Agenda - Special Terenure-Rathfarnham ACM (1) 22 June 2006

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22/06/2006 00:00
Council Chamber
Standing Orders:



Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Michael Kenny

"That this committee recommends that a crèche/preschool facilities will be included as part of the developments on Taylor’s Lane as well as local community facilities denoted by the 'star' on p. 22 of the draft Ballyboden Village Plan map.(b) that the developers be requested to provide a sculpture - art feature, for the Ballyboden/Taylor’s Lane in conjunction with the developments planned for those sites along Taylor’s Lane."

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Planning Not is use
Michael Kenny

Draft Ballyboden Village Plan



Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Michael Kenny

"That this committee recommends that Whitechurch /Glenmore and Edmonstown Green area are included in the wider Ballyboden Village Plan as they have been omitted from the whole area to be included –i.e. as outlined in the submission  made on behalf of the Bolton Hall Action Group - map submitted and to give details how and when this objective can be achieved."  



Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Sen. C. Keane
Denis Ryan, John Power

"That this committee recommends that the roads department gives an initial outline of new proposals for car parking in Pearse Brothers and Palmer Park as a result of the submissions and proposals put forward as part of the Ballyboden Village Plan consultation process. The three schemes proposed by the Roads Department two years ago were not acceptable to residents. There are now alternative layout/proposals submitted in the various submissions from Palmer and Pearse Brothers Park which should be facilitated."