Headed Items
Confirmation and re-affirmation of minutes of meeting
To ask the Chief Executive for a detailed report on the Clondalkin ACA and what investigations took place to extend it and the findings from same? What has been added onto Clondalkin ACA?
To ask the Chief Executive what actions have been taken against the landowners to prevent the lands adjacent to Camac Valley caravan park being used as a storage facility for trucks, containers, trailers and other such materials.
To ask the Chief Executive if they can offer an explanation for the works undertaken at the lands between Green Isle Rd/N7 adjacent to Green Isle Hotel car park and to explain the lack of information on the interactive planning maps that do not offer any information on previous works or applications at this site?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC shall insist as part of the traffic management structures put in place for the Clonburris SDZ ,that all trucks exiting sites should be "watered down" before entering the public streets and that regular intensive clean up of the public street be adhered to. In particular traffic exiting site on to the Fonthill road should only do so after excess dirt is removed from construction vehicles. NB: the current situation at Fonthill Rd is completely unacceptable to the point where the colour of traffic cones is undeterminable. These cones need to cleaned and replaced on a regular basis as well as the verges between cones being cleaned and cleared.
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on taking in charge of Saggart estates Drury Mills and Crossforge?
To ask the Chief Excecutive would they investigate the following and report on same? As HGVs have been encroaching on pathway at traffic lights at Fonthill Rd / Newlands there is a safety issue with vehicles turning left coming from Tallaght into Newlands Close.
To ask the Chief Executive if and when the play space area in Graydon Estate, Newcastle will be open and if its part of the taking in charge process?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on their efforts to have new connections put on the two street bicycle pumps in Clondalkin?
Headed Items
Salt Bin Strategy
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
'That this Area Committee calls on the council to create and implement a Traffic management plan to deal with the increased level of traffic between the N7 and Greenogue Business Park.'
That this Area Committee requests that a physical sign identifying 'Popes Lane' is put up (see attached Map). On the Logainm.ie website which is backed by DCU and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media as well as the EU,shows 'Popes Lane', (pedestrian lane at side of Central public house in Clondalkin village).
That this Area Committee requests SDCC to examine the need for a pedestrian crossing at Supervalu Newcastle.
That this Area Committee agrees to include Garters Lane (Saggart) and Monastery Road (Clondalkin) on the roads programme for 2024.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief Executive that SDCC Libraries look at what additional supports they could provide in way of English classes, summer kids programmes and education around Irish systems etc they could deliver for BOTPs and IPs Staying in our Clondalkin area?
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests that SDCC Libraries Organise information outreach sessions so that ordinary people can understand and appreciate the SDCC's systems and also what the SDCC can do, cannot do, and why. (This could help to improve the public's understanding of SDCC's powers and obligations, and also SDCC's limitations)
Economic Development
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Corporate Support
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Response from item number 78945 May 2023
That this Area Committee writes to the owner of bawnogue shops and request they fix the many pot holes some that are damaging locals cars
That this Area Committee requests SDCC to liaise with the appropriate authorities to enable school assembly halls (details supplied of relevant schools) to be used for recreational purposes outside of school hours and during the annual school holidays. (Leaving school assembly halls vacant, especially during the long school holidays, is a waste of space and could be a source of funding for the schools, as long as the rental fee is affordable by local groups.)
That this Area Committee acknowledges that the arrangements in place for the upkeep of the facade, pillars and plaza of Clondalkin Civic Office are inadequate and agrees to request measures to address this.
That this Area Committee thanks the Public Realm section for the facilitation of the recent Darkness into Light and Relay for Life events in Corkagh Park and also agrees to write to the organising committees of both events to congratulate them on their efforts.
To ask the Chief Executive would he consider that SDCC establish a dedicated graffiti removal team for all South Dublin especially from public areas and to give an update on each graffiti site highlighted by Clondalkin Tidy Towns.?
To ask the Chief Executive to outline all the measure they have taken to deal with illegal dumping of waste in the vicinity of the Lealand estate in Bawnogue, Clondalkin?
To ask the Chief Executive to describe their efforts to contact the owners of the former RIC Barracks on the Old Nangor Road in Clondalkin which has been abandoned for some time, and is becoming increasingly overgrown with ivy?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence received re M9 item 79032 May 2023
That this Area Committee requests to remove the tree stumps in place at Hillview, Rathcoole? The stumps impedes access to cars.
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive to issue an answer in regards to the WWI Memorial stone What is the compromise SDCC are prepared to accept?
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the policy on grass cutting in various districts and to enquire if the policy is consistent across the county ? Is there a "no mow may" policy in place for some some districts and not others. is this a viable policy for the upkeep of estates along streetscapes and small greens ? NB. the recent heavy growth on grass verges etc that was left unchecked particularly in the Bawnogue area has been viewed negatively throughout the district. Can the manager add comment to the policy?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should seek to upgrade the vehicle entrance to St Cuthberts park and to make it a more aesthetically pleasing and secure entrance.
That this Area Committee replace the 2 trees that were removed , located just beside this sign, beside No 70 james connolly park. also, to clean the name sign that was spray painted recently.
That this Area Committee requests a clean up james connolly park, cutting the grass, the bushes etc to enhance the estate.
That this Area Committee supports Rathgael Residents calls for a Low wall for around 40ft at entrance to cuthberts park from Rathgael to Deansrath school needs fence as high as pillar to stop bins been brought into park to set fires and groups sitting dealing and quads etc getting into park
That this area committee agrees to carry out edging along the footpaths of Woodford Walk in Clondalkin where the grass verge has encroched on the footpath.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline possible funding avenues available for the following in Saggart: Muga for Saggart School House Community Centre?
To ask the Chief Executive if there are financial supports available to community groups (e.g. Clondalkin Tidy Towns) for the purchase of tea, coffee and cakes for events they organise which allow social inclusion and active participation of asylum seekers?
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Housing Delivery Report
Correspondence (No Business)