Headed Items
Minutes of Meeting held on 24th April 2023
"In April's Tallaght Area Committee a question was submitted Item ID: 78764. The response only answered one part of the question. Therefore, this Area Committee asks the Manager to contact the Management Company of the apartments over Killinarden shops and requests that they paint the exterior to improve the overall aesthetics of the exterior of the apartments?"
"To ask the CEO to present an update on the Weir Housing Development at Whitestown; will he confirm the schedule now being followed and detail his plans to attract expressions of interest for the units and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Tenant in Situ Report - for noting
Correspondence (No Business)
"This Area Committee commends the ending of the curtailment of Bus services to West Tallaght and the restoration of full services and is grateful to all involved for the efforts made to resolve the issue. In particular, this Area Committee acknowledges the work of the Trade Unions and Dublin Bus, South Dublin County Council, An Garda Siochana Tallaght and members of the Tallaght Transport Forum, for their efforts in seeking a resolution. The Community of West Tallaght showed great patience, understanding and acceptance of the position taken by the Bus Drivers and condemned the actions of the individuals whose behaviour caused hardship to an entire Community?"
In addition, we invite the NTA to correspond with the Tallaght Area Committee on issues raised during discussions that fall under their remit."
"The Tallaght Area Committee call on the Council to agree to look into the mould problem in Deerpark Lodge?"
"This Area Committee asks that management report on what steps are being taken by SDCC to increase its land holdings in the Tallaght area, what land purchased have been made and to bring to the Area Committee for discussion its strategy for the development of local authority housing beyond current projects?"
"To ask the Manager for an update on allocations of funds for Tallaght following submissions for Community Recognition Funds?"
"To ask the Manager to update on the Citywest Community Centre and whether s/he is in a position to provide a timeline on its development?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm the progress of plans for the long promised Community Centre in Citywest; will he appreciate the concerns of the local community in respect of the matter and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"To ask the manager to consider purchasing Ulster Bank Main Street Tallaght building with a view to using it as a community facility giving its strategic location in the Tallaght Village (for example it would be a great opportunity to establish a community center in this location)?"
"That management report on the current usage at Ard Mor Community Centre and that the Tallaght Committee discuss how it can be more fully utilised in a targeted way?"
"To ask the manager can an exact timeline be confirmed as to when the lights will be connected and in working order at the pedestrian crossing at Heatherview to Aylesbury shops it has been there for months now and is still without power and it is not fully effective until power is connected?"
"To ask the Manager whether detailed designs are available for the CastleTymon Rd Cycle/Active Travel Scheme?"
"To ask the CEO to furnish a report on his contacts with the community along the Old Bawn Road regarding the concerns being expressed regarding the proposed Old Bawn to Ballyboden Active Travel Project; will he detail his endeavours to deal with the issues being raised and will he make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"This Area Committee calls on the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O'Brien TD to amend paragraph 6 subsection (a) of Section 254, Planning and Development Act 2000 to include a requirement, in the event of an appeal against the granting of a licence for a Telecommunication Mast, that all works, granted by such a licence, cease until the Appeal process is concluded by the Board?"
"That this Tallaght Area Committee calls on the CEO to make a detailed report on all contacts he has had in recent times in response to community concern in the Kingswood, Tallaght area regarding issues relating to the Masts and associated issues; will he appreciate the need to fully explain his position to Tallaght Councillors and make a statement for discussion?"
Economic Development
"To ask the CEO to detail contacts he is maintaining with the business community in Tallaght to encourage much needed job creation; will he update members and make a statement?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Libraries & Arts
"To ask the CEO to detail plans for the 2023 Red Line Book Festival in Tallaght and to make a statement in that regard?"
Headed Items
Application for Arts Grants
Library News & Events
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"Tallaght Library is a wonderful much utilised amenity in Tallaght, can funds be allocated and a focus be made on modernising and upgrading the Library?"
Corporate Support
"To ask the CEO to present a further update on the projects agreed in respect of the Tallaght Central 300K Have Your Say and may we have a statement in that regard?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
"The Tallaght area committee calls on the council to make a commitment to fly the tri-colour at half mast in honour of the 1916 leaders who were killed for their part in the Easter rising ,starting on the 3rd of may each year?"
Performance & Change Management
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
Public Realm
"To ask the Manager can bins & also dog poo bins be installed along the N82 in Citywest and along the walkway along the Luas track at Citywest Village?"
"What is the upkeep schedule and future plans for jobstown's flower garden?"
"To ask the CEO if he has any plans to hold a meeting of local stakeholders in respect of the further development of Butler/McGee Park; will he detail works to be undertaken and will he make a statement?"
"To ask the CEO to confirm contacts he has had in recent times with the Garda Siochana in Tallaght dealing with issues relating to the continued need to ensure the safety of all users of facilities in Sean Walsh Park, will he give assurances and make a statement?
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence(No Business)
"To ask the manager to plant mature greenery at the hoardings on the N81 old bawn road junction, as there is a constant issue with graffiti, as soon as it's removed it's redone as you can see from the photo attachment it really takes from the area?"
"This Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to engage with Transdev to remove the bushes along the walls at Cheeverstown Luas stop & car park and request that the entire area is cleaned using a digger to clear the vast amount of drug paraphernalia that has been disposed of in the locality?"
"This Area Committee calls for the playground beside Jobstown Community Centre be upgraded and brought back into community use?"
"To ask the Manager is there an update on communication with owners of 10 & 11 Old Bawn Road - have they repaired the damaged roof tiles and cleared out the rubbish from the back yard. Have discussion progressed with SDCC regarding selling the properties to SDCC?"
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)
"That this Area Committee consider the images attached of a "green wall" on Pearse Street Dublin, and a recent project by Sheffield University and poet Simon Armitage entitled "In Praise of Air" designed to reduce the negative impact of air pollution in urban areas. The positive impact of green roofs is well established. The "In Praise of Air" project is estimated to have absorbed nitrous oxide equivalent to the waste from20 cars each day. This Area Committee agrees that the Environment SPC should consider the merits of these projects and identify suitable locations in Tallaght where they can be trialled and potentially rolled out on a wider basis?"
Water & Drainage
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Correspondence (No Business)