Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 16th December 2019
"That this Area Committee call on the Chief Executive to make a report regarding the rollout of LED Public Lighting, in particular in relation to those areas where there was an issue with older type wiring supply, and to indicate if this issue is resolved?"
"With regards to the new schools in Citywest, this Area Committe asks the Chief Executive to install further traffic calming measures for the purpose of increased safety of the children who are attending the Schools?
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to listen to the concerns of the residents of Citywest Village & work with the Developer to get the existing entrance at Fortunestown Lane under planning reference SD15A/0127 closed off to vehicular traffic before the estate is taken in charge.
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Economic Development
"To ask the CEO to present an update on plans for the development of an innovation centre on Tallaght Town Centre lands; will he confirm the schedule now being followed and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm actions being taken to promote the job creation needs of Tallaght; will he detail contacts he has made in that regard and will he make a statement."
"To ask the CEO to update Members on his efforts to improve the image of Cookstown Industrial Estate; will he appreciate the importance of the Estate in respect of job creation and will he make a statement?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
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Application for Arts Grants
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the CEO to write to Joe McHugh TD, Minister for Education and Skills, asking for an update on the Department's plans to provide new school accommodation in the Tallaght area?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm how many voters are registered on the 2020/2021 Voting Registers for Tallaght Central and Tallaght South?"
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the CEO for an update on the N81 Improvement Scheme specifically the section from Balrothery to Tallaght Village - what is left to be done. On the Glenview roundabout is there a sculpture to be added, also is there additional signage to be added welcoming people to Tallaght?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to update as to when the next phase of discussion on the Pavilion Programme will commence and the best way for clubs to make representations regarding Council provided facilities?
"To ask the Chief Executive to update on any proposed user of the new pavilion in Dodder Valley and the timeframe for the upgrade of pitches in the area?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm contacts he has had with Kingswood Residents Association and other interests in respect of the future of the Kingswood Tennis Courts; will he detail his current thinking in respect of the matter and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to present a further report on his dealings in respect of the Wetlands at Sean Walsh Park and will he make a statement in respect of the matter?"
Headed Items
Draft Public Realm Improvement Works Programme 2020
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
That this TAC calls on the CEO to hold immediate discussions with the management of Tymon Bawn Football Club in respect of their dressing room accommodation needs at Brady's Field, Old Bawn Road; will he appreciate the needs of this important club in this regard and will he make a statement.
That this Area Committee identifies a suitable plot within the Tallaght Area, and makes a plan to establish a tree nursery with a view to this being the source for indigenous trees in future Council plantings.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install a litter bin at each bus stop in areas of black spots of littering.
"To ask the CEO how many fines have been issued in 2019 for Dog Fouling in the Tallaght area broken down by location?"
"To ask the CEO what frequency does the Litter Warden complete routine visits in the Tallaght area to ensure compliance with relevant SDCC by-laws and also how many non-routine visits were carried out month by month in 2019?"
"It's been reported by residents the amount of household rubbish that's dumped beside the river between Bawnlea, Drumcarra, and Cloonmore every day is really gone over the top. Everything from household waste to beds, electric items etc. There are also joyriders up and down the river close to the houses. Residents are asking are the Council to take steps to stop the cars getting in or using the cameras to monitor the illegal dumping. It is an ongoing problem that is just escalating. To ask the Chief Executive what are the short and longterm plans for upgrading this area of the stream?"
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Climate Change Action Plan
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
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New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the CEO how many vacant houses owned by SDCC are in Tallaght Area and how long have they been lying vacant broken down by 0-3 months, 3 - 6 Months, 6 - 9 Months etc.?"
"To ask the CEO how many of the vacant houses in Tallaght will be ready for allocation in the first quarter of 2020 broken down by bedroom size and location?"
"To ask the Chief Executive, in relation to a Council Tenant or any resident storing very large amounts of Household Rubbish in the driveway or front garden of their home, what action if any, can the Council take to remedy the situation? Is there any consideration given to removing such accumulated rubbish if there are special circumstances involved, such as mental health or disability?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an updated estimate for the following to be housed by South Dublin County Council:
- 1. A family unit
- 2. Single person
- 3. A couple with no children?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to investigate two properties in Springfield, which seem to be fire damaged and have been sitting idle for a number of years. I would like to ask that the Council investigates who owns them and if they can be acquired? Address supplied"
"To ask the CEO if he will confirm the number of applicants of over 60 persons currently on the housing list from the Tallaght area and will he make a statement in respect of the matter?"
"To ask the CEO to present a report from his Housing Department on actions proposed, following their attendance at the meeting in the Council on 10 January 2020 with a delegation from Croi Ro Naofa GAA Club, Killinarden, Tallaght, in respect of ongoing serious difficulties at their Pitches and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the amount of families in hubs and emergency accommodation in the Tallaght area?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on the current amount of rough sleepers in the Tallaght area and what support they are offered by SDCC?"
Headed Items
Housing Allocations Quarterly Update 2020
Anti-Social Quarterly Statistics 2020
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
There has been no progress on the provision of an affordable housing plan under the Fine Gael and Fianna Fail government arrangement, with further delays of an election and formation of a new Government anticipated. This area committee calls on the Council to begin the provision of public housing on the proposed site at Killinarden and to also engage with a suitable AHB for the provision of older person housing on the site. This work should be undertaken in conjunction with the redevelopment of Killinarden Park as a key local amenity.
"To ask the CEO to confirm what assistance and advice he is offering to the managements of Community Centres throughout the Tallaght area in relation to the challenge of insurance costs; will he understand the concerns of many in respect of this issue and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm what assistance he provides where a new Residents Association is established in the Tallaght area and will he present an update in the matter?"
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)