Headed Items
Confirmation & Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 18th November, 2020.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive, how many planning permissions for single dwellings in our LEA were approved by South Dublin County Council in their Rural Metropolitan Area since the current plan commenced in 2016?
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report detailing the purpose of the erection of a large mast on Bawnogue Road close to the junction of Alpine Heights. Was there a planning application approved for this structure and who is responsible for it?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to confirm that South Dublin County Council made a submission to An Bord Pleanála on the Garters Lane SHD (http://www.garterslaneshd.com/)?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee notes with interest the recently announced, Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2021 and the Historic Structure Fund (HSF) 2021, both administered by SDCC, and, receives a presentation on the types of structures that can typically receive funding under such schemes so as the members may have a better idea of what in the Clondalkin LEA could in principle apply for such funding."
"That this Area Committee asks for a full report for discussion on the planned community facility for Ballynakelly, has South Dublin County Council received any payment in lieu of this facility given the original planning agreed? We ask for a full detailed report and explanation on the community space, why it wasn't delivered and how it was allowed go from Community to Housing? Also if any money was paid? How much? and what community dividend will the community get in lieu of this originally planned community facility?
"In relation to the on street bicycle pump that was installed at the 9th Lock in Clondalkin, but has now been removed due to neglect and vandalism, to ask the Chief Executive: - the cost of the unit? - the cost of an external contractor installing the unit? - the cost of each maintainence call out from an external contractor? - in what section of Budget 2020 and Budget 2021 are such items included? - if the CCTV adjacent to the bicycle pump has been utilized to monitor use and vandalism of the pump?
"To ask the Chief Executive when the footpaths of the Riversdale Estate on Watery Lane in Clondalkin might be improved in particular to allow wheelchair users to safely navigate from Riversdale Drive to the Bridge over the River Camac?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive please approve 2 or 3 ramps for Cherrywood Crescent."
"That this Area Committee requests that South Dublin County Council investigate the state of the footpaths in Main Street, Newcastle as roots of trees are pushing up footpaths and there are at least two wheelchair bound residents that cannot use this footpath and several others on walkers who find it difficult to navigate the footpath. We ask that immediate repairs are undertaken."
"This Area Committee agrees that Knockmeenagh Road be pedestrianised from Consolidated Pumps/Newlands Grove to St. Brigid's Cottages and calls on the Chief Executive to begin a process of public consultation to this end."
"Following the recent vandalising of the bicycle pump and repair station sited at the Canal cycle way and adjacent to "Hairlough Barbers", that this Area Committee agrees that the council should replace with more robust structure."
"That this Area Committee requests that the sign being erected on Stoney Lane, Rathcoole says "Stoney Lane" and not "Stoney Hill Lane" and if the sign cannot read "Stoney Lane" that no sign be erected at all."
"This Area Committee calls for an increase in the provision of bicycle stands in the Clondalkin LEA."
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Committee requests that Clondalkin Libraries invite older resdents of Clondalkin to submit their memories of Condalkin in writing or video and these are collated in order to build a record of Clondalkin's past."
That this committee supports the ''Joe Williams Archives'' committee and asks South Dublinh County Council report on where the entire invaluable collection could be stored. It may be of use to future generations as a historical record of Clondalkin and surrounding areas. We ask for a full and detailed report on what options are available for the collection within South Dublin County Council.
Economic Development
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This Council agrees that the CE invites in the NPWS to assess the findings of ‘Priority Annex I habitat to 91E0 Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior’ and any other Annex Habitats found by others or the Council in Rathcoole Woodlands before any further housing plan or proposal is brought before the Clondalkin Area Committee or before a Council Meeting.
This Council agrees that the Clondalkin Area Committee needs a copy of the ecological results and their implications, along with a presentation on same at a separate Area Meeting in advance of the Area Meeting or Council meeting at which the housing proposal will be presented.
This Council agrees that the CE invites in NPWS as soon as the Council is aware that an Annex Habitat has been found on any Council owned land in the interest of implementing Climate Action Plan and Biodiversity Plan and preventing further deterioration and loss of biodiversity in the County.
