South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, January 23, 2020


MOTION: Councillor Teresa Costello

Special Council Meeting to Consider the Draft Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan

That given the densities envisaged in the LAP, particularly in the context of high rise developments what steps is the council taking to ensure an appropriate level of amenity space that reflects the high population density of such developments.


The Draft Plan provides a blueprint for development identifying routes, linkages, public spaces, street frontages and building lines. To reiterate, the success of the LAP, especially the delivery of quality infrastructure is dependent on the implementation of a strong sequential approach to the delivery of infrastructure. Following on from the Chief Executive's report, the phasing requirements for each neighbourhood will now be incorporated into each of the neighbourhoods in Chapter 3.

Thus, for example a key component in the delivery of the Cookstown Regeneration lands will be the provision of a mix of new and improved amenity spaces. This will include both pocket park spaces and the delivery of two new Urban Squares at Cookstown and Belgard respectively.

The Tallaght LAP is reinforced by a strong vision for the public realm and open space of the Plan area i.e. Figure 2.9 refers. A hierarchy of parks and public spaces are identified as part of the Urban Framework to provide attractive, interesting and well used outdoor spaces, creating a pedestrian centred environment with active, inviting public spaces and parks. New pocket parks and squares are to be developed in conjunction with the adjoining lands on which they are located, with the Local Authority taking a lead role in ensuring delivery and enhancement of public open space in the area.

Proposals for public realm works should be integrated into the Design Statements and Landscaping Plans, which accompany planning applications. Applicants will need to demonstrate how their proposal is supporting the delivery of this network of streets and spaces. It is an objective toprepare a public realm strategy for the plan area.

It is intended that the mix of smaller pocket parks will be delivered through private development, however, at this stage it is likely the Council may be required to take a more active role in the delivery of the two large urban parks. These key pieces of infrastructure will be required to be delivered in tandem with and prior to the completion of each block of development (as detailed in section 8.4.3 of the Draft Plan) within the town centre and Cookstown Regeneration lands. The purpose of the sequencing requirements is to ensure that a minimum level of infrastructure, facilities and amenities are provided together with new residential development.

It is also policy of the Council that designers will be required to ensure successful interaction between the residential scheme, streets and public realm to foster a true sense of neighbourhood and encourage interaction between residents. Opportunities for animated ground floors, homes with own door access, private landscaped terraces and a successful integration with communal and public open space shall be encouraged. Along mixed frontage streets commercial, communal and other appropriate active uses at ground floor level shall be required.


No further amendment required as clarification on the matter has been provided.