Monday, April 28, 2008
QUESTION: Councillor E. Maloney
To ask the Manager to investigate the multiple applications for planning permission that relate to the green open space at Balrothery/Tymon North Road, Tallaght, starting with the application in 2001 (Reg. Ref. SDIA/0114) up to the current application SDO8A/0138 and to consider the refunding of the €20 objection fee to those of us who submitted objections to applications which were withdrawn or invalid or lapsed.
This report summarises the history of applications on this site and clarification regarding the refund of fees for observations on an application.
Reg. Ref.S01A/0114 Permission was refused by An Bord Pleanála for the following application
Demolish 2 no. existing houses on a site bounded by Old Blessington Rd., Tymon North Distributor Rd. and existing residential estate at Balrothery and construct an integrated housing development of private/affordable/social/voluntary units as follows; Block A containing 6 no. linked blocks of 97 no. private apartments on 2/3 floors over lower ground floor level and basement; Block A1 containing 3 no. 2 bed units, 3 no. 1 bed units and crèche (199 sq.m.); Block A2 containing 14 no. 2 bed units and 10 no. 1 bed units; Block A3 containing 16 no. 2 bed units; Block A4 containing 12 no. 2 bed units and 9 no. 1 bed units; Block A5 containing 10 no. 2 bed units and 8 no. 1 bed units; Block A6 containing no. 2 bed units and 5 no. 1 bed units; Block B containing 3 no. linked blocks of 30 no. apartments on 2/3 floors over lower ground floor level; Block B1 containing 12 no. 2 bed units; Block B2 containing 9 no. 2 bed units; Block B3 containing 9 no. 2 bed units; surface, underground and basement carparking to accommodate approximately 156 no. cars, bin stores and bicycle parking; associated site works
Reg. Ref.SD02A/0465 Permission was granted by An Bord Pleanála for the following application:
Construction of integrated development of private/affordable/social/ voluntary housing consisting of 85 no. units in 6 Blocks grouped around a landscaped courtyard as follows: Block A with 5 no.2-bed, own-door duplex units, 5 no. 2-bed duplex units and 4 no. 3-bed own-door townhouses, over 2-3 floors; Block B with 3 no. 1-bed own-door units, 6 no. 1-bed units, 6 no. 2-bed own-door duplex units, 6 no. 2-bed duplex units, 1 no. 3-bed own-door duplex unit and 1 no. 3-bed duplex unit, over three floors; Block C with 5 no. 1-bed own-door units, 3 no. 2-bed own door townhouses, 16 no. 1 bed units, landscaped roof terrace, and 170sq.m crèche facility with private external play area, over 2-3 floors; Block D with 8 no. 3 bed own-door townhouses, over 2 floors; Block E with 2 no. 2-bed own-door townhouses, 3 no. 2-bed own-door duplex units, and 3 no. 2-bed duplex units, along landscaped pedestrian street, over 2-3 floors; Block F with 2 no. 2-bed own-door townhouses, 3 no. 2-bed own-door duplex units, and 3 no. 2-bed duplex units, along landscaped pedestrian street, over 2-3 floors; private gardens to all 45 own-door ground floor units, landscaped courtyard and landscaped pedestrian street, underground car park and associated site works on lands.
Reg. Ref. SD03A/INV 202 was declared invalid. Details as follows:
Amendments to Approved Development (Reg. Ref. SD02A/0465); An Bord Pleanala Ref. No. PL.06S.202688) Comprising: (i) Block A: 24 No. one and two bed units, (10 No. two bed units and 4 No. 3 bed units approved); (ii) Block B: 24 No. one and two bed units (9 No. one bed units and 12 No. two bed units and 2 No. three bed units approved); (iii) Block C: 24 No. one and two bed units, (21 No. one bed units and 3 No. two bed units approved); and (iv) Block D: 12 No. two bed units, (8 No. Three bed units approved). Total Number of units 84. The amendments also include changes to the open spaces, apartment blocks, reduction in car parking spaces from 125 to 84 and increase int he floor area of the approved crèche for T. Quinn Properties
Reg. Ref.SD04A/0014 Permission was refused by An Bord Pleanála for the following application:
Amendments to Approved Development (Reg. Ref. SD02A/0465; An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL. 06S 202688) Comprising:
(i) Block A: - 24 No. one and two bed units over 3 floors, in lieu of 10 No. two bed units and 4 No. 3 bed units approved;
(ii) Block B:- 24 No. one and two bed units over 3 floors, in lieu of 9 No. one bed units, 12 No. two bed units and 2 No. three bed units approved; (iii)Block C:- 24 No. one and two bed units over 3 floors, in lieu of 21 no. one bed units and 3 no. two bed units approved; and (iv) Block D:- 12 No. two bed back-to-back units over 2 floors, in lieu of 8 No. three bed units approved.
Total Number of units 84. The amendments also include additional open space, amendments to elevation treatment, reduction in car parking spaces from 125 to 84 and increase in the floor area of the approved crèche.
Reg. Ref. SD08A/0138 Current application. The statutory date for a decision is 27 April 2008.
Mixed residential development of 22 houses and 24 apartments with projecting balconies in 8 No. blocks as follows: Block A: 8 No. 2-bed apartments and 4 No. 1-bed apartments in 4 storeys; Block B: 6 No. 2-bed apartments in 3 storeys; Block C: 6 No. 2-bed apartments in 3 storeys; Block D: 3 No. 2 storey 3-bed town-houses; Block E: 5 No. 2 storey with developed roof space; 4-bed houses; Block F: 5 No. 2 storey 3-bed houses; Block G: 3 No. 2 storey 3-bed houses and 3 No. 2 storey 2-bed town houses;
Block H: 3 No. 2 storey 3-bed townhouses, with surface car parking and vehicular access from Old Blessington Road and associated site works.
Refunds of fees
Pursuant to Article 26 sub article (8)(a) of the Planning and Development Regulations (2001 as amended) the planning authority is required to ‘inform any person or body who has made a submission or observation…’ that the application has been deemed invalid ‘and return any fee paid in respect of such submission...’. There are no other circumstances prescribed in the Regulations pertaining to the refunds of fees paid in relation to applications.