Wednesday, December 16, 2020
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
"That this Area Committee asks for a full report for discussion on the planned community facility for Ballynakelly, has South Dublin County Council received any payment in lieu of this facility given the original planning agreed? We ask for a full detailed report and explanation on the community space, why it wasn't delivered and how it was allowed go from Community to Housing? Also if any money was paid? How much? and what community dividend will the community get in lieu of this originally planned community facility?
SHD3ABP-305343-19 was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanala for a development description
‘(1) The demolition of 5 structures on site, total area measuring 359sq.m, comprising 2 habitable dwellings and 3 associated outbuildings/sheds located to the northwest of the site; (2) development of 406 residential homes; (3) a childcare facility (518sq.m GFA); (4) 1 commercial unit (67.7sq.m GFA); (5) reservation of a school site (1.5ha); (6) new vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access from Main Street; (7) continuation of Newcastle Boulevard forming part of a new east-west link street; (8) a new Public Park (2ha); (9) pocket parks and greenway together with associated internal access roads, pedestrian and cycle paths and linkages; (10) 1 single storey marketing suite (81sqm) and signage (including hoarding) during the construction phase of development only and (11) all associated site and development works.The overall site comprises lands to the south of Main Street (c.15ha) together with 3 additional infill sites at the corner of Burgage Street and Newcastle Boulevard (c. 0.8ha); No. 32 Ballynakelly Edge (c.0.05ha); and Ballynakelly Rise (c.0.18ha)’
This permission included the change of use of the community facility at No. 32 Ballynakelly Edge to apartments. The building was given consent under Part 8 as a community building relating to existing adjacent units which were at the time designated for the use of the travelling community. The applicant stated that the residential units have not been allocated as traveller accommodation and therefore the community building is no longer required.
At the time of the Chief Executive Report to ABP on the Stage 3 SHD planning application, the Community Section of South Dublin County Council advised that the existing building the subject of this application that was built for community use and is proposed for use as three apartments is not suitable for the community’s requirements. It was considered that there is scope to provide community facilities in alternative more appropriate locations within Newcastle. In this context, the Planning Authority outlined that the proposal to change the use at Ballynakelly was appropriate and advised the Board to consider attaching a specific condition for contributions for the provision of community facilities in Newcastle at another location in accordance with the phasing requirements of the Newcastle LAP.
An Bord Pleanala attached a standard Section 48 contribution condition, however a specific additional contribution condition for community facilities to comply with the LAP was not included in the ABP grant of permission.
In addition, it is noted that community floorspace was permitted under SD20A/0037 on Main Street, Newcastle.