Corporate Support
"To ask the Chief Executive to write to Clondalkin Tidy Towns and Friends of the Camac and commend them on their work during difficult Covid times and express our gratitude from the Council and the Clondalkin Area Committee?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on any Christmas Trees or lights that will be installed across the LEA?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"That this Area Committee agrees to the wall around the Electricity Utility box between Numbers 57 and 63 Lealand Avenue being demolished by SDCC. It is noted that the ESB have consented to this as it was SDCC who constructed the wall in the first place some time ago and the only purpose served by the wall is aesthetic. The reason for the request for the demolition of the wall, is that it is allows access to the roof of the Utility Box, which is a gathering point for a group of youths that by their actions intimidate local residents."
"That this Area Committee agrees in principle to the posting of the Agenda of the monthly Clondalkin LEA in a readable, aesthetic and presentable form (such as in the attached example for October 2020) on (i) the exterior facade of the Clondalkin Civic Offices, (ii) Public Noticeboards e.g. in Rathcoole Park and Corkagh Park, and (iii) in a number of key locations throughout the ward e.g. Woodford Shops, Bawnogue Shops and Sruleen Shops. The latter may require a request to hire wall space to erect a noticeboard on exterior facades from the proprietors of said shopping complexes. It is noted that the ultimate arbitrar of this proposal is the South Dublin County Council Organisation Procedure and Finance Committee Meeting."
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive what the results are of the initial stage of the Green Infrastructure project involving collation of all available data sources such as survey works, investigations, environmental assessments and plans that exist at a local level and if he will report on the four research strands which provide the foundation and evidence base on which to build both the GI Strategy and the POS Strategy and when will they start?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on when new trees will be planted in the Castle Park Estate in Clondalkin in the places were trees and stumps were removed during the last tree maintenance work carried out in the estate?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"This Area Committee acknowledges the success of the Dog Run in Corkagh Park. Citizens of the county travel from as far as Rathcoole with their dogs to use it. Given its success, what is the view of Public Realm on installing smaller dog runs, say a quarter or a fifth the size of the Corkagh Dog Run, in both Rathcoole Park and either in Knockmitten Park or Castle Park in Clondalkin for the use of the dogs and their owners that reside in those parts of the ward?"
"That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive to clean the leaves and puddles, etc off Tay Lane Bridge. Also can the Chief Executive clarify where the responsibility lies for this Bridge so that a long term solution is found. The problem arises every year."
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to use the best available, new and improved method of classifying habitats available at: Irish Vegetation Classification at the National Biodiversity Data Centre: https://www.biodiversityireland.ie/projects/national-vegetation-database/irish-vegetation-classification/explore/wl4d/ to classify habitats and inform the Green Infrastructure Strategy."
"That this Area Committee congratulates the Public Realm team for the recent Viking Themed and accessibility focused reworking of Corkagh Playground"
"That the Chief Executive attempt to eradicate rubbish, littering, etc. at St. Brigid's Well, Lilliput Lane, it is a disgrace and needs to be rectified. Can the Council also arrange a clean up at earliest convenience."
"To ask the Chief Executive what he proposes to do with the growing Graffiti issue in the Clondalkin area as outlined below 1. Monastery Road - on walls at bus stop before Mount St. Joseph Cemetery [Monastery Heath] 2. Sally Park - on hoarding at new development [opposite Mill Pond apartments] 3. Watery Lane - at pedestrian lights 4. Community Centre - on new walls at Raheen House development - near WWI Garden 5. Fonthill Road - on hoarding on new development [past the Health Care Centre - near to St.John's entrance] 6. Boot Road - road signage at Health Care Centre 7. Community Centre - green utility box on footpath near playground. 8. Community Centre - on walls between St. John's Estate & Fonthill Road 9. St. John's Estate - on walls before exiting onto Fonthill Road. 10. Community Centre - on walls near the Sandy Hole weir - St. John's exit?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
"That the Chief Executive issue a report into the stream in Newcastle and outline how South Dublin County Council can make this safer to avoid Health and Safety issues? (Newcastle Tidy Towns suggest kerbing)."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)