Executive what protection will SDCC give to the old wall along the Old Naas Road, now that permission has been granted for changes near The Green Isle Hotel?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive for an update report on the bollards at Tower Rd x 3 , Boot Road Brigid's Lane x 3 and and 1 at Orchard Road that gives timeframe?
To ask the Chief Executive would he undertake to get the following road marking issues resolved asap
1) Yellow box at spar junction not replaced after new Nangor Rd full box both sides was not put back after resurfacing,
2) Yellow box on Newlands Close,
3) Pedestrian crossings at the Lidl Kilcarberry crossroads?
To ask the Chief Executive to include Hillview Estate, Rathcoole in the upcoming road repair program. The roads across the estate are in poor condition, affecting resident's safety and accessibility.
To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed report on how SDCC are dealing with congested traffic issues and the disruption HVG'S are causing to the village in Newcastle.
To ask the Chief Executive if there are any plans for permeability routes that would link Kilcarberry with the New Nangor Road to allow ease of access to bus stops for those that live in the part of Kilcarberry adjacent to the R136?
To ask the Chief Executive in relation to the Sally Park Mills Apartment complex (SD18A/027 and SD22A/0038), when the new pathway along the Camac River at the apartment block will it be linked to Clondalkin Park/Leisure Centre for public use?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Brittas Safety Improvement
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee agrees to move the parking sign to another grass verge. The house at Monastery Rise already has an electric box, tree and lamppost. (Address Supplied).
That this Area Committee agrees to install a footpath on the Peamount Hospital Road to be extended to reach the end of the road to make it safe to walk to Clondalkin, following a recent fatality in this location due to lack of footpath / lighting.
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should prioritise replacement of footpaths outside Sruleen school as a matter of urgency. The grading here between the concrete and tarmacadam used as infill is noticeably dangerous to children entering school here.
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should address street surface juncture between the Greenpark shops carpark and St Johns Drive. This juncture is approx 6m x 4m is breaking up badly creating potholes and retaining large amount of rainwater which cannot flow to the drain. (this space is clearly between private space and the public road but within the realm of public area.)
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee calls on SDCC to support the Lá Féile Bríde festival committee in its efforts to bring it's hugely successful festival to an even higher plane in 2026. It hopes to put on a festival of light on the eve of Saint Brigid's day such as that seen at this year's Púca festival which was strongly funded by Meath County Council. Such a spectacle would cost at least €20,000 but it is most appropriate that SDCC would support this venture considering the strong links to Brigid in the County, with wells at Clondalkin and Rathcoole and a history of the celebration of the coming of the light at Imbolg now firmly established. Brigid, our national saint and goddess, should be celebrated in our county in a manner comparable to the way she is celebrated in Kildare and Louth. We also ask that this motion is brought to the full Council.
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee agrees that variety with respect to entertainment and the lighting arrangement should be considered for the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree lights event in Clondalkin.
That this Area Committee calls on the new Dáil to urgently allocate a secondary school for Newcastle and demands that the community is listened to! We commit to write to all the party leaders on this urgent matter! We ask the new Minister act on this as a priority asap.
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should arrange for the construction of a temporary 'Singing Christmas Tree' (see photo) to allow choirs in the area to perform in public at Clondalkin Civic Centre Plaza each Christmas.
That this Area Committee writes to the Department of Education and requests a reason why a stepping stone forest of 600 trees was destroyed at Coláiste Cillian without any discussion and request that these are replaced.
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive What is the up-to-date situation regarding St Cuthbert's church, moat and graveyard? What progress has been made?
To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the outstanding trees scheduled for removal and pruning in the current tree programme.
To ask the Chief Executive when the street trees along St John's Lawn in Clondalkin were last trimmed and when they might next be trimmed?
To ask the Chief Executive to describe any bicycle lane across the Clondalkin LEA that was been mechanically cleaned during the month of November?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should secure the gaps in railings which secures Monastery gate Villas green space and the Shalimar Apartments/Ibis Hotel lands. This area is becoming a source of anti social activity and drug dealing and requires a higher level of maintenance to keep secure.
To ask the Chief Executive to address the ongoing issues around Sally Lane Clondalkin, particularly cleanliness and removing graffiti that defaces various parts, especially at the rear of Clondalkin Leisure Centre.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee calls on SDCC to get Public Realm to address the issues around Sally Lane that include dumping, broken and damaged wall, broken fence etc. We also ask SDCC to meet Tidy Towns to ensure all issues are addressed.
That this Area Committee calls on SDCC to deal with the issue of dereliction on Rathcoole main street where a property is posing a danger to the public since the recent storm. (Main St Rathcoole. Cottages on main street as you enter Rathcoole Church entrance. Tidy Towns recently painted up the hoarding, but it was blown down).
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)