Monday, September 23, 2019
QUESTION: Councillor C. O'Connor
"To ask the CEO to present an updated report on his plans for further development at Dodder Valley Park Old Bawn Tallaght; will he particularly address concerns expressed by some in the local community regarding the future of the Tennis Courts and will he also take the opportunity to give a progress report on the provision of the Pavilion?"
"South Dublin County Council have a number of projects underway or planned at present at Dodder Valley Park Old Bawn Tallaght. A changing pavilion and new car park are under construction, and the existing grass pitches are being assessed for upgrade and re-lining. The Council recently engaged with Tennis Ireland and Old Bawn Residents Association to discuss the current use of the tennis courts and commence a conversation on their use into the future. The Council is currently considering options in this regard and has not made any plans as yet; nor is there any budget for any works to the tennis courts at present. In addition a Part 8 was recently passed at the September Council meeting for 3 playspaces and a play trail in the Dodder Valley. This Part 8 provides for a playspace at Old Bawn and the play trail will link the proposed playspace at Old Bawn with one across the Dodder at the Mt Carmel side of the park. The proposed siting of the playspace at Old Bawn is in a very suitable location, close to the entrance to the park and the new carpark, with good visibility from the main road. It is felt that the above projects will complement other projects that were carried out in recent years such as the shared route and new bridges linking the Old Bawn and Mt Carmel / Firhouse sides of the Dodder Valley.
With regard to the pavillion currently underway at Old Bawn; the Council is satisfied with progress of construction as set out below and delivery has been assisted by the good weather to date.
Progress To date [17.09.2019]
Programme for next 2-weeks:
Status with Existing Programme: Generally on Programme"