Headed Items
Minutes of 14th December, 2022
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
2023 Roadworks Programme
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees, to call for a removal of the the "bus lane" which begins after the intersection of N7 and R136 and continues to intersection of Newlands Cross via junction of Booth rd and further calls for the reconfiguration of this junction as a matter of priority before a more serious incident occurs here. The current configuration of the merging lanes on N7 are causing confusion and leading to dangerous situations developing at the intersection of Booth Rd. Additional traffic exiting N7 for Clondalkin are confused due to lack of clarity regarding Bus lane and exit to Newlands Cross.
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should review the locations for "Salt Bins" to enable people to clear ice and snow from footpaths and streets within estates. The committee notes that the area of Greenpark is a particularly problematic area due to the incline of the streets that run perpendicular from N7 down through estate.
That this Area Committee supports Clondalkin Mens Shed's request for street signage to be placed at Brideswell Lane , adjoining St Brigids Well at Brideswell Commnons , Boot Road Clondalkin! Can the Director of Land use and planning explain when this name change to Brideswell Lane occurred or indeed if ever it was renamed?
That this Area Committe requests the Chief Executive to allocate 20 salt bins to the Clondalkin area as a matter of urgency.
To ask the Chief Excecutive will SDCC to forward a complete copy of The Vision for Clondalkin document (formulated by local people and presented to SDCC in 2022) to the consultants the SDCC Management has engaged to draw up the Local Area Plan for Clondalkin as part of the Council's new Development Plan? All the local Council representatives agreed with the contents of the Vision for Clondalkin document. Will the consultants report to the Local Area Committee on the progress regarding the Vision for Clondalkin document?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee agrees to add the Old RIC Barracks aka Riverside (D22 KT20) on the Old Nangor Road to the Vacant Sites Register.
Economic Development
To ask the Chief Executive, what person or department in South Dublin County Council has day-to-day operational responsibility for the council lands commonly called Rathcoole Woodlands.
To ask the Chief Executive to account for why the Grand Canal Greenway between the 9th Lock and Park West was closed to the public for a number of weeks in December and what role they had in the closing?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
To ask the Chief Executive for an update report on the Clondalkin 300k Have your say and explain what happens to funds of projects not completed?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee compliments SDCC for the Christmas Tree erected on the plaza outside the Civic Offices in Clondalkin recently and agrees that for 2023 that the lighting arrangement should consist of significantly more and varied colours of lights than were used in 2022.
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive, where will the Teen Space agreed for Rathcoole Park be located and what will it consist of?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update report on repairs to Mount St.Josephs headstones & the lock and new signage?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update report on the Landscaping of LUAS roundabout (due to be done Q4 2022)?
To ask the Chief Executive if damage done to public parks by scrambler bikes and quad bikes constitutes criminal damage, where the grass is torn up by the tyres of said bikes and the earth underneath exposed?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Draft Public Realm Improvement Works Programme 2023
Correspondence(No Business)
That this Area Committee agrees to a more regular clean up of the bin at Woodford Road, opposite the bus stop at castle park green.
That this Area Committee compliments the Public Realm section on the judicious use of boulders between Westbourne Green and Lealand to prevent scrambler bike access between the estates, and agrees to review the boulder arrangement and clean the surrounding footpaths which have become covered with muck thus impeding pedestrian access between the estates.
To ask the Chief Executive if any fines for illegal dumping of litter have been issued in 2022 to Four Star Pizza, 5-7 Main St., Clondalkin given the egregious way in which the business leaves litter outside their premises? See attached photo of latest incident.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive if the Floraville Cottage apartment block on the Monastery Road has been leased and allocated by SDCC?
To ask the Chief Executive if SDCC has had any role in the leasing or allocation to tenants of the apartments in the San Guida apartment block on the New Road in Clondalkin?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee reaffirms the need for Crisis single bed accomodation in the Clondalkin area and urges SDCC to raise this with the Minister to seek funding as a matter of urgency (this area committee and council has already agreed 62920 , 61757 , 55409 , 53673 , 48620 , 46839 , 46455 , 44702 , 44121 , 42445) - we ask that a headed item is brought to this area committee as a matter of urgency and that this motion is also sent to the Minister for Housing.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests a meeting with Council to look at how we can make Clondalkin a Autism Friendly Village (following on from agreed council business at 75551 , 75400 , 75399 , 75398 , 75397 , 75396 , 75395 , 68735) and that this meeting involves reps from Clondalkin Autism Parent Support Network and that we look at integrating this into our upcoming local area plan.
That this Area Committee calls for a meeting on anti-racism issues and the production of anti-racism stickers for community events and businesses and that someone from SDCC Community section attend and this be ready to be rolled out for the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21st March 2023 (following on from previously agreed bussiness of 77222 , 48615 , 47614 , 46460 , 45911 , 45709).
That this Area Committee agrees that a Local Policing Forum for Clondalkin should take place in Spring 2023.
That this Area Committee agrees that a second round of funding for Active Tidy Towns groups be opened from a portion of the unallocated part of the 2022 budget for Tidy Towns groups.