Headed Items
Minutes of 15th March, 2023
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive for a progress report on the apple trees that were planted as part of the 300K Have Your Say initiative for Clondalkin. At the time it was expected that other fruit trees and bushes such as pears, plums, goosberries and mulburries would be included, however SDCC stated that they needed to begin with apple trees and review how that went.
To ask the Chief Executive if it is feasible for any of the recently felled mature trees in Corkagh park to be used for artistic wood carvings or Sculptures?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
That this Area committee comments on the state of some of our open green spaces left after trucks, vehicles, have done work such as installation equipment or planting trees etc, case in point : 2 trees planted on green opposite SIAC at roundabout. Also in some instances the green at the community centre
That this Area Committee liaise with the local scouting group in an effort to plant new trees in corkagh park
That this Area Committee agrees that a 1m wide grass verge adjacent to the route of the weekly 5km Parkrun in Corkagh Park, be cut very short and maintained so in order to facilitate parkrunners who wish to run on grass as opposed to running on tarmac.
That this Area Committee supports the installation of outdoor exercise equipment on council owned green space next to IBIS to provide a shared amenity for new and existing residents in the nearby estates including Mount Talbot.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
This committee agrees that council should install “No Dumping” signs at specific noted areas within the Bawnogue area at the following points – 1: Bawnogue Road and Lealand Estate. 2: Bawnogue Road and Lindisfarne Vale. 3: Canal Road and Lindisfarne Park. 4: Melrose Ave and Deansrath Green. 5: St Cuthberts Rd and Oldcastle Drive, and that SDCC distribute an information leaflet to all homes within the area outlining the councils policy towards illegal dumping and differentiating from organised community clean-ups within the area.
To ask the Chief Executive can he place more Dog Fouling signs in Rathcoole Park and increase Dog Warden patrols, I have received complaints from those playing football matches in Rathcoole Park.
That this Area Committee asks in preparation for a Low Emission Zone in Clondalkin this committee agrees to examine how LEZ's are currently being applied in French cities such as Lyon (Zones à faibles émissions Lyon) or in other relevant EU urban areas given the delicate matter of high polluting vehicles being restricted in LEZ's there.
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee requests the manager to install CCTV cameras at the junction of Cherrywood Crescent,Corkagh Grange and Corkagh Park to assist in addressing issues of anti-social behaviour.
To ask the Chief Executive when (address supplied) might be renovated and allocated to new tenants?
To ask the Chief Executive what bodies are responsible for snagging around Floraville Cottage ( SD20A/0233 )? Currently there are issues with the reinstatement of grass on the west and south sides of the boundary wall, temporary tarmac work on the footpath on the north side, and an unpaved area where the gate to the lodge once stood.
To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed report into Sallymills development. To include what the delays are, how many applied, how many were successful and when the people will get their keys?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Delivery Report
Pre-planning Design for Mixed Tenure Housing at Kilcarberry
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee outlines a list of all the homeless hubs and their associated housing agency or other, in the area, along with proposals or plans for the rest of the year.
That this Area Committee requests the manager replaces the green palisade fencing in kilcarberry & kilcarberry grange
To ask the Chief Executive to address the concerns of local businesses and the safety of local school children and other pedestrians caused by major disruption caused by Case reference: PL06S.309646 Clondalkin Enterprise Centre, Watery Lane, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 (SD20A/0234) and to ask what conditions were put in place and how they are enforced by the planning authority? Will SDCC do anything to address the local concerns which are well documented?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on planning enforcement case S9034 which concerns the old stone boundary wall of Floraville Cottege (SD20A/0233)?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests that the Land Use, Planning and Transportation director issues a report on the Newcastle LAP and comes to this area meeting and discuss the issues that residents are experiencing including over development without proper infrastructure including transport,roads,schools,park etc.
To Ask the Chief Executive: To install more public lighting on Garter Lane, Saggart
To ask the Chief Executive if he is aware of the concerns of Saggart Village Residents at the continued delay in dealing with the delivery of the Road signs. Ref Members Rep 1737913. Will he detail the actions he is taking in this matter?
To ask the Chief Executive when the footpaths of Dunawley Drive and Dunawley Avenue might be relaid? Dunawley Grove and Dunawley Way were completed some time ago.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that the yellow lines previously requested along St Johns Green should be completed along the full stretch (as the half measure previously taken has simply concentrated the problem here into a more confined space). this is evident as can be seen in picture provided.
That this Area Committee requests that SDCC look at how the route to Peamount Hospital Cycle can be made Pedestrian Friendly and accessible for Residents, services users, visitors and staff! To ask SDCC to look at what can be done with current roads or/and with a potential access point via Grange Castle Business Park! It is also affecting the retention and recruitment of staff to Peamount Hospital!
That this Area Committee put in place a maintenance contract (or use direct labour) for the on street bicycle pumps and repair stations. The 'friend' connections on the pumps at both the Civic Offices and at the Ninth Lock in Clondalkin are currently broken, from wear and tear.
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee calls on Libraries to work with Survivors Terri Harrison and Francis Timmons to help facilitate a talk and display, related to Survivors of Church and State abuse that would start in Clondalkin Library, and tour around other libraries in order to facilitate the truth telling of lived experiences and allow their own voices to be heard.
Economic Development
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
To ask the chief Executive for an update on the 300k have your say clondalkin lea? have all approvals been complete?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees to request Dublin Bus or NTA to provide a seat and Shelter at Monastary Gate estate stop #7781. This particular stop is at the brow of a hill and extremely exposed during wind and rain, it should also be noted that this stop will continue to feed a service when Bus Connects is finally in place.
That this area Committee calls on the Minister for Education to ensure a permanent building for the secondary school Colaiste Pobail Fola on Garters Lane, concerns has been raised with the condition and safety of the building at present, with the condition of the school, it looks like the new pupils will not be accommodated in the school if the current conditions continue.
That this Area Committee calls on the Minister for Justice and the Repatriation Division of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service to review the latest Deportation order on Kenneth Mtetwa and Simangele Sibindi as a matter of urgency. They play an active part in the Clondalkin Community, their involvement includes Clondalkin Tidy Towns where besides regular clean ups, Mr Mtetwa is also on the Clondalkin Tidy Towns Committee and he is also the Chairperson of the Clondalkin Global Garden, they both would be a loss to our Community. We commit to writing to the Minister of Justice and the Repatriation Division of the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service.
That this Area Committee agrees to write to Transport Infrastructure Ireland to install both a public toilet and secure bicycle parking at the Red Cow Luas stop.