Headed Items
Consideration of the Chief Executive's Report
Resolution to make, amend or not make the Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
That the LAP explains the term Legibility to the ordinary reader and explains exactly where the focal point for Tallaght is meant to be, is it County Hall and the area around The Square and the final Luas stop ? Is it the Tallaght village ?exactly where is it? For the LAP to make a strong statement about this and set out how it proposes to achieve the objectives of having one connected focal point in Tallaght
Allowing for the proposed increased number of homes in the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan, that this Council calls on the CE to open discussions with TFI, Dublin Bus and LUAS to ensure that Public Transport capacity will be available to meet the increased demand that will arise due to the population increasing in the Town Centre Area and to ensure sufficient Park and Ride facilities are available.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan.
As a cited stakeholder of the future Transport Hub, the public wish to be included at pre-design stage. It is envisaged that the Transport Hub can be an iconic civic building, and therefore has the potential to be an iconic, standout structure vital in creating a clear sense of identity for the town centre - not simply the ground floor of a mixed use block.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan.
That SDCC in collaboration with The Square and the Luas run a design competition for the Transport hub to achieve an iconic, standout designed hub that sets a best in class design tone like the new transport hub in Derry has achieved. This could be transformational in design and quality terms for the whole area.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
Given the high levels of existing traffic in the Cookstown Industrial Estate and Central Tallaght area that greater efforts are made in this LAP to outline what measures will be taken to address traffic management and increasing traffic congestion and what measures are there to promote and encourage the switch from the private car to public transport
Please clarify what national guidelines is the flexibility of 1.5 times the plot ratios within 500 walking distance of a capacity transport stop in the LAP area based upon ? Given the luas and bus routes / stops in the LAP - is this really the exception or the rule - please clarify what areas in the LAP do NOT qualify for this additional height and density ?
Please clarify of how this additional height and densities will operate in the village area with specific regard to the ACA area and desire to ensure scale that takes account of the historic context and 2 storey streetscape ?
This Council calls on the Manager to clarify how the heights and densities will operate in the Village area with specific regard to the ACA area and request that the scale takes into account the historic context and the two story landscape, in the Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan.
That this council clarifies how additional height and densities will operate in the village area with specific regard to the ACA area and desire to ensure scale that takes account of the historic context and 2 storey streetscape
That this Council calls on the Manager to clarify if Dublin Fire Brigade and the Tallaght District Fire Officer has been consulted regarding the higher buildings being proposed in the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan and the capacity of the Fire Services, from the local Fire Station, to deal with fires in the higher apartment units.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
Giving the fact that Cookstown Industrials estate has served the Tallaght area well over that past 40 years that the CEO clarifies future plans for the Cookstown industrial estate - whether or not it is to continue into the future as a focal point for the attraction of business into Tallaght or is it to be completely replaced by residential development and amenity - and if so to clarify what focal points will replace it for the attraction of business in the vicinity of Tallaght.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan
We question the impact of responding to The Priory's request to rezone from institutional lands to village centre to assist the sale of some of their land. The Priory and its full parklands are integral to the heritage of Tallaght and the protection of the ACA and the small remaining village streetscape.
We call on this council to reject the Priory's request to rezone from institutional lands to village centre to assist the sale of some of their land. The Priory and its full parklands are integral to the heritage of Tallaght and the protection of the ACA and the small remaining village streetscape. We value the asset of The Priory from a community and historical perspective. Its current and future value is immeasurable.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
Given that the LAP envisages significantly increased population densities what steps have the council taken to ensure that the village core can cope with the services and social provisions that such population densities require.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
That SDCC, arising out of its experience with previous apartment complexes, (in terms of failed management companies) with the subsequent consequences for residents, failure of management of common areas, failure of adequate security around underground carparks; that SDCC outlines in the LAP what measures it intends to take to ensure that these failures and inadequacies are not repeated in the central Tallaght area.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
That the council takes every step to ensure that high rise apartment dwellings are located in a appropriate context; that the highest fire safety regulations are enforced and that conditions are set down by planners when granting planning permission to ensure that the highest possible security arrangements are in place for residents and to ensure the conditions are also enforced around the establishment of management companies in these complexes so as to ensure that future residents can live both securely and in the knowledge that they are living in a complex that will be managed professionally and within their financial means going forward
That the CE consider in the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan the introduction of a new scheme of Local Business Support whereby, local businesses in the Tallaght Village Area and High Street area are encouraged to remove any current neon signage on their premises and to replace with a Craft style, hand painted sign or similiar, to reflect the "Village" aspect of the Plan.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
That the council makes every effort to ensure that the shop frontages in Tallaght village reflect the historic nature of the village and that the plan includes measures that not only discourages modern, gaudy, bright, signage but enforces existing signage regulations in areas of conservation and if they don’t exist ensure that they are introduced and enforced.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
That given the densities envisaged in the LAP, particularly in the context of high rise developments what steps is the council taking to ensure an appropriate level of amenity space that reflects the high population density of such developments.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan
The Community has been calling for the installing of a brown heritage sign (national NRA standard) at the M50 gateway on the N81 " Welcome to Tallaght" sign to proudly signpost the County town as a place of heritage. This will not conflict with further tourist signage and is a separate, very simple, BAU request and cost effective activity that is a basic tenet to create Pride of Place and a sense of place in the County Town and Town centre.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 2.4.2 Urban
That the Council identify key pieces of infrastructure which will be delivered in partnership that would make appropriate candidates for a design competition to deliver an innovative and iconic structure for the town centre such as the transport hub or a land bridge over the N81.
