Headed Items
Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 10th March 2020
Can the Chief Executive please report on the number of rough sleepers in the area covered by this LAC with whom they’ve had contact during the crisis and outline the actions taken in this regard.
Has there been an increase in social housing applications since the commencement of the Covid 19 crisis? Can the Chief Executive provide statistics that provide a comparison between Q1 2019 and Q1 2020, thank you.
What provisions have the Council put in place to alleviate the close quarters accommodation that arise particularly amongst some families in the Travellers in Owendoher during the Covid 19 crisis?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Quarterly Report on Anti Social Behaviour
Quarterly Housing Allocations Report
To ask the Manager for a report on the ongoing illegal dumping beside the Cherryfield Halting Site, to include the cost within the past three years of cleaning the site up and what current refuse collection plans there are in place.
To ask the Chief Executive to outline what supports and services are in place for communities within the Rathfarnham/Templeogue LEA that can be accessed via the community forum helpline.
Can the Chief Executive provide a breakdown of the number of individuals considered vulnerable for the purposes of covid19 within the Area covered by this committee and explain how the data is compiled and what steps have been taken to ensure that no-one is missed.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Deputations for Noting
To ask the Chief Executive to report on demand for and supply of support by the Community Response in the Area covered by this committee, identifying any issues arising and detailing how the system is operating.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update please in relation to the footpath repairs in Templeogue, particularly Templeville, Fortfield and Wainsfort? Clearly work was in preparation at the time when the Covid 19 crisis commenced, how has the works schedule been impacted by the crisis?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Proposed Declaration of Roads to be Public Roads - No Business
That the Chief Executive set out, in step by step form, the procedure which must be followed by the residents of Otterbrook, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 in order to have their estate taken in charge, to include the conditions and procedures for holding a plebiscite, and any relevant paperwork which must be completed in order to have a plebiscite and effect the taking in charge
That the Manager conducts a review of the state of footpaths within the RTFB Area, especially during this current crisis where most of us are out walking while trying to exercise social distancing. There have been a number of serious incidents where walkers have sustained serious injuries as a result of broken footpaths.
That this Area Committee seeks to allocate funding in the upcoming budget for improvement works to the car park at the shopping complex in Whitechurch estate. The car park in particular is in significant disrepair.
To ask the Chief Executive, given that the wall between Stonepark Abbey and Ely Square is apparently the boundary wall between South Dublin County Council and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, would a unilateral decision by one local authority, whether pursuant to an application for planning permission or otherwise, to cause or allow the wall to be knocked down and replaced, be ultra vires it's power or authority and/or outside the scope of it's jurisdiction?
Can the Chief Executive please provide an update on the Primary Care Centre development in Ballyboden? Can he please provide any details on a start date, on the number of pedestrian gates that will be erected and the locations of these gates?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Economic Development
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That the Chief Executive considers, when the Parks Department vacates the depot at Rathfarnham Castle, incorporating the vacant depot as an overflow carpark accessed from the existing carpark in a sympathetic manner without affecting the existing structures, in view of the shortage of car parking spaces in Rathfarnham Village.
Libraries & Arts
To ask the Chief Executive what is the Council's policy position regarding "free little libraries" set up on council property - green spaces/entrances to parks? Has there been enquiries about them? If it has been considered, is there any funding for them?
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
NEW WORKS (No Business)
Library News & Events
Application for Arts Grants
Corporate Support
Cor 7a - Firhouse Educate Together - Furhter resources
Cor 7b - Reply - Dept Education & Skills - Firhouse ET
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
That this Committee gets an update on the 300k Have Your Say initiative including the tree cutting that is needed to facilitate the laneway idea
Performance & Change Management
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
To ask the chief executive if it is the view of the local authority that there has been an increase in fly tipping, illegal dumping and dog fouling. To ask the chief executive whether services in these areas have been curtailed through staff redeployment/illness and what the plan is to help address these areas given enforcement measures are unlikely to be in operation.
