Headed Items
Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 15th April 2019
Economic Development
"To ask the CEO to confirm that the job creation needs of Tallaght remain a priority of the Council and will he particularly comment on the concerns of many in the wider community that former jobs sites are now being converted into possible residential areas and will he make a general statement in the matter?"
"To ask the CEO to report on the planned work for the fourth stand at Tallaght stadium and other work to the stadium, when will this start and report on date of completion?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
"To ask the Chief Executive to make a report regarding the construction of the new Castletymon Library and indicate if there are any undue delays to the construction of the Library and to confirm that the current Contractor is sufficiently committed to completing the Project?"
"To ask the CEO to present a report on the progress of the building programme at the new Castletymon Library; will he confirm the schedule being followed towards the completion date and also confirm what actions are currently in place to continue to provide a Library service to the local community?"
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
"To ask the CEO if he would write to Simon Harris TD Minister for Health asking if he proposes to take any action in respect of car parking charges at hospitals."
"To ask the CEO to please write to Joe McHugh TD Minister for Education and Skills asking him to confirm any plans to establish new schools in the Citywest Dublin 24 area?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive what steps the Council is taking to secure the boundary at Kilnamanagh to prevent bonfires, illegal drugs and alcohol sales and to facilitate local sports clubs in developing sports facilities at this location?"
"To ask the Chief Executive what are the proposals for the site at Kilnamanagh which is subject to annual bonfires and is much needed by local sports clubs?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to give a report on the grass cutting and maintenance of Kiltalown Estate and how often this is carried out? If the Council have a responsibility for removing weeds and cutting grass verges? Additionally, to ask who has the responsibility of removing weeds and the maintenance of the general area outside of the Youthreach in Kiltalown?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to please update on the tree planting plan for Glenview Park, Tallaght? This plan was to replace the problematic poplar trees that were previously removed."
"To ask the CEO to present an updated report on his plans for further development at Dodder Valley Park Old Bawn Tallaght; will he particularly address concerns expressed by some in the local community regarding the future of the Tennis Courts and will he also take the opportunity to give a progress report on the provision of the Pavilion?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm contacts he has had with St Marks GAA Club Cookstown Road Tallaght regarding issues that concern them regarding Pitches; will he particularly confirm that he is discussing with the Club management their concerns regarding suggestions that a Pathway would be developed which would interfere with their use of the Pitches and will he bring members up to date with the matter?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on what further measures can be implemented for the purpose of deterring quads and scramblers from gaining access to Jobstown Park and will he make a statement on the matter?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to report on Killinarden Park and when this will be secured, as ongoing issues are causing the local GAA club to play matches away from cars getting burnt out in the park?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
Chairman's Business - that this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the CEO to present a detailed report on his proposals to deal with the challenge of the forthcoming Halloween season at the open land on Treepark Road Kilnamanagh; will he note the concern of the local community that the progress made last year in respect of this issue would be maintained, will he give details of his plans to deal with the various issues and will he make a full statement.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to place litter bins and seating benches at the site of the new Bancroft Playspace.
Following on from the Public Realm Improvements Works 2019, as presented to the January 2019 Tallaght Area Committee, that this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive to give a time frame for the following works, listed in that programme:
resurfacing footpaths to the rear of the old Castletymon Library and
installation of the new footpath, from the Greenhills Road pedestrian crossing to Birchview.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install public bins around the vicinity of Citywest Shopping Centre and Fortunestown Lane.
The estate name wall at the entrance to Old Bawn Estate on the junction of Old Bawn RD/ Old Bawn Way/ Seskin View Rd has become hidden by the proliferation of utility boxes and the subsequent use of hedging to try and limit their negative aesthetic value.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to relocate the existing wall to a position of more prominence where it can be seen and maintained.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to organise additional days of free access to Ballymount Civic Amenity and a free large/bulky item collection across Tallaght in advance of Halloween.
This would be of huge assistance to residents that do not have the physical means to access the Ballymount Civic Amenity, and to those residents who are actively organising to protect green areas and estates from illegal dumping and bonfire damage.
That this Area Committee calls on the Council to consider the expansion of Carrigmore Amenity Park in Citywest, with a consideration for further facilities for children.
"To ask the Chief Executive what steps the Council is taking to ensure commercial ratepayers in our Industrial estates in Tallaght are neither supplying tyres, pallets or other combustible materials to those attempting to find fuel for bonfires in our Tallaght Estates?"
