Headed Items
Confirmation and Reaffirmation of Minutes of December Area Committee Meeting
To ask the Chief Executive that in light of recent and proposed developments in Ballyboden/Knocklyon*, if a traffic assessment has been carried out for the area in the past three years, and if not, if one will be undertaken in the coming months. *Planned: the SHDs on Taylor's Lane and Scholarstown Road. *Recent: the primary healthcare centre on Edmondstown Road, Scholarstown Wood, Stocking Wood, White Pines.
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads - NO BUSINESS
That the Chief Executive presents a report on the current exploratory works in Dodder Valley Park, specially in relation to drainage beyond the Firhouse Weir down towards Spawell end.
That the chief executive agrees that repairs to the tree-damaged sections of the footpath on Parklands Rd in Ballycragh be included in the schedule of work for 2021.
That this committee requests that the kerbs in Manor Estate, particularly around Mountdown Drive and Avenue be assessed and where necessary, replaced. The kerbs in many parts of this estate are in a bad state repair. The kerbs are in pieces and residents are concerned that these will be used to help break into vehicles and/or used in other forms of ASB.
That the Manager organises a safety review of the 'Shared Surface' footpath leading down from the Orlagh Roundabout to the Knocklyon Road junction at Supervalu Knocklyon. A child was knocked down in November because they were going too fast on their scooter as a result of the natural slope on the path, shot out into the oncoming traffic and yet SDCC are refusing the install a barrier to stop the same thing happening again.
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
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NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants - NO Business
Library News & Events
Corporate Support
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New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
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New Works (No Business)
To ask the Manager to organise a clearing and cleansing of the laneway at the rear of St. James's Road, Greenhills as it has been the subject of illegal dumping and associated anti social behaviour
Water & Drainage
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on St. Joseph's Rd, Greenhills, Dublin 12 in relation to tree maintenance in that area. I was advised recently that discussion is required with residents before tree pruning works can be carried out due to a previously made commitment to residents in relation to the replanting of trees where others had been cut down. Can you also please advise as to why replanting discussion is holding up tree pruning? Can you please provide information as to what this commitment involves, when it was made, how discussion will be facilitated given the current situation and when that will take place and what the Council would like to do for this street in terms of replanting? Can I also ask in relation to a tree outside of 20 St Josephs Rd. Residents report that it had been agreed that this tree needed to be removed in 2016 but it is still in place. I am not in favour of removing trees without good reason but it would seem that SDCC were in favour of it so must have had justification.
To ask the manager when appropriate trees will be replanted at Wainsfort Manor Crescent, to replace those which were felled recently because they were too close to the street lights
To ask the Manager what long term plans are in place to resolve the problems with the water supply to the pond in Rathfarnham Castle Park
To ask for the timeframe on the opening up of the car parking area in Kiltipper Park (Kiltipper Rd end).
Can the manager please report on the existence of a greenway through the grounds of Coláiste Éanna Ballyroan Road and any council engagement with school management or Gardai to reduce anti-social behaviour in the area?
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
Draft Public Realm Improvement Works Programme 2021
Tree Maintenance Programme update for January
That this committee asks that the Tymon Park Dog Run be included as part of a regular grass cutting schedule.
That the dead trees on the laneway between Woodlawn Park Drive and Woodlawn Park Avenue which have been scheduled for removal for many months be removed.
That the Chief Executive reports on the current schedule on the clean up of playspaces within the RTFB area.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Anti-Social Quarterly Statistics 2020
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)