Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of October ACM
To ask the Manager if SDCC currently operate a Bulky Household Item Waste Collection in the Rathfarnham/Templeogue/ Firhouse/Bohernabreena area, and if not, are there plans to do so in the future so residents in the area who do not have their own transport can get these items removed from their premises and this service will also contribute to the circular economy.
To ask the Manager what is the safest way of disposing of Nitrous Oxide Cannisters, and if SDCC would consider providing specific bins for these dumped nitrous oxide containers at key locations in the Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Firhouse/Bohernabreena area, so that they can be disposed of in the safest way, as residents and business people are faced with the problem of disposing of them when they are dumped on their properties, and also if SDCC would consider a public awareness campaign to alert residents of South County Dublin to the safest way of dealing with this ever increasing problem for the area.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
With reference to the noise from traffic along the M50 at Castlefields , Knocklyon, to ask the manager for an update/response from the TII with a timeline and actionable items to remedy the noise levels in Castlefields.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report to this area committee on illegal signage from businesses and groups across the Firhouse-Bohernabreena LEA and to detail what enforcement measures (if any) have taken place over the past year.
Water & Drainage
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Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
To ask South Dublin County Council to provide sandbags and flood prevention mechanisms to Edmondstown National School, Ballyboden. The Owendoher River running through Rockbrook came over the bridge during the recent bad weather in the area and the school have no preventative measures in place and are at a high risk of flooding. Videos attached for reference.
Public Realm
The entrance to Scoil Treasa in Firhouse at the back gate off the lane has become dangerous, slippy and mucky. Children have fallen and slipped , particularly on frosty mornings and this needs to be made safe ahead of Winter. The new footpath and lighting along the fence at school is a great addition thank you to the staff. Can this small patch be rectified to make this safe for children.
Could the manager please comment on the request from Hermitage Residents Association, Rathfarnham for tree pruning, planting and maintenance and advise what plans are in place for same. Request and information supplied in the attached documents.
To ask the Chief Executive to inspect and clear back an overgrown green area in the corner of open green space opposite (Address Provided), Templeogue?
To ask the Chief Executive to include an open green space adjacent to (Address provided by email) as part of the public grass cutting programme? The area is at the junction with Taylor's Lane, covered by a low wall.
Can the Council please provide some details on the following estates in the Firhouse Bohernabreena LEA in relation to the tree maintenance programme and what the time scales are for each of the estates to be attended to? Brookwood Estate, Scholarstown Road Prospect Manor, Stocking Lane Glencarrig, Firhouse Monalea, Firhouse
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Tree Planting Programme 2023/’24.
To ask the Council to account for the overall upkeep of Ballycragh Park including the ongoing littering and anti-social behaviour issues, maintenance and upgrading of the pedestrian entrances and kissing-gates and the damage to bins in the park.
That this Council restores water flow to the area under the bridge in Rathfarnham Castle Park, if it has not already done so, and undertakes a thorough clean out of the leaves and debris from the bridge all the way down to where the water flows out of the park at Rathfarnham Village.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting
Orwell Park Residents Association
Temple Manor Wilkins Residents Association
To ask the Manager if there are any current or future plans to get both the yellow box and white road line markings at the Spawell Roundabout repainted.
To ask the Manager if there are plans to provide for Rent a Regular Bike Scheme in Rathfarnham/Templeogue/Firhouse/Bohernabreena Local Electoral Area.
To ask the Council to inspect the bus cushions at St Patrick's School Ballyroan Crescent Rathfarnham as they are lifting and broken and a trip and safety hazard for children crossing the road.
To ask the Chief Executive to inspect and repair broken tactile paving at the pedestrian crossing on Ballyboden Crescent Rathfarnham, and if works could be prioritised as the crossing is heavily used by children and parents going to local schools?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
Initial Notice to the Members-Taking in Charge of Dodderbrook Estate Phase -1
That this Council provides a comprehensive update in relation to commencement of the trial of the Whitehall Road Cycle Scheme.
To ask that the 'hard shoulder' on Bohernabreena Hill be cleared of weeds and debris to make more room for safe cycling.
That this Council repairs the following street lights in the Hermitage Estate in Rathfarnham Dublin 16 as soon as possible as they have been out of action for several months now: Pole #6 on Hermitage View Pole #1 on Hermitage Park Pole #1 on Hermitage Court Pole # 4 on Hermitage Grove Pole #1 on Hermitage Lawn
To ask that the gullies in rural parts of the Firhouse-Bohernabreena are mechanically cleared, particularly at Oldcourt Rd beside Firhouse ETSS, at Friarstown, at Glenasmole NS and at Ballymorefinn / Allagour.
Could the manager please provide a detailed report on observations that possible unauthorised works took place in an area between Glenbrook Park and Owendore Avenue, Rathfarnham as per the attached document.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Council defers the Part 8 in relation to the proposed redevelopment of Rathfarnham Castle stables and outbuildings until such time as there has been a pre-statutory public consultation to allow residents have an input into what is planned for the area rather than being presented with a near finalised plan.
That this area committee requests the Chief Executive to examine and repair the boundary between the Sean Keating garden and the adjacent northern courtyard of Rathfarnham Castle Park in 2024, that the temporary metal fencing is reviewed, and to ensure the grounds are presented in best possible condition for local residents and visitors, and if a statement is available?
Libraries & Arts
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Application for Arts Grants - No Business
Library News & Events
Corporate Support
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)