Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 18th December 2018
Corporate Support
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on projects agreed under "Have Your Say 300k", including comprehensive completion timescales for projects as yet not completed."
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Cathaoirleachs Business
There has been a visible increase in in anti-social behaviour in parts of the Lucan LEA and in particular around the Ballyowen area. That this Area Committee agrees to write to the relevant Minister and Senior Guards calling for additional resources to combat the problem."
That this Area Committee calls on the relevant Director of Services to contact the Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment and the CEO of An Post to call on them to reverse the decision to close the Post Office currently located in Dodsboro noting the negative impact the closure is likely to have on that community.
That this Area Committee writes to the Joint Policing Committee reaffirming its support for a Local Policing Forum covering the entire Lucan Area, including Lucan Garda station, especially in the light of increased reports of violent attacks and vandalism in recent months.
With recent anti-social behaviour taking place in Lucan, that this Area Committee invite a spokesperson from An Garda Siochana in to discuss what we can do collectively to help combat future incidents.
That this Area Committee seeks an updated report on the outstanding items regarding the 300K projects including the ones that are not viable and to clarify how much money has been unspent out of the 300K. Would the Chief Executive consider a leaflet/booklet drop to households when projects are completed informing of all the projects achieved?
That this Area Committee, should a motion be passed, write to the Department of Education to get an update regarding the eight schools in Lucan that were found to have defects that needed repair, if that work was carried successfully, and if not finished when it will be finished.
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive if anti littering signage could be organised for Earlsfort and Foxborough Estates?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report into the situation of the house (address provided), which the Council was in the process of taking over (due to neglect) and which is again returning to an even worse state and is the focal point for a lot of anti-social activity?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Litter Management Plan
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on the control of dogs in the Lucan LEA. How many Dog Wardens are available and if other outdoor staff, e.g. Park Attendants, can also be more actively involved in enforcing dog related bye laws.
Water & Drainage
"To ask the Chief Executive if Irish Water has replied to further requests made by this Committee at previous meetings following agreed motions in relation to the online petition submitted, and if they are prepared to provide a report of the issues raised in the petition including how many signed the petition."
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
"Following our discussions last year around the hedging at Earlsfort Lawns, to ask the Chief Executive if it can be trimmed back now before breeding season begins? This has recently been requested by the Gardaí also as they have indicated anti- social behaviour is taking place there."
"To ask the Chief Executive when work will commence on the construction of the proposed play space/playground in Willsbrook Park?"
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm Improvement Works Programme 2019
Cathaoirleachs Business
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Public Realm Improvement Works Programme for 2018 and a list of approved works for 2019.
Noting the imminent provision of electronic gates at Griffeen Valley Park at its Haydens Lane entrance, that this Area Committee discuss the potential to extend car parking facilities in the park in this location.
That this Area Committee requests a report on the apiary in Mill Lane, Palmerstown. Since it’s implementation there has been repeated requests to provide local honey in the area. This committee examines possibility of introducing one into the Lucan area, possibly along the Liffey River/Valley and could such project be part of the Blue Way plans.
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on the removal of tree stumps following the culling of trees in this LEA over the past two seasons and in particular on Culmore Road and Palmerstown Avenue.
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive provide assistance to Weston Hockey Club in both support of maintenance works and financial. The pitch has suffered some damage in areas due to various factors This includes issues with drainage, lack of natural sunshine, etc. This facility has increased usage over the last few years where various clubs are on the pitch everyday up to 10pm+ weekends, making full use of the facility. The club has had the damaged assessed and a detail report can be provided.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Anti Social Quarterly Statistics
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the Lucan Swimming Pool. How much progress has been made on this since the last area committee?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for an report on the swimming pool for Lucan and if it could include a commencement date?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations (No Business)
That this Area Committee ask the Chief Executive for a report on the Lucan Swimming Pool and to include the reasons for the delay in meeting deadlines and to give a firm timeframe for the building and opening of the Pool.
That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive provides a definitive commencement month for the construction and completion of the Lucan Swimming Pool, the funding for which was largely obtained by the elected members of this county several years back now, and to report why, following on from continuous representations and queries, the estimated pool completion date has been put back from 2019 to 2020 and now 2021, a delay admittedly in line with many other projects under SDCC's remit and indeed nationally; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on plans to redevelop the Lucan Village Green area."
"To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the proposed permeability scheme for the Esker In Lucan."
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report on what Estates are scheduled to have footpath upgrades in 2019 in the Lucan Local Electoral Area? This report will include the value of repair work broken down by estate."
"To ask the Chief Executive to give an update on the feasibility study undertaken to identify a possible route for a "looped Greenway" between the 12th Lock of the Grand Canal and the Royal Canal."
"To ask the Chief Executive to indicate if a timeline has been established for the follow up Part 8 in relation to the Lucan Village Improvement Scheme?"
"To ask the Chief Executive for a report on the public consultation carried out on the ramp proposals in the Lucan area, including the number of submissions received, the outcome of the submissions and to highlight where possible the main reasons ‘for / against’."
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
Traffic Ramp Programme 2019/20 – Results of Public Consultation
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
That this Area Committee asks the Chief Executive to provide a report on potential improvements to traffic flow in the Lucan village area, including reversing the flow around the village green or making the road heading towards the Adamstown Road from the village two-way, so that members can discuss the issue and recommend a course of action for public consultation should any solution be found to be better than the existing situation.
That this Area Committe ask the Chief Executive for a response to the questions pertaining to South Dublin County Council raised by this Councillor at the September meeting of the LAC in relation to the traffic situation on Kennelsfort Road and the Cell between the R148 and Kennelsfort Road; Also, that the Chief Executive write to An Garda Siochana requesting that they forward responses to the questions specific to their role as set out at the September meeting.
That this Area Committee requests the Chief Executive write An Garda Siochana asking for a report on how many fines (if any) have been issued in relation to those driving through The HGV restricted area along the Newcastle Road. In addition, to ask Chief Executive to make comment on whether there will be increased use of HGV along the R120 when the road widening/upgrade is completed?
"To ask the Chief Executive if the Council could liaise with the developer to delay the movement of machinery onto the existing Adamstown GAA pitch until closer to construction and preferably until one of the new park pitches is completed so as to facilitate the local schools and clubs and local people that use the amenity?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Area Committee request the Chief Executive provide a report on the number of on-street retail units in Palmerstown and Lucan that are not currently operating as such, and investigates the potential for the full premises or upstairs to be incentivised for conversion into accomodation; and if a statement can be made on the matter.
Economic Development
"To ask the Chief Executive if signage could be erected indicating the old cemetery at the back of O'Neils Pub in Lucan Village, also the walkway to the Weir from the Village?"
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events