Could the Manager inform this Area Committee if cars which are parked long term and “off the road” by residents on grass areas in housing estates, such as Castle Park, Tallaght, can be forcibly removed by the Council, if the owners continually refuse to remove them?
To ask the Chief Executive for the possibility of putting up Litter Fining signs in Sheehy Skeffington Meadows. The estate was built just last year but the rubbish dumping is already causing a huge concern for residents.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"Following on from representations received from local residents, to ask the Chief Executive that an urgent inspection be carried out at the following lane ways, with a view to removing overgrown vegetation and clearing accumulated rubbish,
Lane way at rear of 84 Castle Park
Lane way at rear of 6-10 Tymon North Park
Lane way at rear of 35 Tymon North Lawn
Lane way at rear of 1A Tymonville Court"
"To ask the Chief Executive what is the Council's policy on re-letting and renovations of local authority housing? It seems to the wider public that there is a lot of waste in the removal of windows, doors, kitchens etc. There is also a huge time delay in re-allocation of house etc. Would a safety report not be cheaper and more energy efficient as we are striving for less waste and greener environment?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm the number of Council houses currently boarded up in the area covered by this Area Committee; will he also confirm the current average time it takes to return such houses to Council stock and will he make a general statement in respect of the matter?"
Headed Items
Housing Supply Quarterly Update
Housing Allocations Report
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committe ask the Chief Executive to report on the delay in handover of houses built or purchased by SDCC to allocations. We have families waiting in hubs and homeless individuals told they are getting properties and some are still waiting as they are told the land has not been handed over to the Council. Can the Chief Executive also report on the time when the property is offered to family to the time of moving in?
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on repair work to the pool at Tallaght Leisure Centre, Jobstown, and please outline the current workings and capacity of the pool?"
"To ask the CEO to present an up to date report on the operation of the Brookfield Youth & Community Centre; will he give details of the management structure now in place and confirm what efforts have been made to restore all previous services available to the local community and will he make a statement in the matter?"
"To ask the CEO to report on current financial support that this Council give to Killinarden Community Centre?"
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to install cameras in Sundale Park and surrounding areas. There was a kidnapping attempt on a lady by two men in Sundale Park two months ago. Recently, I am aware of at least three cases of robbery in the past few weeks in Sundale.
"To ask the Chief Executive to inform this Area Committee if there are any plans to erect “Welcome to Tallaght“ signage at the main gateways to the County Town, to compliment the N81 Enhancement Project?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to have the footpath & kerbs fixed outside Citywise Education Centre on Fortunestown Road?"
"To ask the CEO if he has any plans now to provide the long promised new Taxi Rank in Tallaght and will he make a statement in the matter?"
"To ask the CEO if he has examined the concerns of the local community in Kilnamanagh with regard to traffic management issues identified by them and will he particularly detail plans for traffic calming in the estate including the provision of further "islands" as previously provided in Birchview and will he present an update?"
"To ask the Chief Executive regarding the possibility of installing a cycle station in the vicinity of Citywest shopping centre?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide for the installation of a bus shelter on Aylesbury Road, nearby St Martin de Porres Church (on the pavement near the houses), and also in Cushlawn Road, nearby the shops?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to have repairs to road on Killinarden way carried out as some parts of the road are in a bad way outside Centra on Killinarden Way and at the top of the road at lights at N81?"
"That this Area Committee call on the CEO to install pedestrian traffic lights at the entrance to Sacred Heart at Killinarden? With the increase of houses in the area and the current plan, pedestrian lights are badly needed in the area."
Headed Items
Initiation of Review of South Dublin County Council (Control of Parking) Bye Laws 2010
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to introduce a Permit Scheme for placing Commercial skips on public roads, within residential areas, where the placing of such skips do not allow a minimum width of clear road space of three metres, from the side of the skip to the outside of the opposite kerb.
That this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to pursue the NTA for funding to upgrade the Cycle Track along the N81 coming from Blessington Road heading towards Tallaght Central direction.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Chairman's Business - that this Tallaght Area Committee confirms its support for the preservation and protection of the historical Katherine Tynan home at Kingswood Heights and calls on the CEO to investigate the possibility of the site being developed in the future as a Heritage Centre and may we have a detailed statement for discussion. Charlie O'Connor