Cookstown industrial estate
In line with current zoning to the area that the council would consider that employment opportunities be maintained in the area.
that the council should consider an enterprise development project for the estate to maintain employment in the area.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan
The insertion of employment findings needs to be supported by an objective to actively market and attract intense office / head quarter businesses to Cookstown, Broomhill and Greenhills as a response to the survey findings. The market should not be allowed to simply assume residential is the only response to ensure greater use of floor space in the LAP area.
Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan
That the council recognises in setting out a new LAP for the central core of Tallaght that there has been a strong and long tradition of attracting business to the central core area – Irish Biscuits/ Packard Electric/ Gallagher’s and that the council sets out in the LAP how it sets out to carry out this long tradition taking into account that the nature of business has changed and so the focus will be on services, technology and pharmaceutical related businesses to ensure that people choose to live in the central core area of Tallaght may do so and may also have access to their workplace without the necessity to use a car.
That this Council call on the CE to ensure that there are no assumption of bus frequencies in the Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan that could trigger higher additional heights in areas such as the Greenhills Road until the Bus Connects consultation and final routes are published and operational
Tallaght LAP Special meeting
Re. 4.1 Economic Development and Tourism
That actively marketing Tallaght as the gateway to the mountains, while including the urban and rural parts of Tallaght is a key objective of this LAP.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan
To achieve intensive enterprise and employment land uses per square metre floor space in Cookstown, Broomhill, Whitestown and Greenhills no further data centres should be permitted.
There is a very large existing footprint of these in Greenhills and Airton already.
This Council calls on the CE to limit the number of Data Centres in the Tallaght Centre Local Area Plan in the Regen Zone, due to the lack of employment opportunities per floorspace in these Centres and to encourage industries that will offer higher numbers of jobs that will impact positively on future employment figures
Cookstown industrial estate
Proposed building heights be limited to 10 storey at most and also proposed that some apartment blocks as low as 4.5 storey.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 2.6.2- Set-back
That the approach of set-back with space for a green corridor on Airton Rd be replicated in the village zone, Greenhills and for the N81 frontage due to the highly visible arterial route it is.
This Council call on the Manager to remove the new height band for The Centre, and retain the heights set out in the Draft Tallaght Town Centre LAP, as the 4 to 6 story heights already sit higher than the adjoining landmark buildings, due to the elevated nature of the area.
That this Council Rejects the new height band for the Centre and retains the heights as set out in the draft LAP. This area is already elevated and therefore 4 to 6 storeys will already sit higher than adjoining landmark buildings
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 2.4.2 Urban
That the urban design competitions envisaged include proposals for an outdoor performance / cultural space in the under-utilised Library Square.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 3.3 Poddle uplift
That the return of Poddle waterway to the surface be prioritised given the benefits in terms of sense of place, heritage and the environment.
Amend the vision for Cookstown in Section 3.3 of the draft LAP as follows:
An attractive mixed use residential & employment led neighbourhood with distinctive urban qualities and high levels of access to public transport and the urban centre. Which will support existing businesses & additionally support the expansion of further small to medium size businesses. This LAP will not support planning applications that will affect the existing or future economic activity. Instead it will seek to provide support for higher intensity employment.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 4.1 Economic Development and Tourism
That the Council strategically review the inclusion of astro-pitches in the west section of Sean Walsh Park as a key project given the known flood risk and the fact that this is an identified wetland and that the west sector of the park remain for passive recreation on the DMW route and that it considers as an alternative site for astro-pitches the field beside the stadium that fronts to the N81.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan
To identify a site and progress design and funding of a county museum in the Tallaght LAP.
Tallaght Town Center LAP
Encourage the facilitation of a medical center in the vicinity of Tallaght stadium
In line with proposed development
Tallaght Stadium Local Area Plan
That a medical centre be provided for in the facility of tallaght stadium fourth stand in line with other proposed developments in the area and to cater for other existing dwellings in the area
Cookstown industrial estate
The CEO's report of 12/12/19 proposed that the 30% x 3-bedroom apartments, which was part of the first draft, should be dropped until a Housing Needs and Demand Assessment is carried out and matched to apartment size. The report does not say when this assessment will be completed which we believe will result in the 30% strategy being dropped on a permanent basis. I'm sure the planners had a solid basis for their 30% and it can be modified via the HNDA if needs be.
