Headed Items
Confirm and re-affirmation of minutes of meeting.
To ask the Chief Executive what domestic violence services and supports are there, including contact numbers, for those living in Clondalkin, Newcastle, Rathcoole, Saggart and Brittas area?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the redevelopment of the Old Swimming Pool building in Clondalkin Leisure Centre that was discussed under Motion 7 of the March 2022 ACM and Question 1 of the December 2022 meeting?
Headed Items
Deputations for Noting (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee supports and commends all the work and efforts of all involved in Clondalkin Global garden that does so much to promote and encorage inclusion, equality and sustainability. We ask SDCC to look at how the garden can be secured to protect it against the likes of some recent vadalism.
To ask the chief executive for an update on the studies that were agreed to being carried out under the County Development Plan to address the egregious traffic jams residents of Rathcoole have to endure every workday morning?
To ask the Chief Executive to recognise the potential hazards posed to pedestrians and other users associated with unauthorised utilities crossing footpaths (address provided) and arrange and remove any trip hazards?
To ask the Chief Executive that SDCC should provide traffic calming in Pairc Mhuire, Saggart (towards the bend in the main road, probable location outside Number 7 Phairc Mhuire estate)?
To ask the Chief Executive why footpath repairs originally marked for works to be undertaken where not completed by contractor during the recent works carried out at Pinewoods, Greenpark est?
Headed Items
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads (No Business)
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that there is a need for SDCC to provide parking/loading bays to be increased at Elmfield Court Shops along 9th Lock Rd. This is a single lane traffic area which becomes congested when traffic attempts to access the shops here.
That this Area Committee ask to remove the incorrect road signs in Saggart, there had been an agreement to remove the incorrect ones in the meantime while waiting on the delivery of the new road signs.
To ask the Chief executive to issue a detailed report into the ongoing development project at the former golf course to ensure that it adheres to the Exempted Development decision and takes into account all the potential impact on neighbouring properties, particularly the Fairgreen Estate and to ask planning to detail how this wont lead to flooding risk at Fairgreen Estate?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee recognises the need for better protection for Rathcoole Woodlands and asks the Chief Executive to pursue a formal protected area designation for the Alluvial Woodland of Special Area of Conservation, or National Heritage Area, with National Parks and Wildlife to ensure the Woodlands is properly taken into consideration in planning or any other activities requiring approval in its vicinity.
To ask the Chief Executive how SDCC keeps new leaseholders and property owners informed of the guidelines for shop facades in the Clondalkin Architectural Conservation Area? There are clearly issues with whatever approach is used as exemplified by the large 'Physiotherapy' sign at 1 Main St., Clondalkin which has been in place for years in breach of guidelines?
That this Area Committee requests the manager replaces the green palisade fencing in kilcarberry & kilcarberry grange
Economic Development
To ask the Chief executive would SDCC issue a letter to The Rathcoole Woodlands group that would like to pursue funding from formal Grant streams for environmental based surveys and would like to know if SDCC would supply a letter indicating that access to SDCC lands would be granted if the Woodlands needed such a letter for funding applications?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief Eecutive if council, through the Arts SPC can consider the viability of providing a Arts and Craft Hub where artists and crafts persons can carry out their works and offer them for sale to tourists and public in general?
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants (No Business)
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
That this Area Committee asks Libraries to liase with LGBTQ+ groups to host an information session in and around Pride June 24 , with the aim to provide information and Education around LGBTQ+ Issues.
Corporate Support
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Area Committee requests that the Slí Mór running from Monastery road to Knockmenagh lane is listed on the Record of Monuments and Places by the National Monuments Service (NMS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The Slí Mór is a Pilgrim's Road that has been used by pilgrims in pre-Christian times (before 432AD) to go between Dublin City and Galway.
That this Area Committee writes to Waterways Ireland to request information on the Lock Keepers house on ninth lock road, that includes future plans and also requests all vegetation and graffiti be removed at the site.
That this Area Committee agrees to write to the National Transport Authority calling on them to provide dignified arrangements such as seating for bus users who have to wait at bus stop numbers 4664, 2160 and 2114 in Clondalkin Village.
That this Area Committee agrees to write to the secretariat of the Ballyfermot/Drimnagh Area Committee of Dublin City Council to organise a joint meeting of both Areas to discuss matters of common interest such as the development of the Grand Canal as an amenity resource, and respective approaches to play parks and teenspaces.
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive to outline the work carried out on Fairview Oilmill in removing ivy and was it removed using best practice as not to dislodge the stonework ? Can all the trees growing within the fence around the building be looked at to ensure they are not damaging the remaining structure? Also, when will this work recommence on this important building as listed in the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage?
To ask the Chief Executive for an update on Motion 4 agreed at the November 2022 ACM regarding the installation of wooden bollards on Woodford Meadows in Clondalkin?
To ask the Chief Executive if SDCC can provide a large temporary signage in Corkagh Park outlining in a broad way the plans for works been undertaken by SDCC for the improvement of facilities and amenities there?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that council should provide a plan for the upgrade of the "carpark area and green space" in Pairc Mhuire, Saggart which has been neglected over a long period of time and is frequently used as an overflow carparking area.
That the Chief Execuitve agree to open the knockmitten playground until 7pm. Kids are jumping the railings anyway and getting in. Kids are not home from school until 3/4pm
That this Area Committee agrees that the remedial action should be taken via the use of professional fruit tree arborists or other methods to enhance and grow the apple orchards planted as part of 300K Have Your Say for Clondalkin.
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
That this Area Committee agrees that the manager should convene a meeting of the HLTF for St Cuthberts to discuss the growing anti-social activity taking place here at the entrance adjacent to Rath Gael appartments.
That the Chief Executive identify the owners with an aim of securing the house / site on corner of 9th lock road and new nangor road . and also lock keepers house on 9th lock road / 9th lock
That this Area Committee agrees that SDCC should address the issue of wandering horses in the Boherboy area of Saggart. Members Reps. ID: 1763076 refers.
That this Area Committee requests that SDCC paint the railings between Corkagh Park and Cherrywood Crescent or supply paint to local residents (new Cherrywood tidy towns group) so they can undertake the work.
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)