Can the Council please report on the level of dumping particularly near bottle banks during Covid 19 and the actions they have taken? Thank you.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
While commending the sterling work of the Council in ensuring the success of the lockdown, that this Committee requests that the feasibility of limited access to Friarstown allotments under the food exemption be explored, perhaps using a rota system administered by plot-holders, given the key function of allotments in terms of mental health.
There seems to have been an increase in litter in our area during Covid19 restrictions. Can the Chief Executive provide a report on litter complaints? Thanks
That this Committee asks that bottle banks are emptied more regularly for the duration of pubs being closed
Water & Drainage
Can the Cheif Executive provide an update please on the Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme and how it's progress has been impacted by the Covid 19 crisis. Thank you.
Correspondence (No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Public Realm
To ask the Chief Executive what the plan and rationale is in relation to grass cutting for small greens, large greens and parks.
To ask the Chief Executive when we may expect litter bins to be installed in Dodder Valley Park, particularly at Cherryfield, given previous commitments and the urgent need to keep the park litter free and a safe and healthy amenity for all, particularly in the current public health emergency.
Can the Executive clarify whether and how scrambler use in Kiltipper Park can be restricted as regards the entry points to the Greenway.
To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on 10 public bins to be installed in locations requested by Ballyboden Tidy Towns group and if a timeline is available for their installation?
Correspondence(No Business)
Headed Items
New Works (No Business)
Cathaoirleach's Business
I note that the tree management plan was set out and seek an update on that progress in the form of a question. The execution of the previous tree management plan has rendered the Council with a schedule of sites in Rathfarnham Templeogue where trees were removed.
I am seeking the support of this committee to ensure that priority is given to the alleviation of trip hazards in the form of holes where trees were removed and not filled in. This is an acute hazard in the present crisis as people pass each other on footpaths and utilise the grass verge to maintain social distancing.
I have supplied the council with specific addresses where attention is required in the members reps system, however, it would appear this is a systemic issue that gives rise to liability for the Council and need to be addressed formally in the practice of tree management.
That the Manager installs suitably accessable entrance to Kiltipper Park, that also stops Scramblers from entering the park.
That this committee requests that the chief executive provide and put up much more signage in relation to physical distancing measures in public spaces.
That the new development pitch at Firhouse Carmel urgently gets additional signage to discourage people from using it, including those playing golf on it
That the Chief Executive, as soon as it is safe to do so, consults with the residents of the Glendoher estate, with a view to implementing a strategy and/or carrying out appropriate works to secure access to the Glendoher Park and playspace in order to prevent anti social gatherings, particularly at night, which are very problematic and stressful for the residents, particularly those closest to the area concerned.
That the Manager reports on the grass cutting schedule and what steps are being taken to ensure a quality service, during this Covid-19 Crisis.
I am mindful that there is a comprehensive Tree Management Plan "Living With Trees". However, the lived experience of some residents is that council trees in close proximity to their property cause a significant encumbrance on their quality of life. A criteria for removal of a tree is not sufficiently broad to reflect the requirements of residents who have to cope with trees belonging to the Council, where they are prohibited from taking action.
I am seeking the support of this committee in particular
That this council amends its criteria for giving attending to trees as we acknowledge that it is a requirement that the Council are good neighbours and oversized trees require a greater priority. A review of the criteria for tree removal now need to be undertaken.
In particular I am calling for the removal of the two trees at (address supplied) who allegedly do not fit within the criteria as set out but are causing a significant detriment to the quality of life of the neighbours most closely affected by those two trees.
That the Council implements one way systems, for social distancing, in our smaller parks
I am seeking the support of this committee:
That the Council increases the frequency of supervisory inspections and cleansing of the lanes in Dublin 12, as there has been an excess of dumping in recent times and that CCTV is considered as a means of implementing no dumping restrictions.