South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, May 12, 2020


MOTION: Councillor Mary Seery-Kearney

I am mindful that there is a comprehensive Tree Management Plan "Living With Trees".  However, the lived experience of some residents is that council trees in close proximity to their property cause a significant encumbrance on their quality of life.  A criteria for removal of a tree is not sufficiently broad to reflect the requirements of residents who have to cope with trees belonging to the Council, where they are prohibited from taking action.  

I am seeking the support of this committee in particular 

That this council amends its criteria for giving attending to trees as we acknowledge that it is a requirement that the Council are good neighbours and oversized trees require a greater priority.  A review of the criteria for tree removal now need to be undertaken. 

In particular I am calling for the removal of the two trees at (address supplied) who allegedly do not fit within the criteria as set out but are causing a significant detriment to the quality of life of the neighbours most closely affected by those two trees.


The Council's Tree Management Policy - Living with Trees - states the following with regard to large trees -

The Council will not prune or fell a Council owned/managed tree because it is considered to be ‘too big’ or ‘too tall’. Residents may feel apprehensive about the size of a tree and consider it dangerous. However, trees are not dangerous just because they are perceived as tall, too big for their surroundings or move in the wind. Tree movement in high winds is natural and one of the ways they are able to withstand strong winds. Other problems would need to be shown for the Council to consider the tree to be dangerous.

The two trees at the address supplied have been surveyed on a number of occasions, the last survey taking place on 21st June 2019.

Trees are estimated approximately 12 m away from property. They are in good health with no signs of physical defect. Recent crown lifting has taken place within past 3 years and there is evidence of healthy wood around the targeted pruning cuts. The recommendation is that the trees be re-assessed in 24 months.