I propose that the original 30% plan be reinstated,
Page 73 to 77 Clearly show an evidenced based need(Cenus 2011 and 2016) for family sized homes in the LAP to cater for the proportion of the population to enable the current population to stay in the LAP and to avoid a mass exodius of pre-school or young family households. The mechanism to enabling the LAP include a firm requirement on this is a Housing Needs Demand Analysis. Please prioritise the production of same for the LAP area in H1 2020. Retain the requirement re: 3 bed apts of 30%, subject to the HNDA completion, where if it does not support it, this section can be varied. The LAP should not be weakened in this regard in it's ability to direct the supply of family homes in Cookstown and Airton
Page 73 to 77 show an evidenced based need(Census 2011 and 2016) for family sized homes in the LAP to cater for the proportion of the population to enable the current population to stay in the LAP and to cater for the needs of pre-school or young family households.
As a mechanism to enabling the LAP include a firm requirement on this is a Housing Needs Demand Analysis. Please prioritise the production of same for the LAP area in H1 2020.
Retain the requirement re: 3 bed apts of 30%, subject to the HNDA completion, where if it does not support it, this section can be varied.
Retaining a stated number in the plan sets out our commitment to expanding as a community rather than simple growth.
Page 73 to 77 Clearly show an evidenced based need (Census 2011 and 2016) for family sized homes in the LAP to cater for that proportion of the population and to enable the current population to stay in the LAP and to avoid a mass exodus of pre-school or young family households. The mechanism to enabling the LAP includes a firm requirement for family sized homes is a Housing Needs Demand Analysis. Please prioritise the production of same for the LAP area in H1 2020. Retain the requirement re: 3 bed units at 30%, subject to the HNDA completion. The LAP should not be weakened in this regard in it's ability to direct the supply of family homes in Cookstown and Airton.
That this Council, recognising that many professionals, such as Teachers, are finding it extremely difficult to find rental accommodation in the Tallaght area and the Town Centre in particular, call on the CE to make provision in the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan, where Developers are proposing to build Student Accommodation, that at least 15% of the development is made available for rental to Teaching Staff.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan.
To respond to the Census details outlined clearly on pages 72 - 77 of the LAP, there is a need for family homes for the young family population in the LAP area. We update Cookstown with an SLO like that done in Citywest Village to identify a site where high quality homes are developed by the luas for local family’s and key workers to support the long term sustainability of the population in the LAP.
That this Council calls on the Manager to ensure that a formal connector route is regarded in the Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan, to include pedestrian and cycle lanes, with effective signage, between the new Transport Hub, the LUAS terminus and the start of the Dublin Mountain Way at Sean Walsh Park.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 2.2.1 Access and Movement:
That a formal connector route with pedestrian and cycle lanes and effective signage links the Luas terminus and the start of the Dublin Mountain Way in Sean Walsh Park.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 4.1 Economic Development and Tourism
That key objectives for the green flag Sean Walsh Park are amended to include delivery of a clear, formal, landscaped and well signposted connector route for walkers and cyclists from The Square / Luas to the Dublin Moutain Way as an enhancement of the existing tourist asset in the LAP area.
Tallaght LAP Special meeting
Re. 3.2 The Centre
That the Landbridge outlined in the 2006 - 2011 and the 2011 - 2018 plans be reinstated.
Reinstate the Landbridge as outlined in the 2006 to 2011 and the 2011 to 2018 plans - key access and movement element. In 2006 LAP there was mention of a design competition for a landmark bridge to connect the Square to Sean Walsh Park. A looking bridge linking the Square and Sean Walsh Park.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re Whitestown Objectives
To collaborate with business owners with site fronting onto N81 to create an open, high quality green corridor to replace the highly industrial fencing. This will improve the reputation and appearance of the N81 at Whitestown / Killinarden.
Special Meeting of County Council to consider the Draft Tallaght town Centre Local Area Plan
To add to the key objectives of the Town Centre Park:
To identify and deliver a urban farm and inclusion garden allotments in the park to replace those being built on.
Tallaght LAP Special Meeting
Re. 4.1 Economic Development and Tourism
That delivery of a formal trail-head at the Dublin Mountain Way behind Tallaght Stadium is a key objective as regards Sean Walsh Park.
With 33% unemployment rates in some areas of Tallaght "CSO Figures" A local Employment Clause should be part of the phasing in the LAP with a % going to locals and another % going to apprentices. This should should be done in partnership with Employers, SDCC, DDETB, TUI, South County Partnership & Tallaght Training Centre that would support individuals to train & upskill.
That this Council when making provision for a Second Level School in the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan, ensures that the Dept of Education and Skills provide an All Weather, All Sports pitch on the site of the school.
That this Council call on the CE to ensure that Sports Facilities for Senior Citizens, such as Lawn Bowls, Outdoor Gym Equipment, Pitch and Putt, are provided for within the heart of the Town Centre Local Area Plan, to encourage a Healthy Lifestyle.
Tallaght Town centre local area plan
That it be the policy of SDCC to establish a farmers market in the Tallaght area and to include consideration for Tallaght stadium as a possible venue.