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Minutes from Tallaght Area Committee Meeting 31st March, 2008.
To ask the Manager to provide an estimated completion date for the additional ramp provision in the Sundale estate as agreed previously by this committee?
To ask the Manager to provide a detailed list of roads within the Tallaght South area where cycle paths have yet to be provided and a list of roads where cycle paths will be upgraded in the coming year?
To ask the Manager to have repaired the footpath at *details supplied and will the Manager please note, that some work was done on the footpath, prior to Christmas but unfortunately there have been number of recorded accidents since then?
To ask the Manager for a detailed update on the proposed Naas Road Urban Design Masterplan, with specific reference to a time-frame for publication of a Draft Report?
To ask the Manager to take note of the fact, that a recent development opposite Crough's Pub, Cookstown Lane has restricted access for people with prams, buggies etc. The recent construction of a wall and railings at this location and the presence of a bus shelter has ensured that the footpath is not safe for some pedestrians. Can the Manager indicate what action he proposes to take to alleviate this situation?
To ask the Manager to outline a time-frame for the re-instatement of trees along the M50 adjacent to Kilnamanagh & Kingswood, which have acted as an effective sound barrier between the M50 and the adjacent estates and will the Manager outline the type & maturity of trees to be planted?
To ask the Manager if he has plans to resurface in part or in full all of Kiltipper Road given the considerable amount of traffic that uses this road on a continuous basis, and if it is likely that this work will take place during 2008, and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Manager to install as a matter of priority some wooden bollards at the end of the cul de sac in Beechdale Park in Ballycullen, as cars repeatedly use this cul de sac and the adjoining paths to access Beechdale Avenue, and given the danger to local residents, if this matter could be expedited as soon as possible, and if he will make a statement on the matter.
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Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads
(none received)
Countywide Traffic Model
Section 38 report Sundale Parade/Walk/Lawns Traffic Calming Measures
Lights Belgard Fire Station
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Corporate Services
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(A) Letter dated 14th April, 2008 sent to Dublin Bus regarding a question that was adopted and approved at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 31st March, 2008, in a relation to a request to seek clarification on why it appears that the 76B is no longer travelling to Balrothery and also to request the construction of a bus stop in the immediate Tallaght Village area.
(B) Letter dated 16th April, 2008 received from Dublin Bus regarding a question that was adopted and approved at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 31st March, 2008, in a relation to a request to seek clarification on why it appears that the 76B is no longer travelling to Balrothery and also to request the construction of a bus stop in the immediate Tallaght Village area.
(C) Letter dated 3rd December, 2007 sent to the Department of Health and Children regarding an emergency motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th November, 2007 in relation to Tallaght Hospital.
(D) Letter dated 18th April, 2008 received from the Department of Health and Children regarding an emergency motion that was passed at the Tallaght Area Committee Meeting of 26th November, 2007 in relation to Tallaght Hospital.
That this Committee calls on the Manager to write to the Garda Superintendent expressing concern over the lack of Community Garda resouces to cover the growing population within the Brookfield/Fortunestown/Citywest area and to request an increase on the provision of merely two Gardai to cover such a vast and quickly growing area.
That this Committee requests the Manager write out to the Gardai to request enforcement on the issue of cars driving on the green spaces at Allenton Crescent and Allenton Road are of particular concern and requests that action be taken to prevent cars crossing all of the green spaces in Allenton.
To ask the Manager to investigate the multiple applications for planning permission that relate to the green open space at Balrothery/Tymon North Road, Tallaght, starting with the application in 2001 (Reg. Ref. SDIA/0114) up to the current application SDO8A/0138 and to consider the refunding of the €20 objection fee to those of us who submitted objections to applications which were withdrawn or invalid or lapsed.
To ask the Manager to set out what is the current state of play concerning the taking in charge of Beechdale Housing Estate in Ballycullen, exactly what parts of this area have been taken in charge, and what still has to be taken in charge, the likely timeframe involved for this happening, and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Manager to outline what action can be taken by the Planning Enforcement Section of South Dublin County Council to ensure that Phase 2 of Silken Park, Brown’s Barn, Co. Dublin can now be completed given the fact that no work has taken place on the site in question since September of last year, and if he will immediately contact the developer in question, to determine what its plans are for the site, and given the fact that a development has started, is there not an obligation on the part of the developer to complete this phase as soon as possible, and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Headed Items
Planning Files
A. Large applications under consideration
B. Files requested by members
Proposed Variation of South Dublin County Development Plan 2004 - 2010, 'Golf Village', Fortunestown Lawn, Saggart (Variation no. 5)
Heritage Plan for South Dublin County
(none received)
(none received)
That this Committee calls on the Manager to report on enforcement file S5030 concerning traffic claming in the Belfry and as to whether the Council has made any progress in negotiating with the builder a comprehensive traffic calming scheme for the safety of residents in the Belfry who at present have to endure speeding cars using their estate as a rat run.
That this Committee urges a refusal of planning permission for the proposed developments by Maplewood Developments register reference SD08A/0138 and SD08A/0139 at Tymon North Road/Balrothery Tallaght.
That the proposed Brittas Housing Needs Study, as per the Development Plan, be now brought before this Committee and appropriate consultaion with the local community be initiated without further delay.
That the Manager gives a full and detailed report on the Law Department's efforts to resolve the longstanding issue of an illegal halting site on Fortunestown Lane, acknowledging the extreme difficulties that this development is causing on local residents in all surrounding estates. To respond to the question that this Council may be seen to be demonstrating a degree of tolerance to illegal encampments such as this in the West Tallaght area that is not demonstrated elsewhere in the county.
This Committee calls for the owner of the lands in SD07A/0013 to secure the boundary in order to prevent the existing criminal and antisocial behaviour. This committee further calls on the Gardai to monitor the land and take appropriate action.
To ask the Manager what if any, action can be taken against the owner of *details supplied on the basis that this former residence is clearly in a derelict condition, and the condition lends itself to incursions on a regular basis from youths in the area who are involved in anti-social behaviour, congregating at this site, and making life very difficult for adjoining residents, if South Dublin County Council can enforce and demand from the owners concerned that the site and property be secured, and if he will make a statement on the matter.
To ask the Manager to contact the owners of the shops at Tymon North shopping centre with a view to resurfacing the car-park at this location and make a statement on the matter?
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(none received)
(none received)
That this Committee calls for the Council Management to make contact with the owner of the lands between Deerpark and Killinarden Heights to ensure that they secure their lands from joyriders and they also clean-up their lands as this site is an eyesore for residents of Deerpark Square and a magnet for anti-social behaviour, that if the land-owner does not respond in a postive way to this contact action should be taken under the derilict sites act to resolve the matter.