Headed Items
Confirmation & Re-affirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 16th December, 2020
"To ask the Chief Executive what is the number of bicycle parking facilities in the LEA and the planned increase on this number in 2021."
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report into when the full list of bollards in Clondalkin will be fixed and painted as request by Clondalkin Tidy Towns in a previous Area Committee question?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to detail the process by which residents and elected representatives could potentially pedestrianise a road in Clondalkin LEA, namely Knockmeenagh Lane?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"This Area Committee acknowledges the ongoing issues on Knockmeenagh Lane with regard to (i) vehicles breaking the speed limit, (ii) vehicles travelling the wrong way down on a one-way road, and (iii) private developers seeking access to use the lane, and how these three issues have led to calls from residents in the area for the lane to be pedestrianised. To this end, this Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to begin the process of public consultation under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act (or other relevant legislation) on the issue of pedestrianisation of Knockmeenagh Lane between Consolidated Pumps/Newlands Grove and St. Brigid's Cottages."
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to write to Irish Rail thanking them for the comprehensive presentation given to the LEA in November on the electrification and provision of light rail on the railtrack between Heuston and Hazelhatch."
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to inquire with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) as to how seating may be installed at two bus stops in Clondalkin Village which could do with at the very least seats/benches if not a shelter as well. They are bus stops #4664 and #2160 located on Watery Lane at the Clondalkin Town Centre and on Convent Road outside Tesco respectively."
"Numbers 1, 2, 3, 8, 13, 15 and 16 Saint Brigid´s Cottages in Clondalkin are vacant and have been for some time. The response to Members Rep 1584683 states that SDCC does not consider these sites a priority for inclusion on the Vacant Sites Register. Thus, to ask the Chief Executive, what recourse there is to having the houses reoccupied or the sites developed?"
"To ask the Chief Executive what measures have been undertaken to ensure the structural protection and integrity of Structure #313 in the RPS ( 313 Rectory/Glebe House, Main Street, Rathcoole House) which happens to be the former Mary Mercer School Orphanage Building? The motivation for the question is that to the passer-by, the structure appears to be in a very poor state of repair?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee requests a Local Area Plan be drafted for Rathcoole prior to any more development of the village."
Economic Development
"To ask the Chief Executive what the purpose of the tannoy system along the Grand Canal Greenway is?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee supports calls by Clonburris National School to follow Clondalkin's lead as a Fairtrade Town and now ask that the Mayor declare South Dublin a Fairtrade County."
Libraries & Arts
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee call on Libraries to meet with Elected Members and the Joe Williams' Archive Committee to look at options to preserve the archive for future generations."
That this Area Committee asks the Chief Executive to write to South Dublin County Council Libraries and commend the great work of the Libraries in Clondalkin area and beyond on behalf of elected members and the communities we represent, especially in pandemic times where it is more challenging to provide services but the Libraries work and commitment is highly commendable?"
Corporate Support
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee call on the Council to meet with Elected Members and Clondalkin Tidy Towns in order to progress the World War1 Memorial and that we also ask the Mayor to convene the Commemoration Committee."
"That this committee commits to writing to the Department of Justice and the Local Garda Superintendent about the rising youth behaviour issues in the Bawnogue and Cherrywood area and ask for immediate action on these issues , also to ask for a plan in relation to open and increased public drug dealing and drug use in both areas and to request that the reply states how many ASBO's have been issued to offenders."
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive for more litter patrols on L6023 Road, Loughtown Lower, Newcastle, due to the increase in illegal dumping."
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"This area committee agrees that the privately-owned car park behind Main Street, Clondalkin, is consistently affected by illegal dumping and that any and all efforts must be made to ensure that this is tackled. Further, this committee calls for a report on fines and warnings issued to business and property owners relating to this area and any other efforts previously taken to deal with this matter."
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
"This Area Committee acknowledges the recent flooding in Corkagh Park and in light of the unease with which this has caused for residents of Cherrywood Crescent, calls on the Chief Executive to provide a brief update on the Camac Flood Allieviation Scheme with a focus on the parts of Clondalkin that are in the Camac flood basin."
Public Realm
"To ask the Chief Executive to repair a very small job on the Stone Bridge built in 2015 at Corkage Park. Unfortunately a stone capping was knocked off the bridge about four months ago by a JCB or some other heavy machine. I believe this would only encourage anti social behaviour to do more damage to this Bridge. The Bridge is build over the River Camac at the Cherrywood end of the Park?"
"To ask the Chief Executive what measures are being put in place to avoid a repeat of the situation in the summer of 2020 where refuse facilities in parks in the Clondalkin LEA were not sufficient to cope with demand and were frequently overflowing."
"To ask the Chief Executive if the schedules listed on the online cleaning schedule ( http://www.southdublin.ie/schedulerpublicviewer/mapviewer.html ) are changed or adjusted seasonally or are they the same all year round? The question arises due to concern from some citizens that there is insufficient litter picking carried out by South Dublin County Council?"
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a report into Teen spaces in the Clondalkin Area? and to ask can people suggest areas and types of spaces they would like? Can a contact name and contact be given?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
“Draft Public Realm Improvement Works Programme 2021”
St. Cuthbert's Park MUGA
Correspondence (No Business)
"This Area Committee agrees to thank our Parks staff for maintaining excellent facilities that are now being showcased to local residents again under the restrictions imposed to cope with Covid-19."
"To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on all Part 8's planned for the Clondalkin Area and what planned timeframe these will be delivered in?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Anti-Social Quarterly Statistics 2020
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the Chief Executive to issue a detailed report into what community facilities will be delivered in the Newcastle Area alongside the thousands of houses ?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)